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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 3 Dec 2000 11:34:34 -0600
TEXT/PLAIN (256 lines)
I am resending this.  I pray this time the mail server at St. john's
University does not hopelessly corrupt it with endless equals signs.


The New york times 
November 22, 2000

Software to Track E-Mail Raises Privacy Concerns


     It was during a recent job search that Donald Bell gave in to the
     temptation to bug his own e-mail. Mr. Bell, 55, had e-mailed dozens
     of résumés to prospective employers and received scant response.
     Naturally he wondered: was he being rejected, or had his messages
     gone unread?
     Anyone who has been left hanging knows it is the sort of nagging
     question that is rarely answered. But thanks to a furtive
     application of a feature common to the latest e-mail programs, Mr.
     Bell was able to learn, undetected, that the intended recipients
     were indeed opening his messages. With a service he found on the
     Internet, he could even tell precisely when a recipient read his
     e-mail messages and if the message was sent on to anyone else.
     "It feels a little naughty, because you can't do this with postal
     mail," said Mr. Bell, who has since started his own company in San
     Francisco and sometimes uses the e-mail service to check whether
     colleagues forward messages that he considers confidential. "But
     e-mail is a different animal. You have to just reach into your
     heart and decide what you're going to do."
     Mr. Bell is not alone in taking advantage of new e-mail software
     that makes certain kinds of monitoring easy and nearly
     imperceptible. At a time when many Internet users have come to
     grips with advertisers' tracking their anonymous trail of clicks
     across the World Wide Web, the frontier of the electronic privacy
     wars is shifting to the more personal realm of the e-mail "in" box.
     Marketing companies now regularly keep tabs on which prospective
     customers open their e-mail solicitations, and at what time of day,
     arguing that consumers benefit because the information is used to
     devise more personalized promotions. Individuals who have used
     e-mail tracking services say they feel entitled to monitor their
     own correspondence in a medium where it is so easily passed along
     or ignored.
     But privacy advocates contend that such practices open a new window
     of surveillance on a traditionally private sphere of
     communications. They compare it to having someone who leaves a
     message on your answering machine a telemarketer, say, or your
     mother alerted the moment you listen to it. More troubling, they
     say, is that the same technology can be used to match a recipient's
     e-mail address with previously anonymous records of the Web sites
     visited from that person's computer.
     Connecting the data collected through files known as cookies with
     an e-mail address, the privacy advocates argue, will be
     irresistible to marketers seeking to identify the buying habits and
     personal tastes of individual consumers. The linked databases, they
     say, could also be consulted by law enforcement agencies, insurance
     companies, employers and others who would need only an e-mail
     address to look up a record of an individual's activities on the
     "You can buy 50,000 addresses of people who subscribe to The New
     Yorker," said Richard M. Smith, chief technology officer of the
     Privacy Foundation. "But you don't know what articles they're
     reading in it, or what books they've bought or what medical
     problems they've been researching lately. That's very much a
     possibility within this technology."
     The technology in question is seemingly innocuous: the ability of
     the latest e-mail programs to send and display images. E-mail
     senders use the feature, based on the Web's computer language, to
     create colorful messages known as HTML mail.
     But many also use it to embed tiny images that are invisible to the
     recipients. Marketers call them pixel tags and say they are used to
     gauge the success of e-mail campaigns. Privacy advocates prefer a
     more ominous name Web bugs.
     The instant someone opens an e-mail message that contains
     instructions to display a graphic file, his or her computer
     automatically fetches the image from a specified location on the
     Internet. By adding a unique identifying code to those
     instructions, a sender can record when a particular recipient
     retrieves the image, and, thus, when the e-mail message is opened.
     Subsequent retrieval of the image can tell the sender how often the
     message is reopened, and sometimes whether it has been forwarded
     (though not the precise forwarding address).
     Direct marketers, the most frequent users of the technique, say it
     is akin to the standard practice among Internet advertisers of
     tracking which banners Web surfers click on.
     "I don't see any privacy issues there because the data is secure
     and never sold," said William Park, chief executive of Digital
     Impact, an e- mail marketing company that has designed campaigns
     for dozens of clients. "From the marketing perspective, if you're
     not opening that e- mail it might be we're sending it on the wrong
     day of the week, or the subject line is really boring, or the
     subject line is really cryptic."
     The emergence of HTML mail may well make reading e-mail messages
     more like visiting a Web site, with all the attendant privacy
     risks. But for many Internet users, such risks may seem more
     acceptable on the Web than they do in their "in" box.
     Sophisticated Internet users know that when they click on a Web
     advertisement they are probably exposing themselves to scrutiny,
     and that it is possible to reject the files that record such
     But few are aware of the tracking capability of HTML mail. And
     while some e-mail programs, like Microsoft Outlook and Eudora, give
     users the option of screening images out, others, like America
     Online 6.0 and Web-based Hotmail do not.
     Some recipients of e-mail newsletters say they do not mind if the
     sender knows when they open a message, particularly if the aim is
     to alert them to a sale or a new product. But others argue that it
     violates their right to communicate, or not, without being
     observed. And particularly in a country where postal mailboxes are
     protected by federal law, the notion that reading e-mail messages
     is no longer a private act may prove disconcerting.
     "We would shudder if regular letters were implanted with secret
     signals that alerted their senders when they were opened," said
     Jeffrey Rosen, author of "The Unwanted Gaze: The Destruction of
     Privacy in America" (Random House, 2000). "It seems to invade both
     the privacy of the home and in some sense the privacy of the mind."
     Still, the practice is becoming more common. About 60 percent of e-
     mail users have software that can read HTML mail, according to the
     online research firm Jupiter Media Metrix, a number expected to
     grow significantly as America Online users install version 6.0, the
     first update to include the feature, released last month.
     As advertising on Web sites proves increasingly ineffective, many
     companies like Eddie Bauer and Borders are relying more heavily on
     e-mail solicitations whose value lies in part in the ability to
     track recipient response. How many subscribers actually open e-mail
     has also become an important measurement by which e-mail newsletter
     companies like Lifeminders sell advertising. Companies that send
     unsolicited bulk e-mail use tracking to increase the value of their
     address lists by weeding out those who never open their messages.
     And individuals can use Postel Services, the Korean company whose
     service Mr. Bell used to learn the fate of his job applications.
     Messages routed through its servers have tiny graphic files
     appended before being sent on. When the recipient opens the
     message, Postel is alerted and in turn alerts the sender.
     Soobok Lee, the company's founder, said about 30,000 people had
     used the service since its introduction in May, in addition to
     several companies that had purchased licenses to track all of their
     correspondence. The first 30 messages a month are free, after which
     Postel charges 2 cents a message.
     But whatever the utility or etiquette involved in monitoring the
     opening of a single e-mail message, it is the potential for that
     act to open a door to far more personal information that some find
     most unsettling.
     The main object of concern is advertising companies like
     DoubleClick, Engage and 24/7 Media that already track the Web
     travels of tens of millions of Internet users, anonymously, by way
     of cookies.
     The first time someone visits a site where DoubleClick places
     advertisements, for instance, the company deposits an identifying
     code No. 1234, say on the visitor's computer. After that, every
     time the computer with cookie No. 1234 visits one of the several
     thousand sites that contract with DoubleClick, the company records
     the visit.
     DoubleClick and others use the information gleaned from cookies to
     choose which advertisement from the hundreds of clients they
     represent is most suited to an individual's tastes. They may know,
     for instance, that No. 1234 has recently visited sites related to
     quitting smoking, sport utility vehicles and the Green Party but
     they have generally had no way of knowing who No. 1234 is.
     The opportunity to identify the person behind the cookie comes when
     one of the advertising firms sends HTML mail to a consumer on
     behalf of a client, tagged with a unique identifier to track when
     it is opened. When the recipient opens such a message, the cookie
     code is exposed to the sender's server computer, which can compare
     it with those stored in its own database. At that moment, No. 1234
     could be revealed as [log in to unmask]
     After drawing scrutiny this year from the Federal Trade Commission,
     the major advertisers have vowed to refrain from linking personally
     identifiable information to anonymously collected data without
     permission from the consumer. But privacy advocates say consumers
     may consent unwittingly, and they note that voluntary privacy
     policies are easily modified.
     Another practice, which involves using e-mail as a kind of Trojan
     horse to deliver a cookie file, recently prompted the Michigan
     attorney general's office to warn that it would sue one Web site,
     Evite, under the state's Consumer Protection Act unless it began to
     inform consumers.
     Party organizers use Evite, a San Francisco-based online invitation
     service, to send e-mail HTML invitations. In addition to collecting
     the official R.S.V.P.'s, Evite is able to tell the organizer who
     opened the mail without responding, and who did not open it. Those
     who open the invitation receive a cookie from Evite, which would
     not otherwise be possible unless they visited its Web site.
     Privacy advocates speculate that the company could "rent"the cookie
     and the e-mail address it is associated with to other sites.
     Evite's chief executive, Josh Silverman, declined to be
     interviewed, citing continuing negotiations with the Michigan
     attorney general. He said in a statement that the cookies Evite
     delivered were not linked to addresses.
     But Nick Ragouzis, a technically savvy business consultant in San
     Francisco who discovered Evite's invisible pixel in an invitation
     he received recently, said that alone was enough to make him feel
     his privacy had been invaded.
     "I don't really care that they know I opened this particular
     message," Mr. Ragouzis said. "But they never asked me. And there
     would be other messages that I would care about. I feel I should be
     Mr. Ragouzis said he told the host of the party, Jad Duwaik, to
     refrain from sending him future Evite invitations and asked that he
     stop using the company's services altogether. But Mr. Duwaik, who
     organizes networking events for entrepreneurs, said the information
     provided by Evite about how many of the invitees open the messge
     helped him gauge interest in his parties.
     "It's something I feel uncomfortable with as a consumer," Mr.
     Duwaik said. "But as an organizer it's just too useful to give up."

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