Paleolithic Eating Support List


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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Jeremy and Kendra <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 27 Sep 1999 10:04:10 -0500
text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
I think you should reread the message!  I surely show more intelligence than you.  I
can express my feelings without vulgar offensive language or personal attacks.  I am
still wondering why someone who thinks a Symphony Bar is nutritious and holds the
key to possibly solving some of her children's disorders will not try it?  You call
yourself Mother of the Alphabet Soup Bailey Boys.  No one else here list their
children's problems over and over again and then refuse to actively support their
own children with wise food choices.  Everyone else on this list listens and
practices what they advise.

I do not think many people would like it if a diabetic got on here and whined all
the time about their ailments and than said, well, I can not give up dairy and
cereal.  It is the only thing I get like normal people.  So, the statement is all of
us are on abnormal diets and do not fit in with society?  I am aware of my ailment
but just do not want to get support and advice for it?  I am just here to give
everyone else advice like what can be found on your web site.  See a real doctor and
take harmful medications?

You might want to send a private message next time your statements are not going to
have anything to do with a Paleo lifestyle.  Try to express yourself a little better
though.  It is insulting to have to respond to such a sad expression of your


Mother of the Healthy Paleo Boy

Dr. Mom wrote:

> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
>  Jeremy and Kendra wrote:
> ::Why are you on this list?  You cannot offer any real good advice in
> something
> ::you do not believe in.  You spout your children's disorders like it is
> ::something to be proud of
>         !@#$ off.  I came back here to help people.  I was on the caveman diet
> when you were still in diapers.  You are so stupid you don't realize that a
> signature line is supposed to tell something about where you are coming
> from.  You, you self-righteous bitch, have prob. never raised a child in
> your life.  Enjoy it because it is the last time in your life you will have
> all the answers, Neanderbrain.
>         Never, in all my years on the net, have I met anyone as rude or ignorant
> as you.
> Dr. Mom- Ph.D. in motherhood.
> BS- psychology, BA-biology
> Graduate courses in biochemistry.
> Will give nutritional advice for books.
> [log in to unmask]