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"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 11 Jul 2000 00:24:17 -0500
"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
Tony Abdo <[log in to unmask]>
1.0 (WebTV)
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I hope that this is a boycott that can unite all religions and
connoisseurs from Qatar to Houston to London.     Tony

Muslims Renew Calls For Boycott Against Fast Food Giant
Published Thursday July 06, 2000

U.S. Muslims are renewing a boycott of the fast food giant Burger King
amid allegations the corporation reneged on its agreement to remove its
logo from a food court in an illegal West Bank settlement.

Boycott organizers from American Muslims for Jerusalem (AMJ) initiated
the action after Burger King executives reportedly did not re-commit to
earlier promises that the franchise would be removed. The restaurant is
still operating in the illegal Israeli settlement of Ma'ale Adumim,
located three miles east of Jerusalem. Palestinians believe the
settlement was established on confiscated land in an attempt to
consolidate control over Jerusalem.

"We urge people of conscience to reject Burger King, its products and
its regrettable embrace of an occupation the international community has
declared illegal. We will continue this call until Burger King
implements its August 26, 1999 commitment to its consumers to "remove
the Burger King brand from (Ma'ale Adumim) immediately," a statement
released this week by AMJ said.

The group referred to a promise made earlier by the Burger King
Corporation to shut down the franchise. In a statement released in late
August of last year, Burger King announced it had cancelled the right of
Rikamore, Ltd., an independent franchisee in Israel, to operate a Burger
King food court counter in Ma'ale Adumim.

"... Rikamor falsely informed Burger King that the food court would be
located in Israel. It had been clearly understood between the two
companies that Burger King would not approve Rikamor opening restaurants
in the West Bank at this sensitive time in the peace process," the
Burger King statement said.

The company has said it has no interest in taking sides in the
Arab-Israeli issue, but said it made its decision based upon "a
commercial basis and in the best interests of the hundreds of thousands
of people who depend on the Burger King reputation for their

Burger King officials could not be reached for comment.

Since 1993, Burger King has encouraged the expansion of its outlets in
Israel – 46 to date – along with an Israeli-based supply network.
Burger King executives say they are interested in opening more
restaurants throughout the Middle East and currently have restaurants in
Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. There are more than 130 Burger
King restaurants in the region, including a newly opened one in Jordan.
Plans are underway for expansion to Lebanon.

Burger King Corporation and its
franchisees operate more than 10,500 restaurants in all 50 U.S. states
and 54 countries and international territories around the world. The
corporation is a part of Diageo, the international food and drinks
company which produces alcoholic beverages such as Johnnie Walker and
J&B Scotch whiskies, Smirnoff vodka, Gordon's gin, Baileys cream
liqueur, and Guinness stout.