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Thu, 11 May 2000 10:39:16 -0400
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


Many thanks to all of you who sent such helpful information.  Following are
the suggestions:

Contact Gluten Intolerance Group in Seattle, WA for Restaurant Card
information. They have a wallet size plastic card written in English and also
have other languages in paper form.  There is a small charge for the
plastic card, but the foreign languages are no charge.

Gluten Intolerance Group, website www.gluten.net, email [log in to unmask],
phone 206-246-6652, fax 206-246-6531, address 15110 10th Ave SW, Suite A,
Seattle, WA 98166-1820

Here are the adresses from the italian Celiac Association:
A.I.C. Associazione Italiana
via Picotti 22
I-56124 Pisa
Tel.: + 39 50 580939
Fax: + 39 50 580939
eMail: [log in to unmask]


Assiciazione Ciliaci
Emilia Romagna
Via Masia. 21
I-40138 Bologna
Tel.: + 39 51391980

And here is a italian translation for eating out in restaurants:

Siccome non posso digerire proteine di cereali (segale, grano (frumento), orzo,
avena) i miei piatti non devono contenere la minima quantita di farina, pane
grattugiato, semolino, pasta, ecc. Qualora il piatto sezionato contenga uno
degli ingredienti menzionati a cui non puo essere rununciato, La prego di
propormi un altro piatto.


(in English)
Since I suffer from an inabilitiy to digest cereal derived proteins (rye, wheat,
barley, oats, spelt), I cannot eat dishes containing flour, breadcrumbs,
semolina, pasta, etc. Should any of these ingredients be used in the chosen
meal and it is not possible to leave them out, please could you offer an
alternative dish.  Thank you very much.


Message: "Sono allergica al glutine, una sostanza presente in tutti i
prodotti derivati dal grano, dall'orzo o dall'avena. Debbo quindi evitare
pasta, pane, farina eccetera. Posso invece mangiare senza problemi prodotti
conteneti riso, granturco o patate. La prego di aiutarmi a scegliere un menu

It means "I am allergic to gluten, a substance that is found in all the
product derived from wheat or oats. I must therefore avoid pasta, bread,
flour etc. I can instead eat without problem products containing rice, corn
or potatoes. Please help me to choose a suitable meal"

In Rome you will find the largest selection of GF product at Panella, on Via
Merulana, close to the Santa Maria Maggiore Basilica.

My husband Miles (the celiac) and I spent 2 weeks in Italy last July without
a problem.  We used the note from Against the Grain and had a waiter in Italy
make the  necessary correction (just a minor wording) - I think the phrase
was "no glutano."  Miles did not have a problem at all in Italy.  We spent
time in Lake Como and Tuscany (went to Florence).  Most restaurants in the
north have risotto (as a starch) and fresh fish, meat dishes, etc.  We
never worried about what restaurant to go to because everyone was helpful and

I am a celiac Italian girl. You can find the list of all celiac restaurants
in the regional web sites of the Italian Celiac Association (AIC). First you
have to go to the national site ("www.celiachia.it") and then click on the two
regions of interest (Lazio for Rome and Toscana for Florence). Then you have to
click in order to select the list of gluten-free restaurants. There is an
English version for the criteria for restaurants, following the Italian.
Otherwise you will have to deal with the Italian version. For this reason
I tell you that in the site of region Toscana you have to click on the first
option "Elenco dei Ristoratori senza glutine!", while for region Lazio you have
to scroll and then click where you read the word "ristoranti" (sorry, but I do
not remember exactly which is the sentence used).

In any case, I have read "Against the grain" and the instructions are not
completely correct in Italian, but more or less any Italian would understand
them, except for the fact that the right Italian word for gluten is "GLUTINE"
and not "GLUTENO" as stated there. But the main problem is that in "normal"
restaurants nobody knows what is glutine, so I usually have to explain carefully
what it is in. I guess that for a foreigner it is not so easy! Therefore, as in
both towns the number of gluten-free restaurants is quite high, I recommend
you go only in those restaurants. Otherwise I wouldn't eat anything different
from salad, grilled vegetables, grilled meat or fish. That's what I use to do,
and, to me, it is the unique safe way out.


Site of the Italian Coeliac Association:


Pat Krimmel
Phila, PA