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Fri, 10 Sep 1999 16:17:02 -0500
"N C Lee et al." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (118 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello All,
Thanks to all for your responses to my inquiry.  I have included summaries
of most of them with the original letter being first.  I might add for what
it's worth that I took the blood test for Celiac (which was sent to the Mayo
Clinic) and it came up negative.  My GI said the test is 98% accurate.

One respondent had the same experience that I did, namely going GF and
having immediate results for a week or two, only to have the symptoms
return.  What is confusing is that this same thing happened when I went back
ON yogurt after having been off it for a year or more.  The yogurt worked
wonders for about a week, but after that, nothing.  This makes me think the
problem is not celiac related. On the other hand, I also have many white
specks on my fingernails and get occasional small sores on the back of my
head (two symptoms of Celiac I have read about).  Could this be what is
called "Reactive Sprue"?  I understand such a condition is treated with
steroids.  Guess I should get endoscoped for some answers.

Thanks again!


 For most of my adult life I have had incomplete defacation with very soft,
loose stools that often float.  As a result, I must wipe myself literally
dozens of times.  It seems to be mitigated by staying off wheat and other
foods which I am having a hard time identifying.  I don't seem to have manyof
the other symptoms being referred to.  I would be very interested to know if
anyone has this problem or has any suggestions.  My GI has never heard of
such a thing.  I went through some very new tests (defacography and rectal
pressure stuff) to no avail.  Life is a drag.

> I just had to write after reading your post.  I have had the same
> problem all my life but now I know it is caused by gluten.  Now that I
> am gluten-free everything is normal, except if I accidentally ingest
> some gluten.  Even minute amounts will cause the problem you describe
> Go to www.paleodiet.com and there you will learn about nutrtion and eating
> only real food: meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds. The refined
> man-made foods are affecting you. No more refined grains, dairy, oils and
> sugar.
> An excellent book to read is Neanderthin at www.sofdesign.com/neander
> While you are waiting for the book, read the articles at the site,
> especially one by the playwrite, Roger Macdougall about eating right!
> I had the exact problem, but it got much better after I went gluten-free.
> You might also want to try eliminating cassein (dairy) and canola oil
> (which I think is also called rapeseed).  These seem to also cause a lot
> of problems. Good luck.

I seem to have a similiar problem.  At first I thought it was just me.
Then my doctor said that I needed to adhere to a GF diet more diligently.
I eat volumes of rice, some baked potatoes & corn.

I am also trying to put more casein in my diet. I try to eat foods which go
through the system slowly or tend to slow down the digestion.  Rice and
casein are two good examples

> Could you have IBS (irritable bowl syndrome)?  Some of
> the symptoms may point to that possibility.

> I have the exact same problem and had never seen it addressed on this
> listserv,  I hope you get some answers, as I haven't any.  My G.I. is at
> a loss, too.  When I first went on the G.F. diet 3 months ago my stools
> immediately changed.  I was in fact constipated!  When I did go they were
> very hard and for the first time in my life sunk!  That only lasted for 2
> weeks and now I am back to same-o, same-o!

> I had the same symptoms and they cleared after a gluten freee, wheat free
> diet.  It took several months for complete normality however

> I have had and still have the problems you describe.  Floating stools are
> due to malabsorption of fats.  Maybe you could cut back on your fat
> intake, and see, over time if that makes a difference.  I'm assuming you
> are on a GF diet, which is essential to correct that problem.
> Concerning the inability to cleanse oneself readily, my problem is because
> of a prolapsed rectum, which has loosened my anus to the point that,
> often, I am wiping in my rectum itself, rather than in the area just
> outside of the rectum.  Surely your GI specialist would have discovered if
> you have a rectal prolapse.

I too find myself going 3-5 times a day most days.  It used to be 15 times a
day before I went gf.  Anyway, I've found that taking a tablespoon of
Metamucil after dinner really helps bulk me up and makes for a more thorough
evacuation in the morning.  Takes a few days to get used to the stuff, but I
don't go a day without it now.  If you try it, make sure you only get the
orange flavour "smooth" formula and follow the directions.  It is gf but the
others aren't.  Guaranteed to cut down on your toilet paper bill.

Please consider thinking about looking at a web site called
www.NAET.com.  I have also suffered from incomplete defecation

I do not have the problem to the extremes that you do, but I certainly
recognize the situation. Going gluten free has been the most help; but every
time I have a little gluten contamination, I have more trouble with my anus
not completely doing its job.

I have heard that incomplete defecation is related to food allergies. So
it must be something you are eating that you are allergic to. Some
people feel that they are not finished when going to the bathroom, it
has been stated previously that comes from food allergy as stated by an

> Just wanted to let you know that I have something similar but it came on
> about the time I developed what I think is wheat allergy.

> Actually it's pretty classic. I have the same problem, especially after
> gluten accidents. You're not alone with that one

I've had a similar problem.  Nothing floated, particularly, but I know what
you mean about the other.  That with horrible gas are my celiac symptoms,
which return whenever I slip up.  Horribly depressing and hard to live with.
A gluten free diet is the only thing that stops it.