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Tue, 2 Nov 1999 23:04:11 -0800
"Healthy Creations Inc." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (16 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I can appreciate Vance's statement but from my corner of the world, where I
have 1 self diagnosed child and 1 biopsy diagnosed child, a test to confirm
the "self diagnosed" child as an actual Celiac would be welcomed.  I say
this not because I haven't accepted the fact that he is a Celiac, I say this
because he would then be part of the "statistics".  All the individuals out
there who have diagnosed themselves without a biopsy are not included in the
over all statistics.  Therefore, if the self diagnosed individuals were in
fact tested and proven to be "Celiac" without the gluten challenge...the
Celiac numbers would be SO MUCH BIGGER!  Our voice would be closer to being
heard!  The stats then, would be more accurate as to the prevalence of this

Chris in Ontario