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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Tue, 14 Sep 1999 21:23:52 -0400
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I was wondering if anyone on the list has any suggestions to my problem.

I had my gallbladder removed  six weeks ago.  My symptoms were
indegestion.  They tested the gallbladder and it had stones so it was
removed.  Since then I have had increasing problems with acid.  My GI
did an endoscopy two weeks ago she said there was a great deal of acid
in my stomach could be post op or "something else".  She also took a
biopsy and said my intestines are healed (2 yrs gf I don't cheat)

I was given propulsid 10mg and prilosec 20 mg to be taken at breakfast
and dinner.  I seemed to be doing better but now I am worse.  My throat
is killing me, my ear is clogged(due to acid so they say) doctor put me
on 10mg propulsid 4X's a day and prilosec 20 mg at breakfast and before
bed.  I asked the doctor if this is something I just have to live with.
She told me to try these meds for two more days and suggested I may be
stressed out due to all that has happened.

I was pretty happy last week because  I was feeling better.  I have also
gotten the stressed out stuff before a great deal before diagnosis.

Any ideas?  I am sure I am not getting hidden gluten.  I have decreased
acid intake tomatoes  etc.  The doctor said I should be able to eat
acidic foods while taking the medication.

Has anyone els experienced this?
