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"M. J. P. Senk" <[log in to unmask]>
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VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Sun, 10 May 1998 04:21:25 -0400
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Thanks to Dallas Dileo of the Carnegie Library for informing us about this
article from the May 5th issue of Salon magazine.

The article links to several sites including - and

--- from Salon Magazine ---

   Web-ability: Even people who aren't in the position to enjoy all the
   Web's bells and whistles ought to be able to access its information.
                          BY MIKE BRITTEN

What happens if you browse
   the Web, but first turn your monitor off? Poof! Hundreds of millions
   of dollars in venture capital, R&D and relentless hype -- not to
   mention human creativity and effort of monumental proportions --

   When you can't see what's going on, all of the Web's hippest,
   state-of-the-art, supposedly life-enhancing technical innovations --
   spinning widgets, dancing logos, animated come-ons, scrolling gossip,
   streaming video clips and interactive shopping forms -- become
   instantly meaningless.

   As any student at Gallaudet University will be happy to tell you, with
   today's growing emphasis on multimedia, the ability to hear can't hurt
   when it comes to accessing information, either. Then consider what a
   bitch it can be even for a sighted person who might have any one of
   countless possible mobility problems to position a mouse cursor over
   the word "here" in "click here."

   Making Web pages accessible to the widest imaginable population was
   always a part of the intentions of its original creators, who dreamed
   of a universal Net-based information medium. But as the Web has grown
   commercialized, accessibility has often taken a back seat to
   proprietary schemes or been forced to play second fiddle to
   extravagant designs.

   I recently followed a link to an essay with a title that intrigued me:
   Could Helen Keller Read Your Page? Terry Sullivan, co-author of that
   article, is the Webmaster for All Things Web, a site that focuses on
   design issues and usability engineering. When I contacted him via
   e-mail, Sullivan did not mince words: "These days, most Web sites are
   not only NOT designing for accessibility, they are designing for
   INaccessibility, by focusing most of their efforts on presentation,
   rather than content. Almost everyone will have some trouble with such
   sites at some point in their lives."

   That last sentence is a reference to the code word that millions of
   members of the disabled community use when referring to the rest of
   the world: "TABs," or "temporarily able-bodied" persons. And since
   most TABs, as Sullivan points out, "will likely suffer some physical
   impairment (particularly vision impairment) sometime in their lives,"
   the issue of universal access to the Web touches every current and
   future consumer of it. "It's unbearably tragic that so many designers
   are so shortsighted," says Sullivan.

     But what is "accessibility," anyway -- and who
   defines it?

   "Accessibility" is a righteous concept, politically correct to the
   core. But is there a consensus yet about what it is and how to achieve
   it on the Web? Not exactly, though standards are beginning to emerge.
   Though the Americans With Disabilities Act includes language that
   extends its principles to the online world, it has yet to have
   substantial impact on the Web. In the meantime, "accessibility" means
   different things to different people -- and this, I think, is
   worthwhile, since the problem it addresses is so complex and

   From a technical point of view -- one not necessarily having anything
   at all to do with the needs of the disabled -- accessibility is about
   creating Web pages that display equally well in any competing browser.
   There already exists a growing community of activists who champion
   what's known as the Campaign for a Non-Browser-Specific WWW. Simply
   put, if you cruise on over to my Web site using Browser X, but my site
   uses proprietary extensions to HTML that only work when viewed with
   Browser Y, then at least some of my site is inaccessible to you -- oh
   poor hapless bastard user of inferior technology. And it's just too
   damn bad.

   Disabled Web users, on the other hand -- notably the blind and
   visually impaired -- face specific obstacles and use specific
   technology to get around them. Chief among these tools is screen
   reader software capable of turning text into Braille or synthesized
   voice. Fundamentally, however, screen readers can look at text only
   from left to right and top to bottom. An accessible Web site is one
   that makes this possible -- not by depriving sighted users of all the
   nice images and eye candy that we love, but by including alternate
   routes around them.

   When screen readers hit an image, they can't make sense of it. Only
   text computes. Fortunately, there is a simple method available to
   designers and HTML coders that enables them to provide smooth detours.
   This requires developers to take advantage of an optional feature in
   HTML, a tag they can use to provide a textual description of images.
   Unfortunately, precisely because it is optional and takes a little
   extra time to implement -- sometimes, too, because of a lack of
   awareness and sensitivity -- very few commercial sites bother. As if
   this weren't already enough of a hassle, imagine how mind-blowing it
   is for screen readers to deal with multicolumn, newspaper-style
   presentations or even farther-out designs that rely on excessive use
   of HTML's frames and tables.

   The thing is, even sites that absolutely depend on fancy visual design
   to attract the widest possible audience of sighted visitors could, if
   they wanted to, also include the many millions of disabled Americans
   (plus the hundreds of millions of potential customers worldwide) --
   simply by providing a link at the top of a home page that leads to a
   text-only version of the site in question. Text-only means, well, text
   only -- including intelligently worded hyperlinks. It's also worth
   noting that many sighted Web users regularly take advantage of their
   browser's option to turn graphics off for the purpose of getting at
   content as quickly as possible, especially over slow modem

   The most significant work being done in the accessibility field today
   is that of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the internationally
   recognized group, headquartered at MIT, that's responsible for Web
   standards. This aspect of their work is in the form of an
   international project called the Web Accessibility Initiative. As I
   followed the hypertext trail from one link to the next, I kept seeing
   references to a mysteriously named organization -- the Yuri Rubinsky
   Insight Foundation.

   According to Executive Director Mike Paciello, the late Rubinsky was
   an "icon of the Information Age." Among his considerable achievements,
   which include being the co-founder of SoftQuad (maker of the Web
   authoring tool HoTMetaL Pro), Rubinsky was the first technical
   director of the International Committee for Accessible Document
   Design. "Yuri was hugely responsible for the success of the first
   formal document standard that was used to translate electronic
   information into Braille, synthesized voice and large text," says
   Paciello. Officially established in April 1996, the foundation was
   created to carry on Rubinsky's work on behalf of the blind and
   visually impaired. Paciello is proud to note that the Web
   Accessibility Initiative, the original version of which he wrote and
   designed, was the first "feather in our cap."

   Paciello further explained that he "positioned the plan as a
   collaboration between government, industry and disability groups from
   the start -- I knew that this was the only chance it had of
   succeeding." Among the usual industry suspects committed to the WAI
   are IBM/Lotus, Microsoft, Sun and Apple. Governmental participants
   include the Department of Education, the National Science Foundation,
   the White House and the European Commission. Involved members of the
   disability community are too numerous to list -- so numerous, in fact,
   that without advanced search engine skills, you'll need kick-ass
   patience to find precisely what you're looking for. Which brings us to

   Originally Paciello's personally funded project, this road map to
   disability information on the Web is now maintained by the foundation
   Paciello heads. Over the past six months, the foundation has also
   conducted about 15 major workshops that focus on the WAI Page
   Authoring Guidelines, in a vigorous effort to educate webmasters and
   Web designers about Web page accessibility. A new lingo has naturally
   begun to crop up in the wake of these initiatives. "Electronic
   curbcut" is a new way to describe navigational features that make it
   possible for disabled users to more easily maneuver around a Web site.
   Free HTML validation services, such as the Center for Applied Special
   Technology's extremely friendly Bobby and the W3C's own more austere
   HTML checker, are readily available to help anyone create more
   accessible Web space.

   There is simply no excuse for creating inaccessible Web sites anymore.
   The amount of information available to help site builders work around
   barriers is staggering in its variety and depth. The WebABLE Library
   page is one of the best examples of this. So is the University of
   Wisconsin's Designing a More Usable World. To ignore research of this
   caliber and build a site that is not inclusive, that does not provide
   crucial accessibility features like alternate textual descriptions for
   graphic images, is akin to building a public library without
   wheelchair ramps or special services for the blind. Terry Sullivan of
   All Things Web puts it this way: "One of my personal pet peeves is
   that creating accessible pages is just so easy to do, and yet so few
   designers bother to take the extra minute or two to do so."

   Sullivan says there is a strong incentive for creating accessi pages
that most people seem to ignore because they mistakenly equate
   accessibility with "lowest common denominator." But he is quick to
   point out that most of the techniques used to create
   high-accessibility pages are identical to the techniques used to
   create high-compatibility pages. "In other words, high-accessibility
   pages not only render well for, say, speech browsers, they render well
   in virtually all browsers. Every reader who's had a bratty page lock
   up their browser can relate to the need for designing for

   Now, let's just stipulate that personal home pages, the ones that only
   a few relatives and friends ever visit, are exempt from the standards
   put forth by advocacy groups like the Yuri Rubinsky Insight
   Foundation. Uncle Jake's Virtual Worm Farm and Zen Rock Climbing
   Quarterly don't concern me, either. And magazines like Salon, that are
   more about the written word than graphics and style for their own
   sake, could easily tweak behind-the-scenes code, at little expense, in
   order to improve their compliance with the ideal of universal access.

   These suggestions are easy to implement. It's only when one takes a
   hard look at large, multimillion-dollar sites that the situation
   appears dire. You know the culprits -- from entities like major
   network news and information organizations to sprawling entertainment
   and sports conglomerates, these server-hungry beasts make the work
   that needs to be done seem almost insurmountable. Not because, as
   Sullivan and many others point out, it's especially difficult to do;
   it's just the sheer, unwieldy size of it all.

   Paciello says that we're just beginning to touch the problems. He
   counsels, however, against too much pessimism. At the same time,
   having been in the trenches for over a decade, he says,
   "Realistically, it will take a mammoth effort to make this happen. The
   W3C, being an internationally recognized consortium of industry,
   should help. They are certainly promoting it. Give things time; I
   think the shift will happen. We'll need to make a very large
   investment in education and tool development, though -- larger than
   what's currently in place."
   SALON | May 5, 1998

   Mike Britten is a freelance journalist living in Berkeley, Calif.