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"Anna L. Abrante" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 19 Aug 1999 18:31:26 EDT
text/plain (27 lines)
Hi folks, I just saw an old movie starring Cornell Wylde
called "The Naked Prey"..made in the late 50's.  It was
pretty interesting.  It's about an African safari that violates
a tribe's territory during their hunt.  It's supposed to take
place in the late 1800's.  The casting of natives is authentic.

The part you might like is related to the punishment
that's dished out to the violators.  Most are killed, very
creatively I might add, ways I've never seen before, but
the star, Mr. Wylde, is allowed to run free into the African
savannah, naked, with a head start.  There will be a dozen
of the tribe's best hunters after him during the movie.

He is literally out there with nothing.  His survival depends
on his witts.  If he succeeds in getting away from them,
he wins. You see him hunting and gathering as best
he can, when he isn't fighing the hunters for his life.
It was filmed entirely in Africa, on location.
It's an authentic look at the tribe's lifestyles as well as
what it would really be like for someone out there with
nothing.  I won't say how it ends.  But it was very

Happy movie-ing!

Anna  8-)