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"VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List" <[log in to unmask]>
"Gregory J. Rosmaita" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 14 Sep 1999 02:19:33 -0400
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"Gregory J. Rosmaita" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (202 lines)
Aloha, y'all!

VICUG NYC's next General Membership Meeting is TODAY,
in the BOARD ROOM (and not the Auditorium!) of Selis
Manor  The September meeting will feature a live
demonstration, by Crista Earl and Jay Leventhal, of HomePage
Reader, IBM's self-voicing web browser which features the ability
to navigate within tables.You can find out more about HomePage
Reader (a.k.a. HPR) using the links located at:

Nominations for VICUG NYC's October elections will also be
fielded at the September 14 General Membership meeting.
Nominations will be accepted for the offices of: President,
Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, WebMaster / ListOwner,
as well as for two Executive Committee Members-at-Large.

Just to refresh your (collective and individual) memories,
here is a list of current Executive Committee members,
followed by 2 excerpts from the VICUG NYC bylaws.  The
first, which consists of ARTICLES III & IV, describes the
composition of the Executive Committee, as well as the
responsibilities of the organization's officers.  The
second, ARTICLE VII, describes the election process.  If you
are interested in running for an Executive Committee
position, or if you are contemplating nominating someone
else for a position, please read the selections from the
bylaws carefully!  And remember--participatory democracy
works both ways--you have to have paid your dues before the
commencement of the September Fourteenth meeting if you want
to either nominate someone for a position or accept a
nomination, and you have to be a dues-paying member in order
to vote in the October election!

Note that, for the calendar year stretching from October
1998 through October 1999, the offices of President and
WebMaster were combined, in order to avert a constitutional
crisis. Consequently, the number of Members-at-Large was
temporarily increased from 2 to 3, by unanimous acclamation
of the members-in-good standing present at the October 1998
meeting, so as to ensure an odd number of officers, as a
means of avoiding deadlocks.

President: Gregory J. Rosmaita
Vice-President:     Vita Zavoli
Secretary: Jay Leventhal
Treasurer: Ruth-Ellen Simmonds
WebMaster/ListOwner: Gregory J. Rosmaita
Members-at-Large: David Brandt, Mike Mandel, and Vivien Yacu

--- Begin First Excerpt ---
Article III.  Officers

Section 1.
   There shall be an Executive Committee which shall
   consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary,
   Treasurer, and WebMaster/ListOwner as directors, and two
   (2) additional Members-at-Large, to be elected by the

Section 2.  Duties
   A) The President shall preside at all meetings and
   ensure that meetings are conducted in an organized and
   orderly fashion. The President shall appoint all
   committees with the approval of the Executive Committee.
   If an officer fails to attend three consecutive regular
   meetings without good cause, or resigns, the President
   may declare the office vacant an appoint a replacement
   for the duration of the term, subject to ratification by
   the membership.

   B) The Vice-President shall take the place of the
   President during any absence, or upon the President's

   C) The Secretary shall take minutes at all meetings and
   make them available to members, as well as the Editor
   and the WebMaster for publication. Additionally, the
   Secretary shall maintain a file of outgoing
   correspondence, as well as significant correspondence
   which may be received by VICUG.

   D) The Treasurer shall receive all the moneys belonging
   to VICUG and deposit them in a reputable bank or banks
   within a reasonable period of time. The Treasurer shall
   pay all debts approved by the Executive Committee.
   Payments in excess of $25.00 shall be by check or money
   order signed by the Treasurer and one additional
   director. Payments of $25.00 or less may be made in cash
   and evidenced by a receipt. The Treasurer shall keep all
   financial and membership records.

   E) The WebMaster/ListOwner shall maintain the VICUG NYC
   web site> and VIC-NYC, the group's electronic mailing
   list. The WebMaster/ListOwner must have demonstrated a
   clear mastery of HTML, CSS2, and a thorough knowledge of
   accessible web design. (Amendment unanimously adapted
   October 20, 1997)

Article IV.  Duties of Executive Committee

Section 1.
   The Executive Committee shall consider and recommend to
   the membership such policies, plans, and issues which,
   in the judgment of the Committee, are in the best
   interest of the organization.

Section 2.
   Members may attend any Executive Committee meeting and
   may present ideas for discussion. However, only
   Executive Committee members have voting privileges.

Section 3.
   Any formal decision of the Executive Committee is
   subject to review and reversal by a two-thirds vote of
   the membership in attendance at the next regularly
   scheduled General Membership meeting.

--- Begin Second Excerpt ---
ARTICLE VII.  Elections

Section 1.
   Nominations for officers will take place at the General
   Membership Meeting. No member may nominate any other
   member without first obtaining that member's assurance
   that he or she will serve if elected. Persons nominated
   must be members in good standing. Immediately prior to
   the election, additional nominations shall be accepted
   from the floor.

Section 2.
   Elections will be held annually in October.

Section 3.
   The order of elections will be in the same order as the
   positions are listed in Article III, Section 1.
   Nominations from the floor will be accepted immediately
   before the election for each office. Candidates who are
   defeated in the election for an office may be nominated
   for election to other offices at that

Section 4.
   In the event of a tie vote, an immediate runoff election
   will be held between the candidates receiving the two
   highest vote totals.

--- End Second Excerpt, Resume Announcement ---

Remember: the entire bylaws are available either via the


or as a plain ASCII file via email.  To receive a plain
ASCII copy of the VICUG NYC Bylaws, please sending a request
with the subject line:
        VICUG NYC Bylaws
        [log in to unmask]


VICUG NYC meets on the second Tuesday of every month in the
Auditorium of the TAB/Selis Manor building, which is located
at 135 West Twenty-third Street, between Sixth and Seventh
Avenues, in New York City. If you have any questions about
subway lines and bus stops in the vicinity of Selis Manor,
please either call Edwin Montanez at (212) 255-4777, between
9am and 4:30pm on weekdays, or consult the hypertextualized
directions to the TAB/Selis Manor building located at:


For more information about VICUG NYC and its activities,
please call the VICUG NYC Hotline at (212) 714 4967 , or
visit the VICUG NYC web site, which is located at:


"See" y'all at Selis!
He that lives on Hope, dies farting
     -- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1763
Gregory J. Rosmaita <[log in to unmask]>
   President, WebMaster, & Minister of Propaganda,
        VICUG NYC <>

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 VICUG-L is archived on the World Wide Web at