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"VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List" <[log in to unmask]>
Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 1 Jan 1999 11:56:50 -0600
"VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List" <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (1428 lines)
Several have written seeking more information about the report
commissioned by the U.S. Access Board on accessible traffic signals for
blind travelers.  It is included below.

if you want a copy in another format, "Accessible Pedestrian Signals,"
Publication A-37, is available without charge from the US Access Board by
calling its toll-free line at 1/800/872-2253 (press `1' and follow
ordering instructions).

The American Council of the Blind,, has many documents
on pedestrian safety on its web site, if further information is sought.

I should note that Billie Louise Bentzen conducted much of the
federally-funded research on detectable warnings in the 1970s and 1980s.
This research was used as a basis for developing the guidelines
supplementing the Americans with Disabilities Act.


                        Billie Louise Bentzen, Ph.D.
                             Lee S. Tabor, AIA

   Accessible Design for the Blind
   P.O. Box 1212
   Berlin, Massachusetts 01503 USA
   978-838-2307 voice/fax
   [log in to unmask]
   4 August 1998
   Work performed in support
   of the U.S. Access Board
   under Contract No.PD-97-0772

                             TABLE OF CONTENTS

   Accessible Pedestrian Signals 2
   Information Requirements at Intersections 3
   Accessible Traffic Signal Technologies 5
   Characteristics of Accessible Pedestrian Signals 8
   Determining When to Install Accessible Pedestrian Signals 13
   Specifying Accessible Pedestrian Signals 15
   Installing Accessible Pedestrian Signals 16
   Pedestrian Detection Technology 17
   Matrix: APS Functional Characteristics 18
   APS Product Sources 20
   Sources of Information 21
   References 23



   The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century--TEA-21, the
   successor to ISTEA--directs that pedestrian safety considerations,
   including the installation of audible traffic signals, where
   appropriate, be included in new transportation plans and projects
   [Sec. 1202(g)(2)]. The bill was signed into law by the President on
   June 9, 1998.


   The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires access to the
   public right-of-way for people with disabilities. Access to traffic
   and signal information is an important feature of accessible sidewalks
   and street crossings for pedestrians who have vision impairments.
   While most intersections pose little difficulty for independent
   travelers who are blind or have low vision, there are some situations
   in which the information provided by an accessible pedestrian signal
   is necessary for independent and safe crossing.

                  How Persons Who Are Blind Cross Streets

   Techniques and cues used in crossing streets are diverse and vary by
   location and individual. Many visually impaired pedestrians have
   trained with an Orientation and Mobility Specialist who has an
   undergraduate or graduate degree in teaching travel skills to persons
   who have visual impairments. In the most common technique utilized for
   crossing at signalized intersections, pedestrians who are blind begin
   to cross the street when there is a surge of traffic parallel to their
   direction of travel.

   Vehicular sounds are often sufficient to determine the onset of the
   WALK interval and the direction of the crosswalk. However, there are
   some intersection geometries, acoustic conditions, and traffic control
   systems which make it very difficult for persons who are visually
   impaired to obtain the cues necessary to cross streets independently
   and safely. Accessible traffic signal technologies can be helpful to
   pedestrians in these situations.

                  Value of Accessible Pedestrian Signals

   Accessible pedestrian signals (APS) that provide audible and/or
   vibrotactile information coinciding with visual pedestrian signals let
   pedestrians who are blind know precisely when the WALK interval
   begins. This information is useful in analyzing an intersection and
   preparing to cross. Pedestrians who know when the crossing interval
   begins will be able to start a crossing before turning cars enter the
   intersection and can complete a crossing with less delay. Audible
   signals can also provide directional guidance, which is particularly
   useful at non-perpendicular intersections and at wide multi-lane

   The redundant information conveyed by audible pedestrian signals
   increases the attention of all pedestrians to turning traffic and may
   contribute to a reduction in pedestrian-vehicular conflicts and
   crashes at signalized intersections (R. Van Houten, Malenfant, J. Van
   Houten & Retting, 1997). It is widely believed in many European
   countries, where the use of audible pedestrian signals has been more
   extensive than in the U.S., that the presence of audible pedestrian
   signals increases the speed at which most pedestrians initiate their
   crossings, thereby decreasing the necessary length of the pedestrian
   interval. Audible pedestrian signals may also increase the safety of
   persons with cognitive disabilities.

                        History of APS in the U.S.

   Federal and model code accessibility standards in the U.S. do not yet
   include scoping or technical provisions for APS or other means of
   communicating visible signal information to pedestrians who have
   vision impairments. Regulators have been reluctant to standardize on
   any current device or system until more research and development is
   done on applications of emerging intelligent transportation systems
   and related communications technologies.

   Although audible crossing indicators have been available for over 25
   years, they have not been well received by traffic planners in the
   United States. This is probably attributable to two factors: one is
   noise pollution and consequent community opposition; the other is
   disagreement among blind people on the need for and effectiveness of
   audible pedestrian signals.

   However, changes in traffic control and signaling design and practice
   today have greatly disadvantaged blind pedestrians who wish to travel
   independently. The Department of Justice has recognized that APS may
   be necessary at some locations in order to provide access for a
   pedestrian who is blind to the "program" of pedestrian circulation
   provided by a jurisdiction.



   Travel along regular routes and on regular schedules is routine for
   most blind pedestrians. However, independent travel to unfamiliar
   destinations is a more complex undertaking, requiring access to
   information on the pedestrian and street environment at decision
   points along the route. Most blind pedestrians will be able to cross
   streets safely and independently if they have access to the same range
   of information available to pedestrians who are fully sighted.

                           Detecting the Street

   The first information needed by the pedestrian who is blind is "Have I
   arrived at a street?" Before the advent of curb ramps, depressed
   corners, and built-up intersections, the presence of a curb was an
   unambiguous cue to the sidewalk/street edge. In the absence of a curb,
   even experienced blind pedestrians using an unfamiliar intersection
   with a curb ramp have a high probability of entering the street before
   they are aware of leaving the sidewalk (Bentzen & Barlow, 1995;
   Hauger, Rigby, Safewright, & McAuley, 1996). Blind travelers whose
   path of travel coincides with a single curb ramp at the apex of a
   corner--a diagonal curb ramp--may inadvertently enter the stream of
   parallel traffic (Hauger et al., 1996) without being aware of the
   sidewalk/street boundary.

   In some countries (including Japan, England, and Australia), surfaces,
   which are highly detectable under foot or detectable by the use of a
   long cane, provide definitive information to pedestrians who are blind
   that they have arrived at a curb ramp. The International Standards
   Organization (ISO) is proposing a standardized truncated dome surface
   for use as a warning of the sidewalk/street boundary ahead. It is
   similar to the detectable warning surface specified in the ADA
   Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) 4.29.2 for use on the edges of
   transit platforms.

                          Identifying the Street

   The next information needed for decision-making at unfamiliar
   intersections is: "Which street is this?" This information is seldom
   provided in any accessible format. Pedestrians who are visually
   impaired develop a mental map and keep track of where they are within
   that map, usually by counting blocks and street crossings. Where
   necessary--and available--assistance may be sought from other

                      Analyzing Intersection Geometry

   The next information needed is: "What is the geometry of this
   intersection?" Important pieces of information which are obvious to
   pedestrians having full vision, but which may not be possible for
   pedestrians who are blind to determine by listening to traffic
   patterns, are the following:

   o Is my destination curb straight in front of me, or must I angle to
   the left or right to reach it?

   o How many streets intersect here?

   o How wide is this street?

   o Should I expect to encounter any islands or medians as I cross this

   o Am I standing within the crosswalk?

   Incorrect or missing information for any of these questions may result
   in missing the destination curb or median.

                   Analyzing the Traffic Control System

   Next, pedestrians need to identify the type of traffic control system
   at this intersection:

   o Is this a signalized intersection?

   o Do I need to push a button to actuate the walk interval? If so,
   where is the button?

   o Is the button close enough to the crosswalk that I will have time to
   position myself correctly at the crosswalk, facing my destination
   curb, before the onset of the walk interval?

   o Which button controls the walk interval for the street I want to

   o Does it stop traffic on one street, or all traffic?

   o Do cars still turn during the walk interval?

   o Is there a second button I must push that is on a median?

   o Will there be a surge of parallel traffic telling me the walk
   interval has begun?

   o Will I be able to hear it over other, concurrent traffic sounds?

   Missing information for any of these questions may result in failing
   to use pedestrian push buttons and crossing at times other than the
   pedestrian phase. In research conducted for the San Diego Association
   of Governments (1988), blind pedestrians had significant difficulties
   finding the push button and realigning at the curb for crossing. On
   50% of trials in research conducted in San Francisco (Crandall,
   Bentzen and Myers, 1998), blind pedestrians crossing at four
   unfamiliar fixed timed signalized intersections that did not have APS
   were not able to obtain sufficient information from traffic sounds and
   other cues to identify whether an intersection was signalized or had
   stop signs.

                     Identifying the Crossing Interval

   After determining the geometry of the intersection and aligning so
   they are facing towards the destination curb--and having determined
   that an intersection is signalized and pushing a button, where
   necessary--pedestrians who are blind need to know: "When does the WALK
   interval begin?" In the absence of APS, pedestrians who are blind use
   the surge of traffic on the street beside them (parallel traffic) to
   indicate that they have the WALK interval. On 34% of trials in
   research cited above (Crandall et al. 1998), participants who were
   blind did not have sufficient information to begin their crossings
   during the WALK interval and initiated a crossing out of phase.

   Too little traffic may be as information-poor as too much. Sometimes
   there is no surge of parallel traffic, such as at intersections where
   all traffic stops during the pedestrian phase, mid-block crosswalks,
   and intersections where--or when--there is little or no traffic on the
   parallel street. Useful rush hour traffic noises may be absent in the
   evening or even at lunch hour. Sometimes streets are so wide or in
   such noisy environments that the surge of parallel traffic cannot be
   heard. Where there is split phase timing to permit left turns, the
   surge of left turning cars may be mistaken as indicating the onset of
   the WALK interval and blind pedestrians may cross into the paths of
   left turning vehicles.

                           Starting the Crossing

   Being able to start a crossing soon after the onset of the parallel
   traffic surge requires fast decision-making. And distinguishing
   between a surge of parallel traffic indicating the onset of the WALK
   interval and a single car turning right on red after stopping requires
   good listening and good spatial thinking. A majority of persons who
   are visually impaired are over the age of 65, by which time they may
   be experiencing age-related hearing loss and delayed reaction times.
   They often require a few seconds to be certain of the parallel traffic
   surge, and therefore may not start soon enough to clear the street
   within the clearance interval. Pedestrians who have low vision may use
   visual cues to identify and avoid vehicles within close range.
   However, pedestrians who are blind must proceed more cautiously. This
   often means ceding the right of way to a vehicle stream that, once
   established, may not offer a pedestrian gap until another cycle has
   been called.

                      Maintaining Crossing Alignment

   Once the pedestrian who is blind has begun to cross the street, the
   next question is: "Am I headed straight towards my destination curb?"
   Traffic going straight ahead on the parallel street provides helpful
   auditory guidance to many persons if it is present. However, abundant
   turning traffic makes it difficult to hear traffic going straight, and
   difficult to use its sound to maintain a straight line of travel. When
   traffic is absent, blind pedestrians have no guidance from vehicular
   sounds either for determining the onset of the WALK interval or to
   maintain alignment while crossing the street. The wider the street,
   the more severe the consequences of even slight veers from the
   crosswalk area.


        Types of Signals Providing WALK and DON'T WALK Information

   A number of technologies exist which provide WALK and DON'T WALK
   information. These APS provide information that is audible,
   vibrotactile, or both.

   The matrix entitled "Accessible Pedestrian Signals: Product Functional
   Characteristics" shows the functional characteristics of each product.
   Manufacturer information is given on the page following the matrix.
   All products produce a sound, vibration, or both, during the walk
   interval. Beyond this, there is great variation in the functional
   characteristics of different products, with some providing information
   throughout the signal cycle. A few devices have audio output that
   varies, by message or repeat frequency, as the pedestrian cycle
   changes from WALK to DON'T START to DON'T WALK.

   Currently available products are of three design types, categorized by
   the location from which the audible or vibrotactile cue is given:

   o speakers mounted in, on or near the visible ped-head;

   o transmitters mounted in or on ped-heads, and

   o sound generator and vibrating hardware which are integrated into the
   push button at or near the curb.

   Like visible pedestrian signals, devices that use audible speakers
   and/or vibrating hardware will provide cues at both ends of a crossing
   when the pedestrian interval is actuated. Transmitter/receiver systems
   respond to individual use, and so will 'read' only the transmitter
   that is being scanned.

                Speakers Mounted In, On, or Near Ped-heads

   Products that have speakers mounted in, on, or near ped-heads emit a
   sound such as a bell, buzz, tone or birdcall (typically cuckoo and
   chirp) during the WALK interval. (Examples: IDC, Mallory, Novax, STN
   Atlas, and Wilcox) If such a signal is loud enough to be heard across
   the street, if the tone is highly localizable, and if the speaker is
   carefully oriented, the signal also functions as an audible beacon,
   providing guidance for going straight across the street.

   If the tone is not highly localizable or the speaker is not carefully
   oriented, such a signal may give ambiguous information about which
   street has the WALK interval, and may give false information about the
   direction of the crosswalk. A tone that is loud enough to be heard
   across the street may be perceived as obnoxious by other persons in
   the vicinity and may mask traffic sounds which provide critical safety

   Tones that alternate from one side of the crossing to the other have
   been shown to enable blind pedestrians to cross more directly and
   quickly. They are also less likely to mask traffic sounds.

   A figure shows a rectangular box, perforated on one side, with rounded
   corners. It has a hinged attachment to the top of the ped-head so it
   could be angled somewhat up or down. This equipment is manufactured by

                       Transmitters at the Ped-head

   Infrared or LED transmitters located at the ped-head can transmit a
   speech message to hand-held receivers (Examples: Talking Signs,
   Relume). Messages may identify the location and direction of travel of
   the pedestrian, give the name of the street to be crossed, and provide
   real time information about WALK and DON'T WALK intervals. It is
   essential that the information regarding the light cycle be received
   only when the user is standing at the crosswalk with the receiver
   aimed at the transmitter on the opposite curb, or the information can
   be ambiguous.

   For example, the Talking Signs system installed at several
   intersections in San Francisco transmits a message that includes the
   name of the street on which the pedestrian is traveling, the direction
   of travel, the block the pedestrian is on, and the name of the
   intersecting street he/she is approaching. Standing within the limits
   of the crosswalk at the intersection, the pedestrian can pick up a
   repeating message stating the name of the street and the status of the
   cycle. For example, "Wait--Grove Street," or "Walk sign--Grove
   Street." To ensure safety, a pedestrian must receive the same message
   for the same traffic condition at every crossing equipped with

   A transmitted system can convey more--and more precise--information
   about individual intersections than any other APS. It can be adapted
   for vibrotactile use by deaf-blind pedestrians and may be engineered
   for output in other languages. It is excellent for atypical
   intersections where there are more than four crosswalks, and when
   direct signals, such as tones, may overlap and therefore be unclear or
   misleading. There is no noise pollution with such a system--the
   information is only received by individuals when they desire it--but
   it does not benefit other pedestrians at the same crossing. Such
   systems require users to obtain, carry, maintain and use receivers,
   which raises issues of distribution and availability to non-residents.
   However, the increasing use of personal pagers, cellular telephones,
   and other mobile digital communications devices suggests that personal
   telecommunications equipment will be commonplace in the near future.

   Figure: A Bird's Eye View of Talking Signs(reg. tm) Infrared
   Transmitter System for Intersections. Pedestrian Hears Voice Message
   from Hand-held Receiver

   The above illustration shows how the Talking Signs infrared
   transmitter delivers messages to the pedestrian who is carrying a

   Wide beam tells:

   o Direction of travel - "traveling east"

   o Present location - "on zero hundred block of Larkin"

   o Intersecting street - "towards Grove Street"

   Narrow beam tells:

   o Crossing condition and intersecting street - "wait--Grove Street"

   "walk sign--Grove Street"

   o Safe crosswalk zone

   This figure is a diagram of the angles of transmission for the Talking
   Signs system as it is used at intersections. It shows the intersection
   of Larkin Street and Grove Street. Square boxes on the northeast and
   northwest corners of the intersection represent the transmitters that
   would be placed on the ped-heads at those corners. Each box has a
   narrow cone coming out one side and a wide cone coming out the other
   side. Narrow transmission cones send messages in both directions
   across Grove Street about the crossing condition and the name of the
   street, for example, "Wait--Grove Street" or "Walk sign--Grove
   Street." Wider cones send messages away from Grove Street, along
   Larkin Street carrying information about location, for example,
   "Traveling east on zero hundred block of Larkin towards Grove Street."

   Sound Generator and Vibrating Hardware Integrated into the Push Button

   A third type of APS, which has been standard in Australia and Sweden
   for many years, is fully integrated into the pedestrian push button
   assembly (Examples: Campbell/Panich, Georgetown, Polara Engineering,
   Prisma Teknik). Some provide vibratory information only; others
   augment vibrotactile hardware with a quiet, slowly repeating, tick,
   click, or tone to identify the location of the push button during the
   DON'T WALK and pedestrian clearance intervals, and a faster tick,
   click, or tone to identify the WALK interval.

   Audible push button locating signals are heard only from the near
   vicinity of the push button. They let pedestrians know that the
   intersection is one that requires pedestrian actuation to call a WALK
   interval. The tick/click/tone also signals where to find the push
   button. The locator tone coming from the push button assembly during
   the DON'T WALK and clearance intervals becomes a louder and faster
   tone during the WALK interval. Tones coming from the push button are
   often found to be less objectionable in quiet settings than the tones
   coming from the ped-head.

   Most APS devices that are integrated into the push button incorporate
   a raised (tactile) directional arrow. Some manufacturers offer options
   for additional tactile information that describes street crossing and
   traffic signal characteristics in braille or raised diagrams.

   Vibrating devices may be particularly applicable at intersections with
   medians, where a full crossing requires pedestrians to wait at the
   median for a subsequent cycle. Since the sounds of multiple audible
   signals may overlap in such settings, they are not recommended because
   of the possibility of conveying conflicting information. Vibrotactile
   signals may also be more suitable at intersections with channelized
   turning lanes, where audible tones cannot provide precise enough
   information about which crossing is being indicated by the signal.

   Vibrotactile information requires physical contact with the signal
   hardware. The pedestrian must locate the button and understand the
   meaning of the vibrating signal obtained by resting the hand on the
   housing of the device. It is essential that vibrotactile signals be
   close enough to the curb ramp, near the curb line, so that blind
   pedestrians can be aligned and prepared for crossing while still
   keeping a hand on the signal.

   A figure shows a vertically elongated push button housing. On the top
   is a small tactile arrow which can be turned to point across the
   street controlled by that push button. On one vertical side of the
   housing, going from top to bottom, is a round button, a raised
   diagrammatic hand pointing to the button, a silhouette of a person,
   and a square array of LEDs. On the other visible vertical side is a
   schematic tactile map of the crosswalk. This equipment is manufactured
   by Prisma Teknik.


                        Information Characteristics

   The most important information provided during the WALK interval is:
   "When does the crossing interval begin?" The audible or vibrotactile
   answer to this question:

   o must be readily perceived from where pedestrians begin their

   o must clearly convey that it is time to walk, and

   o must be unambiguous with regard to which street has the WALK

   It should be no louder than necessary.

                              Volume Control

   Most audible pedestrian signals have volume control that is
   automatically responsive to ambient (background) sound. A louder tone
   will be produced when vehicle and other noise at an intersection is
   high, as during rush hour or construction; a quieter sound will be
   produced during night-time hours. This is especially helpful in
   residential neighborhoods. Some signals can also be pre-set for
   varying volume within particular ranges. Most signals with automatic
   volume control have a minimum limit placed at about 30 dB and a
   maximum limit at about 90 dB.

   A signal that is 5 dB above ambient sound as perceived at the
   departure curb, is normally considered loud enough to inform
   pedestrians who are blind that the WALK interval has begun.

   At regularly shaped four-way intersections, the signal does not need
   to be heard across the intersection, since the speakers at the
   departure and arrival curbs will both operate upon button actuation. A
   signal that is unnecessarily loud will not only be perceived as a
   neighborhood nuisance, but it may also mask the sounds of turning
   vehicles. In Australia, the WALK tone is adjusted to be heard for
   about one-third of the width of the crossing.

                             Localizable Tones

   Where intersections are complex, and particularly at crosswalks which
   have turns or which are angled relative to the departure sidewalk,
   pedestrians who are blind may need information to help them head for
   their destination curb. This requires that an audible signal be highly
   localizable. The most localizable tones are ones which are
   discontinuous and which are of mixed or changing frequencies. Tones
   ranging from 500 Hz to 1000 Hz, with higher harmonics, are highly
   localizable for most pedestrians, including those having age-related
   hearing loss (Hulscher, 1976; San Diego Association of Governments,
   1988). Most audible pedestrian signals available in the U.S. are now
   pulsed, and most are either mixed frequencies or changing frequencies
   such as those resembling birdcalls.

   For these signals to be highly localizable, their speakers should be
   oriented in line with the relevant crosswalk. If the tone is not
   highly localizable and the speaker is not carefully oriented, the
   signal may give ambiguous information about which street has the WALK
   interval, and ambiguous information for going straight across the

   In a typical installation, speakers are actuated simultaneously on
   both the corner where the pedestrian is standing and the destination
   corner. It is therefore sometimes difficult for blind pedestrians to
   determine the direction of the audible pedestrian signal on the
   destination corner, even if the tone is highly localizable, because
   the tone coming from the destination corner is masked by the sound on
   the corner from which the pedestrian is starting the crossing.

                            Alternating Signal

   Research in Montreal (Hall, Rabelle, & Zabihaylo, 1994) has identified
   the characteristics of a particularly highly localizable signal.
   Orientation and mobility specialists collaborated with an acoustical
   engineer to develop a melodic tone which alternated back and forth
   across the street.

   Blind pedestrians crossed straighter and faster with the alternating
   system than with a system in which the tones broadcast in unison from
   both ends of the crosswalk. The melody, comprised of highly
   localizable frequencies, must be loud enough to be heard across the
   intersection. The researchers recommend the use of this signal for
   only one crosswalk at an intersection. Pedestrians crossing
   perpendicular to the crosswalk having the alternating signal must
   interpolate the opposing WALK interval by listening to and analyzing
   several signal cycles.

                       Differentiating Audible Tones

   Some audible pedestrian signals utilize two different tones that are
   associated with two different crossing directions. The most common
   tones are sounds like "cuckoo" and "chirp." The repeating cuckoo sound
   is normally used for north/south crosswalks, and the repeating chirp
   is normally used for east/west crosswalks. This is the recommended
   signal in California and Canada.

   Pedestrians report that mockingbirds and catbirds may mimic the
   "cuckoo" and "chirp" where the signal is broadcast at every pedestrian
   interval. Useful tones must be unique and distinctive and not easily
   mistaken for other messages common in the street environment, like the
   warning sound of a backing vehicle.

   Some APS products have the capability of producing more than two
   different tones to accommodate intersections having more than two
   intersecting streets. However, it is difficult to interpret the use of
   additional tones without specific instruction. Unfamiliar or
   non-standard tones will not be useful to pedestrians who are not
   familiar with a given intersection.

   A figure shows a rectangular box, perforated on one side, with rounded
   corners. It has a hinged attachment to the ped-head so the speaker can
   be angled variously. This equipment is manufactured by Novax

                Associating Tones with Direction of Travel

   For the two different sounds to be useful, users must remember which
   sound goes with which direction, and know their direction of travel.
   At intersections that are not aligned according to the primary compass
   coordinates, information from paired audible tones may be ambiguous
   except to frequent users of those intersections.

   In areas where the street system is curvilinear or otherwise
   irregular, it may not be apparent to a blind pedestrian that a heading
   has changed. In fact, pedestrians may not know the compass orientation
   of a route of travel. In research in San Diego (San Diego Association
   of Governments, 1988), blind pedestrians were often unable to
   associate a given sound with a particular travel direction.

                         Broadcast Voice Messages

   Some systems have the capability of presenting recorded speech
   messages telling the name of the street and the status of the signal
   cycle (Examples: Campbell/Panich, Novax, Prisma Teknik). In locations
   where they have been tried, including Seattle and Philadelphia, there
   has been difficulty making the speech information loud enough to be
   intelligible over traffic sounds. However, such messages--if
   heard--clearly communicate to all pedestrians which street has the
   WALK interval.

   Research in Clearwater, Florida (Van Houten et al., 1997) with
   prototype speech message technology indicates that voice messages can
   be used to increase the attention of all pedestrians to turning
   vehicles and to decrease pedestrian/motor vehicle conflicts at
   signalized intersections.

   When the pedestrian push button was pressed, the message was "Please
   wait for walk signal."

   The message "Look for turning vehicles while crossing [street name]"
   began 200 msec before WALK signals were illuminated.

   The signal also gave participants who were blind precise information
   about the onset of the WALK interval and which street had the WALK

                    Audible Push Button Locating Signal

   Pedestrians with vision impairments must spend extra time analyzing
   traffic patterns in order to identify intersections where actuation is
   required. Then they must locate the push button for the crossing they
   wish to make. Locating the push button is a major problem for blind
   pedestrians (San Diego Association of Governments, 1988).

   At pedestrian actuated intersections, it is extremely helpful to have
   a quiet tone coming from the vicinity of the push button. This audible
   push button locator tone informs pedestrians of the need to use the
   push button to actuate the WALK interval and signals the location of
   the push button.

   Audible push button locating signals typically sound during the DON'T
   WALK interval and the clearance interval. They have a slowly repeating
   tone or ticking sound which is adjusted to be heard no more than 6 to
   12 feet (2 to 4 meters) from the push buttons that serve each end of
   the crosswalk.

   In available products (Examples: Campbell/Panich, Prisma Teknik, STN
   Atlas), the sound has automatic level control. The locator tone
   informs pedestrians of the need to push a button, and provides an
   audible cue to the destination corner.

   A figure shows an oval push button housing, elongated vertically. The
   face of this equipment has a large print arrow and a rather small
   tactile arrow on the upper half. The arrow can be turned to point to
   the street controlled by the push button. On the bottom half is a
   large push button. This equipment is available from Campbell/Panich.

                              Walk Onset Tone

   A brief burst of high frequency sound, rapidly decaying to a 500 Hz
   WALK tone, is used by one manufacturer (Campbell/Panich) to alert
   pedestrians to the exact onset of the WALK interval. This may
   encourage faster initiation of crossing, decreasing the likelihood of
   conflict between pedestrians and turning vehicles. If crossings are
   initiated faster, the intersection is likely to be cleared faster.

                           Vibrating WALK Signal

   In some signals, the push button, a second button on the bottom of the
   push button housing, the entire push button housing, or a raised arrow
   on the housing vibrates during the WALK interval and, in some cases,
   during the clearance and DON'T WALK intervals (Examples:
   Campbell/Panich, Georgetown, Polara Engineering, Prisma Teknik). The
   vibrating signals may or may not be combined with audible signals. In
   signals having both types of information, the vibration is synchronous
   with the pulsing of the audible signal (slow during DON'T WALK, and
   faster during WALK).

   The vibratory information feature lets pedestrians who are deaf-blind
   know when the WALK interval is in effect. A vibration-only signal
   introduces no noise pollution, but it does not provide information to
   other pedestrians, who will not be aware of or use the vibratory
   feature. However, vibrotactile signals may be the APS of choice at
   medians, slip lanes, and other locations where audible signal messages
   might overlap to convey conflicting information.

   Location is very important for vibratory-only signals. If the push
   button is not located in a good place from which to start the
   associated crossing, blind pedestrians must feel the WALK signal and
   then find a good starting location and align correctly after its
   onset. This may take more than the time allotted in sequencing
   programs to initiate a crossing. At a crowded corner, it may be
   difficult for pedestrians who are blind to make their way up to the

   A figure shows a rectangular sign retrofitted onto a round push button
   housing. The sign extends upward from the push button. At the top of
   the rectangle is a walking man symbol. Below this is a large tactile
   arrow with a raised street name (Dale) in all caps, and the raised
   numeral 4 at the tip of the arrow. The arrow points toward the street
   to be crossed, and the 4 indicates that there are 4 lanes to be
   crossed. The large arrow vibrates on WALK. Below the large arrow is a
   high contrast print arrow.

                            Actuation Indicator

   Either a light, a tone, or both may indicate to pedestrians that their
   actuation request has been received (Examples: Campbell/Panich, Prisma
   Teknik). The indicator assures pedestrians that the device is working,
   thereby encouraging pedestrians to wait until the onset of the WALK
   interval. A light is helpful to persons with low vision, but persons
   who are blind require a tone.

                            Tactile Information

   A raised arrow on the push button housing helps users know which
   street is controlled by a push button. It is of minimal assistance in
   aligning for a crossing, however. The arrows that work best for
   persons who are blind are ones that have a relatively long shaft and
   are oriented so that they can be read with the hand held in a
   horizontal position. Arrows should have good visual contrast with
   their background so that all users, including those having low vision,
   will see them readily.

   One signal (manufactured by Polara Engineering) provides the name of
   the associated street in braille and raised type on a large,
   vibrating, tactile arrow placed above the push button. A Scandinavian
   push button-integrated signal (manufactured by Prisma Teknik) can
   incorporate a raised schematic map showing what will be encountered as
   the pedestrian negotiates the crosswalk controlled by that push
   button. Map information includes:

   o the number of lanes to be crossed;

   o whether these are vehicular or bicycle lanes or trolley tracks;

   o which direction traffic will be coming from in each lane, and

   o whether there is a median.

   A California manufacturer (Polara Engineering) is working on a system
   of tactile symbols which will provide information such as the shape of
   the intersection, and whether turning traffic is permitted during the
   WALK interval.

   A figure shows an example of a tactile map which is an optional
   feature on the Prisma Teknik push button. An arrow at the bottom
   points upward. It indicates where the pedestrian is starting and the
   direction of travel. A horizontal bar above the arrow indicates the
   down curb. A vertical line extending upwards from the curb line
   indicates the crosswalk itself. Along this line, reading from bottom
   to top, are two small rectangles to the left of the crosswalk line
   indicating two vehicular lanes with traffic coming from the left, then
   an oval interrupting the crosswalk line indicating an island or median
   across the crosswalk, and then two small rectangles to the right of
   the crosswalk line indicating two vehicular lanes with traffic coming
   from the right. At the upper end of the crosswalk line is a horizontal
   line indicating the up curb. It can be seen that each symbol is a
   separate piece, so the maps can be assembled to correctly show the
   crosswalk at each push button.

                 Separate Actuation of the Audible Signal

   Several jurisdictions report the use of special actuating buttons or
   systems for accessible signals that are subsidiary to the standard
   pedestrian button. Devices may actuate an audible or vibrotactile
   signal only in response to a specific call.

   Two devices (Georgetown and Novax) can be optionally equipped such
   that a pedestrian must push and hold the button for an additional
   period of time in order to actuate the audible feature. Other systems
   rely on a separate actuating button, which may have a braille label.

   Blind pedestrians who don't wish to add noise to the environment or to
   call attention to themselves can actuate the WALK interval without
   actuating the accessible signal. Pedestrians who are not aware of
   local practice may not be able to call the accessible signal.



   In some countries APS are required wherever new pedestrian signals are
   installed. In the U.S., however, APS have been viewed as an individual
   accommodation, installed upon request along a specific route of

   It is likely that the recent passage of the Transportation Equity Act
   for the 21st Century (TEA-21), the successor to ISTEA, will stimulate
   increased attention to APS as a standard pedestrian safety feature.
   The Department of Transportation will develop guidance on a wide range
   of pedestrian and bicycle issues, including APS. Transportation
   standards, documents, manuals, and good practice recommendations will
   be updated over the next few years to reflect this broader view. The
   Institute of Transportation Engineers has established a committee on
   accessible intersections charged to develop a toolbox of resources
   that traffic engineers can use to make information at intersections
   available to pedestrians with vision impairments.

   Since pedestrians who are blind have sufficient acoustic information
   for crossing many streets safely, how are engineers to decide which
   signalized intersections shall have APS?

   A number of U.S. jurisdictions have well-articulated systems for
   determining whether an APS is warranted. Each involves participation
   of one or more representatives of at least three groups of experts:
   traffic engineers, orientation and mobility specialists, and
   pedestrians who are blind. Additional information may be obtained from
   transportation agencies listed under "Sources of Information" later in
   this document.

   San Diego and Los Angeles have highly structured rating scales and
   require a minimum number of points to warrant installation of APS. The
   process used in Portland, Oregon is less structured.

                        APS Need Evaluation Factors

   Factors that these and other jurisdictions consider in evaluating
   signalized intersections to determine whether APS are warranted

   o proximity to a facility for persons who are blind;

   o proximity to alternate crossings, proximity to transit stops, and
   proximity to key facilities used by all pedestrians;

   o intersection configuration and width of street;

   o vehicle speed;

   o traffic volume (both heavy and light);

   o pedestrian accident records;

   o demonstrated need or user request;

   o presence of pedestrian push buttons;

   o surrounding land use and neighborhood acceptance; and

   o existence of a signal which is susceptible to retrofitting.

             Cost of Evaluation Versus Standard Implementation

   At least one small city has determined that the expense of evaluating
   intersections for APS installation is likely to be higher than simply
   integrating APS in the pedestrian signal, where one is provided.
   Corvallis, Oregon has provided APS at all signalized intersections.
   They have found that audible prompts get pedestrians moving faster and
   are particularly useful in advising persons with cognitive
   disabilities when to cross the street. If APS are to be installed at
   all signalized intersections, it is important that signals from one
   intersection cannot be heard at other intersections.


   While point ratings based upon factors outlined above may be useful in
   evaluating priorities for the installation of APS at specific
   locations, it should be kept in mind that state and local governments
   may be held legally liable if a person who is blind or visually
   impaired is injured as a result of the absence of APS, particularly if
   there has been a request for APS at the relevant intersection.

   Furthermore, the information provided by APS may be necessary at any
   time, along any route, to residents, occasional travelers, and
   visitors. Thus, warranting schemes should place only limited emphasis
   on factors related to frequency or likelihood of use. Of greater
   importance are factors related to determining whether sufficient
   acoustic information exists--at all times--to permit safe crossing at
   a particular intersection.

   Too little traffic is as great a problem for pedestrians who are blind
   as is too much traffic. Blind pedestrians must be able to hear a surge
   of traffic parallel to their direction of travel in order to know when
   the WALK interval begins.

   Intersections that may require evaluation for APS installation include
   those with:

   o very wide crossings;

   o secondary streets having little traffic;

   o non-orthogonal or skewed crossings;

   o T-shaped intersections;

   o high volumes of turning vehicles;

   o split-phase signal timing; and

   o noisy locations.

   Where these conditions occur, it may be impossible for a pedestrian
   who is blind to determine the onset of the WALK interval by listening
   for the onset of parallel traffic or to obtain usable orientation and
   directional information about the crossing from the cues that are


                    Standards and Technical Provisions

   In many countries, APS technology is specified in regulations. The
   most prescriptive standard seems to be that of Australia, which is met
   by the Audio Tactile Push Button with a locator tone manufactured by
   Bob Panich Consultancy. Canada's standard is much less prescriptive,
   and is similar to that of the state of California. Signals
   manufactured by Intersection Development Corp., Mallory, Novax
   Industries, and Wilcox Sales meet these specifications.

   The International Standards Organization (ISO) has recently developed
   a draft standard "Technical aids for vision and vision and hearing
   impaired persons, Acoustic and tactile signals for traffic lights";
   signals manufactured by Bob Panich Consultancy, Prisma Teknik and STN
   Atlas meet the criteria of the current draft. See "Sources of
   Information" later in this document to obtain standards.

                           Push Button Criteria

   Pedestrians who have vision impairments need to know if an
   intersection is designed to require pedestrian actuation of the WALK
   cycle. This information can be provided by an accessible push button.
   The most important characteristics of accessible push buttons are:

   o a locating tone if actuation requires use of a push button;

   o a faster, repeating tone during WALK; and

   o a tactile arrow to indicate which crosswalk is governed by the push

   Desirable optional characteristics include:

   o a change tone at the onset of WALK;

   o a vibration on WALK;

   o audible and visible actuation indicators; and

   o a tactile map, symbols, or text providing intersection information.

                     Broadcast Audible Signal Criteria

   The most important functional characteristics of APS which broadcast
   audible information on the status of the signal cycle from the
   ped-head are:

   o a highly localizable sound;

   o an unambiguous indication of which street has the WALK interval; and

   o a sound volume responsive to ambient sound.

   Desirable optional characteristics include:

   o alternating tones; and

   o a different tone for opposing crossings.

                    Transmitted Audible Signal Criteria

   The most important considerations for APS which transmit personal
   messages are:

   o an unambiguous message set;

   o signal status messages which can be heard only within the crosswalk;

   o a proactive system for distributing receivers to residents and

   Desirable optional characteristics include:

   o naming the intersecting street in the signal messages; and

   o providing additional location information that can be picked up as
   the traveler approaches the intersection.

                       Vibrotactile Signal Criteria

   Vibrotactile signals must be installed within the width of the
   crosswalk near the curb line of the sidewalk so that users can rest a
   hand on the signal while simultaneously being aligned and prepared to


             Precise Orientation of Speakers and Transmitters

   Precise orientation is critical. If a speaker or transmitter is
   oriented even a few degrees out of alignment with the associated
   crosswalk, pedestrians may inadvertently travel out of the crosswalk.
   Audible signals should be mounted within the crosswalk; where two
   speakers are used on the same corner, they should be horizontally
   separated by at least 10 feet (3 meters).

                                Sound Level

   The sound level of the speakers should be carefully set. Sound should
   be between 30 dB minimum and 90 dB maximum. At no time should sound be
   more than 5 dB above ambient sound. At crosswalks where pedestrians
   who are blind need to know only the onset of WALK, sound pressure
   levels should be measured from the corner. At crosswalks where
   directional guidance is needed, such as at very wide streets, or at
   irregular or complex intersections, sound pressure level (dB) should
   be measured from the middle of the street.

                         Location of Push Buttons

   Push buttons must be installed as near the crosswalk as possible,
   preferably on the sidewalk within the width of the crosswalk
   connection. Vibration-only devices should be installed within the
   width of the crosswalk near the curb line of the sidewalk. Where push
   buttons emit tones, paired devices signaling perpendicular crossings
   should be separated as much as crosswalk location permits. Tactile
   signage can be used to identify which crossing is controlled. Because
   all pedestrians will use the push button at an actuated crossing, the
   device should be located in close proximity to the top landing of the
   curb ramp serving that crossing and within accessible reach range for
   use from a wheelchair.



   Pedestrian detection technology can be of particular benefit to
   persons who are blind if the system incorporates audible and/or
   tactile crossing information. Systems that replace pedestrian
   actuation with automatic sensing to trigger a WALK cycle should
   provide APS to signal the crossing interval, since the cycle will not
   otherwise provide sufficient cues for analysis by a blind user.

                              PUFFIN Crossing

   An excellent example of the use of detection technology is the
   "Pedestrian User-Friendly INtelligent (PUFFIN) crossing in use in
   England since 1993 (Department of Transport, 1993). PUFFIN crossings,
   with equipment manufactured by Microsense Systems, Ltd., employ
   pedestrian detectors for both the pedestrian waiting area and the

   In PUFFIN crossings, visual WALK/DON'T WALK indicators are located on
   the same end of the crosswalk as the waiting pedestrian. They are
   oriented perpendicular to the street at the right edge of the
   crosswalk so that the pedestrian can simultaneously watch the ped-head
   and the approaching traffic in the nearest lane. Because the ped-heads
   can be viewed close up, pedestrians who have low vision are often able
   to see the visual signals. The visual pedestrian signals show either a
   green man indicating that the pedestrian may start crossing, or a red
   man indicating that the pedestrian should not start crossing. There is
   no intermediate or ambiguous flashing symbol.

                          Waiting Area Detectors

   Waiting area detectors may be either pressure mats with piezo-electric
   sensors, infrared or microwave detectors mounted on the signal pole,
   or video cameras serving remote sensor software. After a pedestrian
   has pressed a push button to actuate the WALK interval, detectors
   confirm the presence of pedestrians standing near the crossing. If the
   pedestrian disappears before the onset of the walk interval, the call
   for the pedestrian phase is canceled. Pedestrians who are
   vision-impaired must be able to locate the push-button, the waiting
   area, and the crosswalk if such detectors are to be effective. In
   these and in similar systems that rely wholly on sensors to actuate
   the pedestrian phase, APS will be necessary to signal the onset of the
   WALK interval.

                            Crosswalk Detectors

   Crosswalk detectors are infrared sensors that respond to pedestrians
   moving in the crosswalk. As long as a pedestrian is detected in the
   crosswalk, a preset extension is added to the pedestrian clearance
   interval, enabling later-starting or slower moving pedestrians to
   clear the intersection before vehicular traffic resumes.

   Similar pedestrian detection technologies are in use in the
   Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand, where they also improve safety
   and efficiency of street crossings for pedestrians who have vision



   [Characteristics of eleven products are described in a matrix format,
   giving the following information for each product.]

   1. Type of product: Speaker mounted in the ped-head (visual pedestrian
   signal); transmitter mounted in the ped-head; or push-button

   2. Audible walk signal characteristics: voice; bell; buzzer;
   birdcalls; ticker; or tones.

   3. Sound volume: fixed; variable by the installer; automatically
   varying in relation to ambient sound level; variable by the user; or
   audible only at user request.

   4. Presence of an audible locating tone for a pedestrian push button.

   5. Presence of a special walk onset tone at the beginning of the walk

   6. Presence of a vibrating walk signal.

   7. Actuation indication: either a light or a tone to indicate that a
   pedestrian has pushed the button to request a walk interval.

   8. Tactile information: either an arrow to indicate which street a
   push button controls, or additional tactile information about street

   9. Street name.

   For each product below, this text version will state whether the
   characteristic is a standard feature or is optional. Information on
   product sources follows this text.

   Campbell/Panich. Push button integrated - standard; tones - standard;
   voice or birdcalls - optional, automatically variable volume -
   standard; actuation indication (light) - optional; tactile arrow -

   Georgetown. Push button integrated - standard; buzzer - optional,
   actuated only when button is depressed for at least three seconds -
   optional; audible locating signal - optional; vibrating walk signal -
   standard; tactile arrow - standard.

   Intersection Development Corporation. Speaker mounted on or in the
   ped-head - standard; birdcalls (cuckoo and chirp to indicate which
   crosswalk has the walk interval) - standard; automatically variable
   volume - standard.

   Mallory. Speaker mounted on or in the ped-head, providing either
   birdcalls or tones - standard; fixed sound volume - standard. This
   product is a component for a ped-head.

   Novax Industries. Speaker mounted on or in the ped-head - standard;
   birdcalls - standard; optional sounds include voice, bell, buzzer,
   ticker, and tones; sound volume can be set by installer within maximum
   and minimum limits, and then automatically variable volume - standard.
   A separate push button product actuates an audible signal only when
   the button is depressed for at least three seconds.

   Polara Engineering. Push button integrated - standard; tones -
   optional; vibrating walk signal - standard; audible locating signal -
   optional; tactile arrow - standard; street name in braille and raised
   print - standard; street geometry information - optional. This product
   retrofits an existing push button.

   Prisma Teknik. Push button integrated - standard; tone - standard;
   voice - optional; sound volume set by installer within maximum and
   minimum limits, and then automatically variable volume - standard;
   audible locating signal - standard; vibrating walk signal - optional;
   actuation indicator (light and tone) - standard; tactile arrow -
   standard; tactile crosswalk map - optional.

   Relume. Ped-head mounted transmitter - standard. Speech message says
   "Proceed with caution" during walk interval, and "Don't walk" during
   clearance and don't walk intervals. Requires hand-held receiver.

   STN Atlas. Speaker mounted near ped-head - standard; WALK tones -
   standard; automatically variable volume - standard; audible locating
   signal (ticker) - standard.

   Talking Signs. Ped-head mounted transmitter - standard. Repeating
   speech message says "Walk sign" and street name during walk interval,
   and "Wait" and street name during clearance and don't walk intervals.
   Volume variable by user. Requires hand-held receiver.

   Wilcox Sales. Speaker mounted on ped-head - standard; birdcalls -
   standard; sound volume variable by installer - standard; automatically
   variable volume - optional.

                            APS PRODUCT SOURCES

   Bob Panich Consultancy Pty. Ltd.
   48 Church Street, P.O. Box 360
   Ryde NSW 2112, Australia
   Voice: 61 2 9809 6499
   Fax: 61 2 9809 6962
   E-mail: [log in to unmask]
   Product: Audio Tactile PB

   Dick Campbell Company
   1486 Northwest 70th Street
   Seattle, Washington 98117
   Voice: (206) 782-1991
   Fax: (206) 782-2092
   Email: [log in to unmask]
   Product: Audio Tactile PB

   Georgetown Electric, Ltd.
   2507 West Second Street
   Wilmington, Delaware 19805
   Voice: (302) 652-4835
   Fax: (302) 652-6447
   Product: VIPB

   Intersection Development Corporation
   9300 East Hall Road,
   Downey, California 90241
   Voice: (800) 733-7872 or (562) 923-9600
   Fax: (562) 923-7555
   Product: APS-10

   Mallory/North American Capacitor Co.
   P.O. Box 1284
   Indianapolis, Indiana 46206-1284
   Voice: (317) 273-0090
   Fax: (317) 273-2400
   Product: VSB 110

   NOVAX Industries Corporation
   658 Derwent Way
   New Westminster BC V3M5P8 Canada
   Voice: (604) 525-5644
   Fax: (604) 525-2739
   Product: DS-100

   Polara Engineering, Inc.
   4115 Artesia Avenue
   Fullerton, California 92833-2520
   Voice: (714) 521-0900
   Fax: (714) 522-8001
   Email: [log in to unmask]
   Product: TPA

   Prisma Teknik AB
   P.O. Box 5, S-543 21
   Tibro, Sweden
   Voice: (46) 504 150 40
   Fax: (46) 504 141 41
   Email: [log in to unmask]
   Product: Prisma TS

   Relume Corporation
   64 Park Street
   Troy, Michigan 48083
   Voice: (248) 585-2640 or (888) 7RELUME
   Fax: (248) 585-1909

   STN Atlas Elektronik GmbH
   Behringstrasse 120
   D 22763 Hamburg, Germany
   Voice: (49) 40 88 25 2155
   Fax: (49) 40 88 25 4111
   Product: AUDIAM

   Talking Signs, Inc.
   812 North Boulevard
   Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802
   Voice: (888) 825-5746 or (504) 344-2812
   Fax: (504) 344-2811
   Email: [log in to unmask]

   Wilcox Sales Company
   1738 Finecroft Drive
   Claremont, California 91711-2411
   Voice: (909) 624-6674
   Fax: (909) 624-8207
   Product: PS/A 10

                          SOURCES OF INFORMATION

   California Department of Transportation
   Traffic Manual Metrics, Rev. 1996
   1120 North Street
   Sacramento, California 95814
   Voice: (916) 654-5267 or (916) 654-2852

   City of Los Angeles, California
   Adaptive Device Study Worksheet
   Brian Gallagher, PE
   Department of Transportation
   City of Los Angeles
   221 Figueroa Street, Suite 300
   Los Angeles, California 90012
   Voice: (213) 580-5398

   City of Portland, Oregon
   Guidelines for Installing Audible Pedestrian Traffic Signals
   Linda Ginenthal, Community Traffic Safety Program
   City of Portland
   Office of Transportation
   1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Room 730
   Portland, Oregon 97204
   Voice: (503) 823-5266
   E-mail: [log in to unmask]

   City of San Diego, California
   Audible Pedestrian Traffic Signals for the Blind
   Intersection Evaluation Procedure
   Patricia Sieglen, Disability Services Coordinator
   City of San Diego
   1200 Third Avenue, Suite 924
   San Diego, California 92101
   Voice: (619) 236-5979
   Fax: (619) 236-5596

   Department of Transport
   Network Management and
   Driver Information Division
   St. Christopher House
   Southwark, London
   England SE1 0TE

   International Standards Organization
   Secretariat of ISO/TC 173/WG6
   Mr. Gerald Kuso
   Osterreichisches Normungsinstitut
   Heinistrasse 38
   A-1020 Wien, Austria
   Voice: (43) 1 213 00 714
   Fax: (43) 1 213 00 722

   Microsense Systems, Ltd.
   Meon House, 10 Barnes Wallis Road
   Segensworth, Fareham, Hampshire
   England, PO15 5TT
   Voice: (44) 1489 571979
   Fax: (44) 1489 575616

   Standards Australia
   Pedestrian Push-button Assemblies
   1 The Crescent, Homebush 2140
   (PO Box 1055, Strathfield 2135)
   Voice: (61) 2 9746 4600
   Fax: (61) 2 9746 3333

   Transportation Association of Canada
   TAC Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 1994
   2323 St. Laureat Boulevard
   Ottawa, Ontario K1G 4J8 Canada
   Voice: (613) 736-1350
   Fax: (613) 736-1395
   E-mail: [log in to unmask]

   U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
   (the Access Board)
   1331 F Street NW, #1000
   Washington, DC 20004-1111
   Voice: (202) 272-5434; Technical Assistance Line: (800) 872-2253
   TTY: (202) 272-5449; Technical Assistance Line: (800) 993-2822
   Fax: (202) 272-5447
   E-mail: [log in to unmask]


   Bentzen, B.L. & Barlow, J.B. (1995). Impact of curb ramps on safety of
   persons who are blind. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness. 89,

   Crandall, W., Bentzen, B., & Myers, L. (1998). Smith-Kettlewell
   Research on the use of Talking Signs (reg. tm) at light controlled
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