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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Jeremy and Kendra <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 28 Sep 1999 21:36:11 -0500
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (110 lines)
Mac wrote:

>     What I have seen in the Kendra - Muriel shootout is two people, both of
> whom have a hard time not being right.  The fury on both sides seems to stem
> from injured pride. Then, everyone else jumps on one side or the other and
> the beat goes on.

It has nothing to do with me being right or wrong.  When was my pride injured?  I
was hoping to stir some thought in Muriel with regards to her children.  Many on
the list, including me, read her signature line with her children's disorders and
become curious as to what "Dr." Mom feeds her children.  Many have offered advice
with regards to g/f and c/f diets to drop some of the alphabet labels from her
sons.  She calls our children "not normal" because they eat Paleo.  She
sarcastically writes sorry if this offends you.  Well, I thought "Dr." Mom was
interesting and I checked out her web site and found some surprising things.  I
seriously, seriously want to know if she can find the educated language to
explain why she feels she must feed her children junk?  She does not have to
change it but, I feel sorry for the boys.  Maybe, eating "right" will not help
them but, I do not think anyone knows for sure unless they try.  Obviously Muriel
does not want to try some of the advice to drop some of the letters behind her
son's names.  I guess that is OK.  They are her children.  She said she used that
signature line to let people know where she is coming from.  Well, I see she is
coming from a family with ADHD, LD's and allergies.  I can not help but comment
and thankfully she has stopped listing all that information causing Paleo eaters
to be concerned about her innocent boys.


>  This is an area of investigation, not a religion and it seems to me that
> anything that suppresses legitimate queries harms us all.  There is no
> "belief"required here, simply an inquiring mind.

Inquiries are one thing but, know where the advice is coming from.  This is a
list for PALEO lifestyle support, advice and inquiries.

> Mac:
>     It seems to me that ad hominem attacks should be unacceptable as they are
> both hurtful and irrelevant. Likewise, namecalling and cursing hurt us all.
> Both personal attacks (such as criticizing one's childrearing practices) and
> namecalling make the list feel too volatile for the casual query. Even as I
> write this, I wonder if I will be flamed for it.

I agree and apologize for "criticizing" her child rearing practices.  If she
wants to feed her children sugar, dairy, grains (NON PALEO) that is her
decision.  I hope a mom with ADHD children can come here and learn that a Paleo
lifestyle can help her children and they can be "normal" eating delicious PALEO

> Mac:
>     Since none of us is blessed (or cursed) with omnipotence or omniscience,
> none of knows what another's life or children are like. Nor do we absolutely
> know what works in another's situation. Can we not allow others' views to be
> met with curiosity rather than a test for doctrinal purity?

It may have been taken badly or written poorly but, I seriously am curious with
regards to The Alphabet Soup Boys diet.  I know it is none of my business except
that it was at the end of "Dr." Mom's messages.  I thought in the beginning, I am
fairly new to the list, that she wanted help with this.  I see people take an
interest and offer advice all the time.  I see Muriel turn that advice down and
dish a lot of "advice".  Again, know your source.  Muriel always listed her web
site where a lot of her advice can be found.  I expected to find her directing
people seeking help to Paleo information.  I found quite the contrary.  I think
she has stopped putting her web site information on the Paleo list as well.  I am
glad since it has nothing to do with Paleo and holds information contrary to


>  For the record, I know several children who have benefited tremendously from
> Ritalin (though I have never sent a kid for evaluation) and are in no way
> basket cases.  Also for the record, my farming grandparents ate bacon eggs,
> ham, bread, cookies, cheeses, steak, chicken, all kinds of fruit, veggies, home
> made beer and wine and they all (including 17 brothers and sisters) lived into
> their late 90s and early 100s.

Ritalin may help ADD children but Paleo g/f and c/f may also.  I hope that people
seeking alternatives to harmful medications will at least give Paleo a try.  If
it does not work then give them drugs but give them the opportunity to lead a
life without drugs.

I think that is great about your family.  I hope your threshold levels are as
high as theirs and you have a long and happy life as well.  Unfortunately, auto
immune disorders, cancers, ADHD, and asthma are on the increase in many families
and are expected to grow larger in the next generations unless knowledge is
spread with regards to processed and refined foods.

> Mac:
> BTW, "catfight" is a degrogatory term for a disagreement between two women and
> deserved a second thought.

I was not offended.  I think it accurately described my opponent's scratching and
hair pulling technique.  I had hoped that Muriel would leave her non Paleo
writings private to me and I thought until the psychology lesson here that we had
moved past the cat fight.  "Dr."  Mom is dishing advice again.  None of which I
am paying attention to.  Everyone else please make your own decisions.

Please, do not try to use psychology through a mail list.  You do not know Muriel
or me and your lengthy posting has little to nothing to do with Paleo
lifestyles.  No one asked for a shrink.  (Did that deserve a second thought)?
