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Wed, 23 Feb 2000 13:55:27 -0500
ardeith l carter <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
gordon <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> What then of these reports I've heard of aborigines running hundreds
> of  miles while tracking game?

Ardeith writes:
Paleo humans did not depend
on big game to put food in the pot.   For the most part,
they depended on the stuff they could gather up in the
immediate vicinity.   In cold climates, where small game
would be scarce in the winter, the people did hunt large
game animals and preserve the meat for winter use.
But they rarely chased after the game.....they usually
used traps they dug, or drove the game into corrals or
deadend canyons or such.

As for aborigines running after game......whether in
Australia, Africa, or America, the men may have gone
off on such hunts, but the elders, women, and children
certainly could not.......While the men went off running
after kangaroos, giraffes, or buffalo.....the women and
children and elders survived on the food they gathered
locally.......This was more important to the survival of
our species than the big game the men chased down.