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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 28 Jul 1999 00:06:57 EDT
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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FYI. Level one is already  completed, but  l am sure interested persons can 
obtain the resource materials from the organizers.
 LEVEL I                         May 20-24, 1999 
 LEVEL II                        September 23-27
 Organised by THE ISLAMIC FOUNDATION, UK      
 These orientation seminars provide exceptional opportunities for
 studying various aspects of Islamic economics, banking and finance. The
 are especially designed for bankers, accountants, students, researchers and
 all those interested in both theory and practice of Islamic economics and
 banking. The seminars will help in exploring, analysing and discussing
 at length the issues and challenges of this fast-emerging discipline. They
 also aim at providing the participants with a clear sense of direction as
 well as guidance in the projects in which they are engaged.
 LEVEL-I [May 20-24, 1999]
  · Islamic Economics: Definition, Scope and Methodology
  · Islamic Economic System: A Comparative Approach
  · Basic Needs and Distributive Justice in Islam
  · Significance of Zakah and Awqaf as Islamic Economic Institutions
  · Insurance and Islam
  · Prohibition of Riba in Islam and Other Religions and its Economic   
  · Prohibition of Interest in Western Literature
  · Principles of Islamic Finance
  · Modes of Islamic Finance
  · Islamic Banking in Theory and Practice
  · Islamic Banking: A Current Profile
  · Non-Banking Financial Institutions
  · Working of Islamic Bank: A Case Study
  · Islamic House Finance: The Canadian Experience
  · Panel discussions
 LEVEL-II        [September 23-27,1999]
  · Present State of Islamic Economics: An Overview
  · Ethics and Economics: A Cross Cultural Comparison
  · Economic Development: Islamic and Western Perspectives
  · Public Policy Issues from an Islamic Perspective
  · Present State of Islamic Banking & Finance: An Overview
  · Islamic and Conventional Banking: A Comparative Study
  · Balance Sheet Analysis: Case Study of an Islamic Bank
  · Issues in Accounting Methods and Banking Supervision
  · Capital and Money Markets from an Islamic Perspectives
  · Financial Engineering: An Islamic Approach
  · Fixed Versus Variable Return Modes: An Economic Analysis
  · Structure of Islamic Financial Contracts
  · Challenges Facing Islamic Financing
  · Workshops
  · Panel discussions
 The seminars will be held at Markfield Conference Centre, Markfield,
 Leicestershire, which is located in a scenic area near the junction 22
 of the Motorway M1. It is also well connected by rail and bus services
 from London. More details are available on request.
 Prof. Khurshid Ahmad
 Former Federal Minister and Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission,
 Chairman of the Institute of Policy Studies, Pakistan and of The
 Foundation, UK.
 Dr. Umer Chapra
 Senior Advisor, Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 
 Dr. Munawar Iqbal
 Chief Islamic Banking and Finance, Division, IRTI, Islamic Development
 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
 Dr. Anas Zarqa
 Centre for Research in Islamic Economics, King Abdul-Aziz University,
 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
 Dr. Abdel Rahman Yousri,
 Head, Department of Economics, Alexandria University, Egypt.
 Dr. Yousif Khalifa Al-Yousif
 Professor of Economics, Al-Ain University, UAE
 Dr. Salman Syed Ali
 Professor of Economics, The International Islamic University,
 Prof. John Presley
 Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Loughborough
 Prof. Rodney Wilson
 Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Durham University,
 Mr. Pervez Nasim
 President, Islamic Cooperative Housing Corp. Ltd. Toronto, Canada.
 Dr.Humayon Dar
 Department of Economics, Loughborough University, U.K.
 For one seminar £250 (Pound Sterling) for the 5 day-Seminar or £60 per
 day.For two seminars £400 (Pound Sterling) for the 10 days.
 For one seminar £700 (Pound Sterling) for the 5 day-Seminar or £150 per
 day. For two seminars £1,200 for the 10 days.
 Seminar Fees include Study Material, Food (Three meals per day) and
 Fees are reduced by 40%, if no accommodation is required.
 Those registering before 30th April 1999 for the first Seminar and
 before 31st August 1999 for the second Seminar will get 10% discount.
 Those registering as student should provide proof.
 Allocation of places is on first come first served basis
 Seminar Certificates will be given to those who complete the Seminar.
 Please contact: 
 Dr. Abdelkader Chachi, Co-ordinator, Islamic Economics Unit,
 The Islamic Foundation, Markfield Conference Centre, Ratby Lane,
 Leicestershire, LE67 9SY, UK . Tel.00-44-1530-244945, Fax:
 E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
 Please reserve a place for me on the 7th and 8th Intensive Orientation
 Seminars on Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance to be held between
 20th and 24th May and 23rd and 27th September 1999 at Markfield Conference
 Centre, Markfield, UK
 I will attend (please tick as appropriate)
 Both Seminars   ()
 Level I    Full Seminar ()   20/5 ()   21/5 ()    22/5 ()   23/5 ()  
 24/5 ()
 Level II   Full Seminar ()   23/9 ()   24/9 ()    25/5 ()   26/9 ()  
 27/9 ()
 I enclose a cheque of __________(Pound Sterling) drawn on a British
 Bank and
 payable to the Islamic Foundation.
 Or debit my Credit Card:  VisaCard ()   MasterCard ()   Delta () 
 EuroCard  ()
 Card Number     _____________________________Expiry Date________________   
 Tel._______________    Fax__________________  
                         SEMINAR PROGRAMME FOR SEPTEMBER 1999
 Islamic Economics:              Dr. M.A. Al-Gari
                                 Centre for Research on Islamic
                                 King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah,
 Saudi Arabia
 Islamic Banking:                Dr. S. Martan, 
                                 Chief, Islamic Banking Division,
                                 Commercial Bank, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
 Islamic Finance:                Dr. Seif el-Din Tag el-Din National
                                 Consultancy, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
 Panel Discussions:              Dr. Munawar Iqbal, 
                                 The Islamic Development
 Bank,Jeddah,Saudi Arabia
 09.30 - 11.00           Arrival & Registration
 11.00 - 12.30           Inaugural Session: Qur'an Recitation &
 Inaugural Speeches    
                         Prof. Khurshid Ahmad (Chairman, The Islamic
                         Dr. Manazir Ahsan (Director General, The
                         Foundation) Professor T.W. Jones (Head,
 Department of 
                         Economics, Loughborough University), Dr. M.
 Iqbal (Chief, 
                         Islamic Banking and Finance Division, IRTI, The
                         Development Bank, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) & Dr.
 A. Chachi 
                         (Co-ordinator, The Islamic Economics Unit, The
 12.30 - 14.30           Lunch, Prayer & Rest
 14.30 - 16.00           2nd Session: Islamic Economics (I)
                         Present State of Islamic Economics: An Overview
                         Prof. Khurshid Ahmad, Former Federal Minister
 and Deputy 
                         Chairman, Planning Commission, Pakistan
 16.00 - 16.30           Break
 16.30 - 18.00           3rd Session: Islamic Economics (II)
                         Ethics and Economics: Case of the Islamic
 Economic System
                         Dr. Munawar Iqbal, The Islamic Development
 Bank, Jeddah, 
                         Saudi Arabia
 18.00 - 19.00           Visit to the Islamic Foundation's Library and
 19.00 - 20.00           Dinner 
 09.00 - 10.30           4th Session: Islamic Banking (I)
                         Present State of Islamic Banking and Finance 
                         Dr. Mohammed Al-Gari, Director, Centre for
 Research on 
                         Islamic Economics, King Abdul-Aziz University,
                         Saudi Arabia
 10.30 - 11.00           Break
 11.00 - 12.30           5th Session: Islamic Finance (I)
                         Structure of Islamic financial Contracts
                         Dr. Said Al-Martan, Chief Islamic Banking
                         National Commercial Bank, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
 12.30 - 15.00           Lunch, Jum'a Prayer and Rest
 15.00 - 16.30           6th Session: Islamic Economics (III)    
                         Fixed Versus Variable Return Modes: An Economic
                         Dr. Seif Tag El Din, National Management
                         Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
 16.30 - 17.00           Break 
 17.00 - 18.30           7th Session: Panel Discussion, Chair: Dr. M.
                         Dr. M. Iqbal, Dr. M.A. Al-Gari, Dr. S. Tag El
 Din, Dr. S. 
 18.30 - 19.30           Dinner 
 0900 - 10.30           8th Session: Islamic Finance (II)
                         Capital and Money Market from an Islamic
                         Dr. Yousif Khalifa Al-Yousif, Department of
 Economics, Al-  
                         Ain University, UAE
 10.30 - 11.00           Break
 11.00 - 12.30           9th Session: Islamic Economics (IV)
                         Economic Development: Islamic and Western
                         Prof. Rodney Wilson, Department of Economics,
                         University, UK.
 12.30 - 14.30           Lunch, Prayer & Rest
 14.30 - 16.00           10th Session: Islamic Finance (III)
                         Public Policy Issues from an Islamic
                         Prof. Khurshid Ahmad, Former Federal Minister
 and Deputy 
                         Chairman, Planning Commission, Pakistan
 16.00 - 16.30           Break 
 16.30 - 18.00           11th Session: Islamic Banking (II)      
                         Working of an Islamic Bank: A Case Study
                         Dr. Said Al-Martan, Chief, Islamic Banking
                         National Commercial Bank, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
 18.00 - 19.00           12th Session: Panel Discussion, Chair: Dr.
 Munawar Iqbal  
                         Prof. K. Ahmad, Dr. S. Tag El-Din, Dr. M.
 Al-Gari, Dr. S. 
 19.00 - 20.00           Dinner
 09.00 - 10.30           13th Session: Islamic Finance (IV)      
                         Balance Sheet  Analysis: A Case Study
                         Dr. Seif Tag El Din, National Management
                         Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
 10.30 - 11.00           Break
 11.00 - 12.30           14th Session: Islamic Finance (V)
                         Financial Engineering: An Islamic Approach 
                         Dr. Mohammed Al-Gari, Director, Centre for
 Research on 
                         Islamic Economics, King Abdul-Aziz University,
                         Saudi Arabia
 12.30 - 14.30           Lunch & Rest
 14.30 - 16.00           15th Session: Islamic Banking (III)     
                         The experience of Islamic Banks in Turkey
                         Dr. Mehmet Asutay, Co-ordinator, The
 Encyclopaedia of   
                         Islamic Economics,The Islamic Foundation,
 Markfield, U.K. 
 16.00 - 16.30           Break
 16.30 - 18.00           16th Session: Islamic Banking (IV)
                         Emerging Opportunities for Islamic Banking in
                         Finance in IDB Member Countries
                         Iqbal Khan, Managing Director, Global Islamic
                         HSBC Investment Bank, London
 18.00 - 19.00           17th Session: Panel Discussion, Chair: Dr.
 Homayoun Dar
                         Dr. M. Iqbal, Dr. M. Al-Gari, Dr. S. Tag
 el-Din, Mr. Iqbal 
 19.00 - 20.00           Dinner 
 09.00 - 10.00           18th Session: Islamic Finance (VI)
                         Principles of Islamic management
                         Dr. Humayon Dar, Department of Economics,
                         University, UK
 10.00 - 11.00           19th Session: Islamic Finance (VII)            
                         Muslim Attitudes to Islamic Finance 
                         Prof. John Presley, Department of Economics,
                         University, UK
 11.00 - 12.00           20th Session: Final Panel Discussion, Chair:
 Dr. Munawar 
                         Final General Panel Discussion 
                         Dr. M. Iqbal, Dr. M. Al-Gari, Dr. S. Tag
 el-Din, Mr. Iqbal 
                         Khan, Dr. H. Dar
 12.00 - 13.00           Concluding Session 
 13.00 - 15.00           Lunch, Prayer & Departure
 Dr. Abdelkader Chachi,
 Co-ordinator, Islamic Economics Unit
 The Islamic Foundation,
 Markfield Conference Centre,
 Ratby Lane, Markfield,
 Leicestershire, LE67 9SY, U.K.
 Tel. 00-44-(0)1530-244 944 / 5
 Fax: 00-44-(0)1530-244 946
 ----- End forwarded message -----


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