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Print Reply
Sun, 31 Oct 1999 17:44:12 -0500
Joel Elias <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (87 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Following is a summary of the information sources included in the
responses to my post on "Educating Medical Professionals". Thanks to
those who responded. I am not including names because I did not
explicitly ask permission to do so. Of the print articles suggested, I
favored the AAFP Journal article by Dr. Harold Pruessner,
http://www.aafp.org/afp/980301ap/pruessn.html recommended by several


The Canadian Celiac Association has made up kits of just that
information to be distributed to doctors and dieticians throughout
Canada.  For more info, call 1 - 800 - 363-7296.  That's the national

Try the www.celiac.com website.

Dr.  Murray's newest article I believe from January of this year is
located at www.ajcn.org/cgi/content/full/69/3/354  This is a very good
25pg.  presentation.  It is in a professional journal so print it out
the first time, because after so long it won't let you in.  (I think it
might be 30 days but I think it locked me out before that.)

An article that the www.celiac.com/other.html suggests is
www.aafp.org/afp/980301ap/pruessn.html It says it is for physicians and
the article is titled "Detecting Celiac Disease in Your Patients."

Another site is www.niddk.nih.gov/health/digest/pubs/celiac/index.htm
and that article is long and informative.

Best web pages for you:


Dietary Specialties (1-888-menu-123) has prepared two different
brochures about celiac disease.  Call Ronnie Alicia or Casey Roberts at
Dietary Specialties.

...I would encourage everyone and every Celiac Sprue Support Group to
purchase the video of the Greater Louisville Celiac Sprue Support Group
Workshop that was held on Sept.  18, 1999.

Info about obtaining the video was posted a few days ago.  Cost is

Check should be made out to GLCSSG, PO Box 7194, Louisville, KY
40257-0194 and memoed VIDEO.  Part of the proceeds will be given to the

Drs. Fasano and Horvath from the University of Maryland Celiac Research
Center were the featured speakers.  Local speakers were Dr.

Adler, gastroenterologist, and Dr. Volk, pediatric gastroenterologist,
as well as fellow celiac, Ann Whelan, publisher and editor of Gluten
Free Living.

To learn more about The University of Maryland Celiac Research Center.
check out their website:  www.celiaccenter. org

A good outline for each celiac was given in the Sprue-Nik Press in July.
It can be found at    www.enabling.org/ia/celiac/sn/spnk9907.html .
It's an excerpt from the Derby City Celiac newsletter.  It's located
about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way down the page and is called "How to Get Your
Doctor's Attention".  Just a few ideas about how to act with your own

...the American Celiac Society has a video tape of its conference with
Dr. Fasano speaking on the blood test, Dr.  Green Speaking on the CS,
Dr. Crowe speaking on association with other problems Lactose, Crohn's,
Nancy Patin Falin speaking on the diet.  We now offering this 2-day tape
with 6 lectures for $15 which includes shipping.  It is not
professionally editor but hold a wealth of information.

The CSA/USA organization has packets for doctors.  Contact them with the
doctor's address and they will send it.

Joel Elias
Rochester Celiac Support Group
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