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Wed, 6 Oct 1999 21:37:53 -0400
"Rebecca W. Buffum" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello again!

Thank you for all the responses!! I appreciate all of them.

Let me reiterate my question- as I could see how it might be
mis-interpereted. I did not intend to re-open the big can of worms
surrounding distilled vinegar and whether it is safe- I know there is
debate on that and that we all make our own choices etc.- I also know
there are GF brands of alcohol listed in the archives and on the web-
But I hadn't heard of alcohol being included in the "controversial"
category with vinegar- so I was curious if there was something else
blatantly unsafe about it.

Nearly everyone who wrote said they do not have a problem with distilled
products- Only one person completely avoids them. The problem with
alcohol, according to 4 or 5 people, is not necessarily the issue of
distillation, but the potential that the original product ("mash") is
added back for flavor. One person mentioned that this process is not
revealed by manufacturers so we have no way of knowing for sure.
One poster believes strongly that not only is there no gluten in
distilled products, but that mash is NOT added back into the alcohol.

Thanks so much to all of you-
whatever your choice (wine, alcohol, water, juice...) Cheers!
