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dave taylor <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 11 Oct 1999 17:29:32 PDT
text/plain (39 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Group!

First, let me thank all the people that responded to my question.  Looks
like a really large portion of our community has had this procedure done, or
is currently waiting to have it done.

About 93% of the people responding indicated it is designed to dectect,
cancer, if present.  A few less suggested it is the only way to see the
entire small intestine. OK!, I agree with that. When I had the biopsy done,
November, 98., I was told the "tube scope" was passed as far down the small
intestine as it would go.  So looks like there was more to see, but not
enough rope.

Time element came in at under 1 hour for three individuals, up to 4.5 for
about the same number.  The rest were somewhere in the middle. Most people
indicated about 2 to 2.25 hours.  I hope they hurry, I'll be hungry by the
time they are done, and I'll be without food for about 12 hours. Dangerous
for us Diabetics. You better believe I'm not driving myself to the hospital
for this one, and I'll have a stash of OJ ready for the finale.

Two individuals indicated a leaning toward the collection of money as a root
cause. Guess I can see that too, but it sounds like it is a greater concern
on the part of the doctor to establish a baseline and rule out any
abnormality he couldn't see directly with the scope.

OK!, Question answered. I'll have to psyche myself up for this one now. Like
many others, I hope the barium moves quickly,and the X-rays come out
negative.  I already know I'm CD.  I've gained 30 lbs since my diagnosis
last Nov. and I feel a lot more "awake" now too.  Guess I'm getting some, if
not all, those good vitamins I was missing before.

Thanks again people.  Your support is what makes this list work. Keep up the
good work.  I am truly sorry I can't respond to each of you individually.

Perhaps I can post the test results in two or three week when I know myself
if you're interested.  Thanks again.  Dave T.