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Sat, 4 Dec 1999 10:13:05 -0500
Ruth Arcuri-Kovacs <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (115 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear listmembers,

(I hope this gets through - it's my first contribution to the listgroup
if it does, can't seem to get rid of "fancy formatting" that my son put
on my e-mail when he set it up years ago!)

I'd like to summarize the 'negatives' RE to the Atkins' etc. diet fads.

Yes, patients lose weight at first - maybe large amounts of weight.
Yes, patients sometimes feel 'euphoric' in ketosis (at first.)
Yes, Atkins and others report no adverse effects from the diet.
    (Where are their studies? -- I refuse to believe that they didn't
     DO any - they just don't want you to see the results.)
Yes, it's the ever-popular "quick fix", sought by the American public.
(But the minute you try to return to 'healthier' eating, your weight
will return usually 1/2 again as much as you lost, and harder to lose
again, and YOU will be much the worse for the experience.)

I'd just like to summarize the dangers:

        -high saturated fat causes cholesterol (LDL, 'bad' cholesterol)
         to rise (people genetically inclined to high cholesterol MAKE
         cholesterol in their livers from saturated fat in the diet)

        -increased cholesterol levels are positively correlated with:
                CAD (coronary artery disease)
                heart attacks
                peripheral vascular disease
                stroke and TIAs ('mini' stokes)
                gall bladder problems and cholecystectomies

        -increased FAT in the diet is positively correlated with:
                GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
                triglyceridemia (high triglycerides)
                'stomach pain', constipation/diarrhea in the
                    fat-intolerant (like many gluten-intolerants)

        -VERY low fiber intakes which increase risk for:
                GI polyps and cancers (you DON'T want this - that's why
                    you're reading this list!)
                low dietary intake of anti-oxidants, carotenoids
                    (cancer-fighters/so-called 'anti-aging' nutrients)
                extreme, laxative-resistant constipation
                low intake of bioflavenoids (only in fruits, veggies)
                    (thought to reduce cancer risk, promote good
                    circulation, esp. strong capillary develop't)
                DIABETES, especially non-insulin dependent
                GERD (again, as above)

        -excessive protein intake which is related to:
                OSTEOPOROSIS, ladies! (the more protein in the diet, the
                    more calcium lost from bones, always!)
                ketosis (this is a BAD thing - diabetics on insulin
                    spend their lives AVOIDING deadly ketosis)
                increased renal (kidney) load probably increasing risk
                    for renal insufficiency, eventual failure)

There's more, but I'll quit now.  Additionally consider all the
miscellaneous results of very high-protein intakes (Kathy summarized it
so well, re-read her posting about cost, bad-breath etc.) You don't have
to become a vegetarian to be healthy, just DECREASE meats, animal fats
for a start.

Every one of the above disorders is increasing with each generation in
industrialized societies and occurring first in younger and younger
patients with each generation.  Why speed the onset of these diseases
with this mis-directed, unhealthy, over-promoted diet - think for
yourselves and use common sense.  We gain weight due to

        *lack of exercise (15-20 minutes daily is better than NOTHING,
                get started - you have time for TV, shopping...), you'll
                have MORE energy(Atkins promotes "euphoria", not energy)
        *too many CALORIES, no matter where they come from (too much
                meat will put weight on, also too much sugar, too much
                milk (even skim), too much pasta, too many raw carrots)
        *unwise eating habits (can't lose weight by eliminating meals -
                try small snacks/meals 6x a day - 'grazing' works if
                foods are high-fiber, lowfat, low refined sugar, carry
                good foods with you when you go out.)
        *SODA - drink water (it's good when you get accustomed to it)
        *processed foods (and often they add the gluten when they
                process, package, "improve" natural foods.)
       **STRESS - promotes production of hormones which favor
                lipogenesis (FAT-making) - exercise is best
                stress-reducer (moderate, aerobic, consistent / not
                run a marathon.)

Eat whole-grains (gluten-free), eat MORE fruits and veggies (as lightly
cooked as possible, or raw, to retain fiber benefits and DECREASE quick
absorption of natural sugars; gives you all those carotenoids,
anti-oxidants, (there are probably hundreds of them! not isolated yet -
so forget about "I take a vitamin pill---".)

I'm sorry to lecture, nag  -- but it's so much more important than
people realize and I work with the long-term disorders caused by "FAD"
diets everyday. I felt we really need to summarize this somehow. And
I've just been reading and reading this same old debate -- there is no
debate!  Atkins (and others) are RICH men. And author of Zone etc. too
(not ENOUGH fiber, GOOD carbs, if you will - all qualifed experts
recommend 8-10 svgs fruits and vegs. everyday.)  Am Heart Ass'n, Am
Dietetic Ass'n, Am Diab. Ass'n, Surgeon General, etc. etc. are not
making this stuff up - read THEIR studies.  Then try to FIND studies on
benefits of high-protein diets w. documented evidence, not
hearsay/anecdotes/"unsolicited" recommendations.... promoted by Atkins
et al.

I love reading this list -- I've learned so much from all of you.


Ruth  (from the Shenandoah valley, VA)