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Mon, 13 Sep 1999 08:02:55 PDT
Sheryl Tingley <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello list,

I have to vent a little after seeing my doctor. Unfortunately I must get a
referral everytime I see my gastroentrologist. So I go to my MD, whom I
chose because he claimed to have knowledge of celiac, to get my referral.
I'm having trouble. After being gluten-free and lactose free for a year, I
am still having problems. Its much better mind you, but it's not complete
and reactions to something happen too frequent. In my last post, a lister
sent me information on delayed allergy testing from a outfit called Better
Health or something like that. I have it bookmarked anyway. I not only
wanted to see my gastroentrologist but I also wanted to have this testing
done. I'm quite tired of elimination diets  and thought the testing would
narrow it down some. Anyway, he tells me that these tests are very
inconclusive. And he wants me to eat more fiber. Dried fruit he says. I tell
him I eat dried fruit all the time and my diet, with the possible exception
of calcium, is very balanced. I eat whole grains with the exception of
wheat, rye and barley and lots of veggies. I start to get a little upset
here and get teary because of frustration mostly. He suggests that I also
let him prescribe me an anti-depressant. I can't even look at him by this
point and I want to get out of there. He also wants me take an over the
counter diarrehea medicine for a week regardless if I have any bouts of
diarrehea or not and see if that clears the diarrhea up.


What do you think of all this?

He has agreed to look at this information I got about "delayed allergy
testing". And he has agreed to send me to the gastro doc if I don't improve.
So now I deal with diarrhea for another couple weeks. I have not gotten the
over the counter stuff. Do you think I should?

OK, I'm better now, thanks for listening. Can someone give me some advice
out there. I really don't know what to do.

HMOs stink!

As always, Sheryl
Auburn, WA

        "Friendship is a sheltering tree"  ;)