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Sun, 1 Aug 1999 19:50:43 EDT
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to the ones who honestly and informatively responded to my question.
And to the few RUDE responses that I got--I didn't feel that was necessary.
Especially the ones that said "You will DIE!" and "You must have a disire to
get cancer and die!"...UGHHHHH!! I was simply inquiring about this because I
AM SURE that other poeple on the list have wondered the same thing. It's a
hard thing to accept that you have to be on a GF diet your whole life. The
reason I am so curious is because of my frustration with doctors that don't
seem to know answers to my questions. There are many doctors out there that
are still telling patients that they can resume a normal diet after a few
years as long as they feel well and they come back for check ups. I have met
a few celiacs that were diagnosed years ago and that is what they were told.
They don't follow a strict GF diet anymore and they go in for blood tests
every year and their test results are normal and they feel fine. It is very
confusing to constantly get different information.

Most of the responses I got said that if they went off the GF diet for a
while they went back on it because they didn't feel well. Everyone suggested
that I stay on it for life.
