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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Fri, 2 Apr 1999 21:26:11 EST
Linda Ostrow <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi friends -

I was biopsy diagnosed celiac in December and since then, am grappling with
all of the issues involved.  But my question is this:  should I invest in a
really good bread maker such as a Zojirushi or in a really good mixer like a
Kitchen-Aid.  My thinking is that a good mixer will give me more flexibility
- has anybody tried making pasta with their pasta maker?  However, a friend
of mine has a Zojirushi which she's willing to sell me cheap (the actual
machine doesn't have a model number and she can't find any of the
accompanying paperwork).  I have also purchased a Kitchen Aid which I haven't
opened yet because it's so expensive.  Should I buy the bread machine and
return the Kitchen Aid or keep both?

I appreciate any suggestions you can give and I will summarize replies.

Also if there are any Celiacs on this list living in Savannah, GA, please
email me - I'd love to talk with you in person.

Thanks to everyone for your support and love.

Best regards,

Linda in Savannah, GA - USA