<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
1. Kristin Cruser [log in to unmask] Web Manager UT Medical Group,
Inc. offerred an appology for lack of information on the current web site.
The new site will be available later in July at http://www.utmedicalgroup.com
2. Jeff Black [log in to unmask] wrote to me the following message:
I'm the study coordinator for the Utah celiac study. I have not seen the
story yet, but I'd be happy to try to clear up any confusion.
3. Kristin Cruser [log in to unmask] Stated she checked with the
local television stations. On Channel 5, in Memphis, they had a story about
The University of Utah doing wheat and gluten sensitivity studies. There is
a very good article and interview located at the following URL.
4. Sandra (Memphis) I have not contacted Jeff Black. However, I did check
the University of Utah web site and found the article interesting.