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Jamal Mazrui <[log in to unmask]>
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Jamal Mazrui <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 2 Jul 2000 08:47:53 -0400
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Microsoft Access 2000 Power Programming

Table of Contents


    PART I--The Root of Power Programming

        CHAPTER 1--Macros Are for Weenies; Code Is Cool!

            Understanding Where Macros End and Code

                When Are Macros Necessary?
                When Is Code Necessary?

            Looking at Macro-to-Code Changes

                Using the DoCmd Object
                Code Equivalents of Macro

            Converting Existing Macros to VBA Code

        CHAPTER 2--Coding in Access 2000 with VBA

            Getting Started with Programming

                Using Code Modules
                Declaring Variables
                Declaring Procedures
                Controlling Program Flow
                Commenting Code
                Handling Errors
                Programming Style Used
                Throughout This Book

            Getting Started with VBA

                Introducing Objects
                Using the Object Browser

            Programming with Objects

                The Public Keyword
                The Private Keyword

            Using Properties and Methods

                Using Existing Properties
                Using Existing Methods
                Specifying Named Parameters
                Assigning Objects to Variables

            Using Collections

                Counting the Number of Elements
                Accessing Elements of the
                Iterating over Collections

            Customizing a Form

                Writing Custom Properties
                Writing Object-Valued Properties
                Writing Custom Methods

            Coding Class Modules

                Creating the Support Objects
                Creating the Class Module
                Using the Class Module


        CHAPTER 3--Making the Choice: MDB or ADP, DAO or

            Using Microsoft Database Versus Access
            Database Project

                Looking at the Objects Used in

            Using Data Access Objects Versus Activex
            Data Objects

        CHAPTER 4--Looking at the Access Collections

            Creating Custom Collections

                Defining a New Collection
                Adding Items to the Collection
                Removing Items from the

            Comparing Custom Collections to Arrays

                Creating a Collection of
                Creating an Array of Integers
                Understanding Advanced Uses of

            Accessing the Access Object Model

                Using the Application Object
                Looking at the References
                Working with the Forms and
                Reports Collections

            Programming Multiple Copies of the Same

                Supporting Multiple-Form
                Examining the Employees Form's
                Closing the Employees Forms


        CHAPTER 5--Working with Data Access Objects

            Understanding Data Access Objects

                Understanding the Anatomy of
                Your Database
                Getting Started with DAO
                Getting into Your Database
                Examining Your Database
                Examining Table Attributes
                Examining Query Types

            Creating a Database with DAO

                Creating the Database Object
                Copying Table Structures
                Fielding the Field Object
                Copying Queries
                Copying Relationships
                Copying Data

            Increasing Speed with Transactions
            Using Custom Properties

        CHAPTER 6--Introducing Activex Data Objects

            Looking at the Object Models

                The ActiveX Data Objects 2.1
                (ADODB) Object Model
                The ADO Extensions 2.1 for DDL
                and Security (ADOX) Object Model
                Jet and Replication Objects 2.1
                (JRO) Object Model

            Referencing the Type Libraries
            Opening a Connection to a Database

                Connecting to the Current
                Connecting to Another Database

            Creating a Recordset with ADO

                Opening a Simple Recordset
                Looping Through and Editing
                Creating Persistent Recordsets
                Using the RecordCount, BOF, and
                EOF Properties
                Checking to See What Operations
                a Recordset Will Support
                Cloning Recordsets

            Working with Queries Using ADO

                Creating a New Query
                Creating a Parameterized Query
                Opening a Recordset off a
                Parameterized Query
                Executing Bulk Queries
                Modifying an Existing Query
                Deleting a Query

            Working with Tables Using ADO

                Looking at the Tables Collection
                Creating a New Table with Fields
                and Indexes
                Modifying an Existing Table by
                Adding an Index


        CHAPTER 7--Handling Your Errors in Access with

            Access Error Messaging
            Different Ways of Using Error Handling
            Examining Access's Runtime Error

                Using the On Error Command
                Using the Exit Sub|Function
                Using Resume, Resume Next, and
                Resume LineLabel

            Working with the Err and Error Objects

                The Err Object's Clear Method
                The Err Object's Raise Method

            Working with the Errors Collection
            Creating User-Defined Errors
            Tracking Errors by Using a Custom Error

                The Declarations Section for
                Error Log Routines
                An Example Error Handler Calling
                the Error Log
                The Information Tracked for Each
                Examining the Actual Error Log
                Logging to the Back End First,
                or Front End if Necessary
                Updating the Back End with Any
                Errors That Occur

            Creating a Centralized Error-Handling
            A Last Look at Error-Handling Issues

                Watching for Environment
                Using Your Error Handler to Roll
                Back Transactions
                Using a Form's On Error Event
                Nesting Error Handlers
                Looking at Some New Options for
                Error Handling


    PART II--Manipulating and Presenting Data

        CHAPTER 8--Using Queries to Get the Most Out of
        your Data

            Understanding Where Queries Are Used in

                Using Queries with Form and
                Report Record Source Properties
                Giving Users Access to Queries
                Using Naming Conventions and
                Query Documentation

            Using Select Queries: Power in the Query
            Design Grid

                Joining Tables
                Using the Same Table Twice (Self
                Using the Access AutoLookup

            Working with Action Queries: Foundations
            for Power

                Make Table Query (SELECT INTO)
                Append Query (INSERT INTO)
                Update Query (UPDATE..SET)
                Delete Query (DELETE)

            Using Advanced Query Operations

                Some Summary Queries
                Individual or All Choices Using
                Union Queries
                Nested Queries
                Queries That Create Objects

            Adding More Power with VBA

                Building Faster Queries in VBA
                Using Query by Form
                Creating Temporary QueryDefs
                Using the DoCmd Object's RunSQL
                Issuing Parameter Queries From

            Working with Queries to Feed Reports and
            Solving Problems with Queries

                Grouping to Get Percentages
                Finding and Deleting Duplicate
                Nesting Groups to Get the
                Complete Solution
                Distinguishing Between New and
                Old Records
                Creating a Total Row for
                Crosstab Queries

            Examining the Architecture of the Query
            Resolution Process

                Defining the Query
                Preparing the Execution Plan

            Discovering Jet Optimization Methods

                Using Rushmore Technology
                Examining the Clustered Primary
                Working with Read-Ahead
                Using the SetOption Command for
                Jet's Registry Settings

            Understanding Optimization Techniques

                Increasing Performance with
                Table Relationships
                Adding Indexes
                Tweaking the Database Structure
                to Affect Performance
                Optimizing Join Performance

            Using Unconventional Optimization

                Understanding Some
                Performance-Tuning Pitfalls
                Diagnosing Slow Queries
                Resolving Ambiguous Field
                References with the Query Design

            Using the Analyzer Wizards

                The Table Analyzer Wizard
                The Performance Analyzer Wizard
                The Database Documentor


        CHAPTER 9--Creating Powerful Forms

            Increasing the Performance of Your Forms

                How to Increase Form Performance

            Using Access 2000's New Form Features

                Using the Form Recordset
                Using the Dirty Event

            Taking Advantage of Other Form Features

                Specifying a Splash Screen Form
                at Startup
                Using Form Background Properties

            Reusing Forms to Perform Standard Tasks
            with the OpenArgs and Tag Properties
            Increasing Tabbed Form Performance

        CHAPTER 10--Expanding the Power of Your Forms
        with Controls

            Setting Up a Field's Lookup Properties
            for Use on Forms
            Tapping Into the Power of Combo Boxes

                Using the Combo Box Wizard
                Programming Combo Boxes Beyond
                the Wizard
                Using a Union Query to Give the
                Choice of One or All
                Using a UNION SQL Statement to
                Requery All in a Subform
                Displaying Combo Box Columns
                Outside the Control
                Adding New Combo Box Items Based
                on User Input

            Working with the Native Access Tab

                An Overview of the Native Tab
                Creating and Editing a New Tab
                Moving Pages in the Tab Control
                Adding Controls to the Tab Pages
                Using Code with the Access Tab

            Morphing Access Controls

                Morphing Controls at Design Time
                Morphing Controls with VBA at

            Programming for Power with Multiselect
            Listbox Controls

                List Box Properties Dealing with
                Multiple Selection
                Manipulating Items Selected in a
                Multiselect List Box with VBA

            Using the Subform/Subreport Wizard for
            Giving Spreadsheet-Type Cursor Movements
            to Controls

                Looking at the Problem
                Creating a Solution

            Manipulating Controls Through Code

                Examining the Pieces of the
                Option Group Menu Form
                Introducing the
                ManipulatingControlsExample Form
                Looking at the Code Behind the


        CHAPTER 11--Creating Powerful Reports

            Using the Same Report for Summary,
            Detail, and Summary/Detail Reports
            Using Query by Form to Create Dynamic
            Groupings for the Same Report
            The Elusive Feature: Creating Snaking

                Looking at the Before Report
                Examining the Properties of the
                Columns Page
                Working with the After Report

            Using Dynamic Columns to Create a Report
            Off a Crosstab Query

                Looking at the Query by Form
                Used for the Report
                Looking at the Crosstab Query
                Used for the Report
                Looking at the
                DynamicColumnsExample Report

            Choosing Multiple Topics to Print by
            Using the MultiSelect List Box

                Looking at the
                Looking at the MultiSelect List
                Box Form
                Code Listings for the
                MultiSelect List Box Form

            Creating a Wizard-Like Interface for
            Selecting Group-By Items

                The Core Tables: WizExReports
                and WizExElements
                Working with the WizExReports
                Using the Group Element Wizard
                with a New Report

            Formatting Reports Dynamically

                Looking at the
                DynamicFormattingExample Report
                Using Conditional Formatting in


        CHAPTER 12--Working with Data Pages

            Why Data Access Pages?

                Understanding How Data Access
                Pages Are Structured
                Understanding the Navigation
                Comparing Data Access Pages to
                Forms and Reports
                Understanding What Users Need
                for Data Access Pages

            Saving Time with the Data Access Page

                Using AutoPage: Columnar
                Taking Off with the Page Wizard

            Creating and Enhancing Simple Data
            Access Pages

                Looking at the Data Access Page
                Field List
                Adding Hyperlinks
                Using Expressions on Data Access
                Using Bound Combo and List Boxes
                Formatting with Themes
                Additional Controls to Be Used
                on Data Access Pages

            Grouping Data Access Pages: Reports for
            the Web

                Creating the Base Page
                Creating a Relationship on a
                Data Access Page
                Creating Group Levels with
                Adding a Caption Section
                Viewing Your Data Hierarchically
                with Banded Data Access Pages
                Using a Combo for a Group Filter

            Finding Additional Resources

    PART III--Extending Access with Interoperability

        CHAPTER 13--Driving Office Applications with
        Automation and DDE

            Understanding Automation
            Examining the Office Products' Object
            Using Automation

                Declaring Object Variables in
                Using the CreateObject()
                Using the GetObject() Function

            Running Other Applications from Access
            with Automation

                Driving Word from Access
                Driving Excel from Access
                Driving Microsoft Graph from
                Driving Microsoft Project from

            Using Automation to Drive Access from
            Microsoft Project
            Using Automation to Drive Outlook from

                Creating a Outlook Mail Item
                Creating a Outlook Task Item
                from Access
                Putting Contacts into Outlook
                from Access
                Deleting Contacts in Outlook
                from Access
                Creating Outlook Calendar
                Entries from Access

            Driving Other Applications with DDE

                Understanding DDE Commands Used
                in Access
                Performing the Complicated Word
                Example with DDE


        CHAPTER 14--Programming for Power with ActiveX

            Understanding the ActiveX Windows Common

                Using the TabStrip Control
                Differences in Programming the
                Access Tab and ActiveX TabStrip

            Taking a Closer Look at the ImageList

                Adding Images During Design Time
                Adding Images to the ImageList
                Control at Runtime

            Emulating the Windows 95 Explorer with
            the ListView Control

                Looking at the Different Views
                of the ListView Control
                Seeing the Major Groupings of
                the ListView Control Properties
                Setting Up a ListView Control
                Creating and Filling a ListView
                Control Using VBA

            Displaying a Task's Progress with the
            ProgressBar Control

                Using SysCmd() to Display the
                Access Progress Bar
                Using the ActiveX ProgressBar

            Sizing Text Boxes at Runtime with the
            Slider Control
            Telling It Like It Is with the Microsoft
            Rich TextBox Control

                Properties of the Rich Textbox
                Code Behind the Microsoft Rich
                Textbox Control

            Creating Status Bars for Individual
            Forms with the StatusBar Control

                Setting Status Bar Properties at

            Docking Toolbars on Forms Using the
            ToolBar Control
            Viewing Data File Manager Style with the
            TreeView Control

        CHAPTER 15--Using API Calls to Extend the Power
        of Access

            Understanding Dynamic Link Libraries

                Links Performed
                Memory Considerations
                Commonly Used DLLs

            Examining the Syntax for API Calls
            Finding API Declarations
            Viewing the Possible API Calls

                Using the API Viewer to Locate
                Finding API Calls in the
                Win32api.txt File

            Considering Some Issues When Using API

                Creating Your Own API
                Declarations from Scratch
                Converting 16-Bit to 32-Bit API

            Looking at Some Examples of API Calls

                Finding an Executable
                Application Associated with a
                Looking at the Form Used
                Connecting and Disconnecting
                Network Drives from Within
                Displaying the Current User and
                Computer Name

            Displaying Pertinent Folders from Within
            Your Application
            Using the Open File Dialog API Call

        CHAPTER 16--Extending Your VBA Library Power
        with Class Modules and Collections

            Looking at the First Scenario

                Feature Set of the Bookmark
                Some Basic Objects of the
                Bookmark Tracker
                Let's Have a Little
                Class...Modules, That Is!
                Wrapping Up with the Bookmark

            Managing Multiple Instances of the Same

                Looking at the Feature Set
                Looking at the Forms Used in
                Opening Copies of the Same Form
                Examining the Code Used for
                Managing Multiple Copies of the
                Same Form


        CHAPTER 17--Creating Your Own Wizards and

            Understanding Access Wizards, Builders,
            and Add-Ins
            Looking at the Wizards and Add-In
            Registry Entries
            Creating Your Own Add-Ins

                Working with the Bookmark
                Tracker Wizard
                Installing Add-Ins in Access
                Programming the Bookmark
                Tracking Wizard
                Finishing Up with the Wizard

            Using Access Code Libraries

                Looking at the Pros and Cons of
                Code Libraries
                Considering Where to Put the
                Library Database
                Setting a Reference to a Library
                Viewing Library Routines in the
                Object Browser
                Looking at Some Library Coding


        CHAPTER 18--Manipulating the Registry With VBA

            Looking at the History of the Window's

                Using the Windows Registry in
                Your Applications
                Parts Making Up the Registry
                Tools Used For Working with the

            Using VBA's Registry Commands
            Performing Tasks with the Registry API

                Working with Multiple Back-End
                Looking at the Sample
                Working with the Actual Code


        CHAPTER 19--Using Access with the Internet

            Looking at Access's Hyperlink Features

                Working with Unbound Hyperlink
                Maintaining a Hyperlink Base for
                a Database
                Looking at the Hyperlink Data
                Adding Hyperlinks to Your
                Interface by Using the
                IsHyperlink Property
                Programmatically Using
                Hyperlinks with the Follow,
                FollowHyperlink, and
                HyperlinkPart Methods

            Looking at Access's Hyperlink Options
            Importing and Exporting Access Objects
            to HTML Documents the Easy Way

                Using Export for Exporting to
                Importing and Linking to HTML

            Publishing to Other Web File Formats

    PART IV--Adding the Professional Look and Distributing

        CHAPTER 20--Programming Office Command Bars and
        the Office Assistant

            Using Command Bars

                The Customize Dialog's Toolbars
                The Customize Dialog's Commands
                Options Tab of the Customize
                Creating a Toolbar Through the
                User Interface

            Working with Command Bars Through VBA

                Looking at the Command Bars
                Object Model
                Modifying a Command Bar

            Working with the Office Assistant

                Looking at the Office Assistant
                Object Model
                Using the Office Assistant as
                Help for a Form

            Looking at the FileSearch Object

                Working with a Simple Example
                Using FileSearch Properties
                Using the PropertyTests
                Looking at a More Complex
                Example That Uses the
                PropertyTest Object


        CHAPTER 21--Securing Your Application

            Understanding the Purpose of Securing
            Your Application

                Protecting Sensitive Data
                Protecting Developer's Code

            Understanding Security in Access 2000

                Understanding the Model and the
                Function of System.mdw
                Share-Level Security: The
                Database Password
                User-Level Security: The Real
                Security System of Access
                Users and Groups
                Do I Have Permissions?
                Understanding Ownership
                Encrypting Your Database for
                Added Protection
                The System.mdw File

            Looking at the Security User Interface

                Working with PIDs, SIDs, WIDs,
                and Passwords
                Creating a New User
                Creating a New Group
                Removing Users and Groups
                Adding a User to a Group
                Adding a Password to a User
                Removing a Password from a User
                Setting Permissions on an Object
                Securing Modules in the VBE
                Setting Database Permissions
                Changing the Owner of an Object
                Encrypting a Database
                Creating a Workgroup Information
                Manually Securing a Database

            Using Tools to Make Life with Access
            Security Easier

                Using the Security Wizard
                Printing Users and Groups from
                Reading the Security White
                Using Other Security Resources

            Avoiding Common Pitfalls Found in Access

                Planning Security
                Creating Objects with Default
                Securing Linked Tables in a
                Multiuser Environment
                Running with Owner's Permissions
                Using Security in a Replication
                Distributing Secured
                Applications with the Microsoft
                Office Developer
                Distributing Secured
                Applications by Creating an .mde

            Managing Security Through Code

                Using DAO to Program Security
                Creating a New User Through Code
                Deleting a User Through Code
                Setting the Database Password
                Through Code
                Creating a Group Through Code
                Deleting a Group Through Code
                Adding a User to a Group Through
                Removing a User from a Group
                Through Code
                Changing the Owner of an Object
                Through Code
                Setting Permissions for an
                Object Through Code
                Checking Permissions Through
                Determining Who You're Logged On
                As Through Code
                Denying Users the Ability to
                Create Databases
                Denying the Creation of Table
                and Query Objects
                Compacting, Encrypting, or
                Decrypting a Database Through
                Disabling the Bypass Key Through

            Using the Secured Sample Database:

    PART V--Managing Databases

        CHAPTER 22--Handling Multiuser Situations

            Looking at Multiuser Terminology
            Understanding Access Multiuser Handling

                Default Record Locking
                Default Open Mode: Shared Versus
                Number of Update Retries
                ODBC Refresh Interval
                Refresh Interval
                Update Retry Interval

            One or Two Database Containers: Knowing
            Where to Put the Pieces

                Knowing What Should Go Where: An
                Understanding the Advantages and
                Disadvantages of Splitting
                Splitting Databases Manually
                Working with the Database
                Splitter Wizard

            Looking at the Built-In Locking Modes

                Using Record Versus Page-Level
                Locking All Records
                Locking Edited Records
                Using the No Locks Locking Mode
                Using the Locking Modes in VBA
                Using Alternative Locking

            Working in VBA with Unbound Forms

                Creating the Routines for
                Handling Unbound Forms
                Walking Through the Steps of
                Using the Sample Form
                Using Support Routines
                Working with the DAO Version
                Setting Up the ADO Version of
                the Sample Application

            Coding for Multiuser Error Handling
            Getting a List of Logged-In Users with

        CHAPTER 23--Welcome to the World of Database

            Understanding Database Replication

                Focusing on the Replication
                Design Goal
                Looking at Some Typical
                Replication Applications

            Understanding the Jet Replication Tools

                The Briefcase
                Access Menus
                Replication Manager
                Jet and Replication Objects

            Converting a Database to a Replica
            Synchronizing Replicas

                Understanding the Design Master
                and Replicas
                Recovering the Design Master
                Replication Visibilities
                Replication System Columns,
                Tables, and Other Mysteries
                Using Replica Sets

            Understanding Replica Set Topologies

                Singly Connected List
                Star and Hub Topologies

            Automating Star and Hub Synchronization
            Distributing Replicable Applications

                Using Replicable and
                Non-Replicable Objects
                Partial Replicas

            Replicating Back-End and Front-End
            Dealing with Replication Conflicts

                Understanding Data Conflicts
                Using the Access Conflict
                Using an Alternative
                Conflict-Resolution Algorithm
                Understanding Various
                Replication Conflicts

            Understanding Replication Synchronizers

                Synchronization Phases
                Direct and Indirect
                Scheduled and On-Demand
                Synchronizing Replicas over the
                Handling Counter Fields
                Using Read-Only Attributes with
                Performing Replication
                Identification Fixup
                Using the Last Synchronization
                Using the Compact Utility with
                Replicated Databases
                Deciding Whether to Back Up Your

            Upgrading Replica Sets from Access 97 to
            Access 2000
            Securing Replicated Applications
            Using MDE Files with Replicated
            Creating Successful Replication

        CHAPTER 24--Moving Workgroup Applications to

            Understanding Client/Server

                Explaining the Term
                Working with Open Database
                Understanding the Reasons to Use
                Access for Client/Server

            Factoring for Migration to Client/Server

                Amount of Data
                Use and Purpose of Database
                Database Design
                Concurrent Use and Number of
                Backup and Recovery
                Data Sharing Among Applications
                Network Traffic
                Record Aggregation
                Bet Your Career on Choosing the
                Right System

            Planning for Client/Server

                Field and Table Names
                Reserved Words
                Case Sensitivity
                Query Processing on the Server

            Knowing What to Watch for in Application

                Limiting Your Data
                Using Combo Boxes
                Using Access-Specific and
                User-Defined Functions
                Creating Heterogeneous and
                Cross-Database Joins
                Dealing with OLE Objects
                Using Local Tables for Static

            Converting Existing Applications

                Starting with a Well-Designed
                Using Timestamp Fields
                Cleaning Up Queries
                Reworking Forms
                Developing Advanced Applications
                Working with Current Access
                Upsizing Access Databases
                Using the Upsizing Tools

            Distributing a Client/Server Solution

                Programmatically Setting Up an
                ODBC Data Source
                Re-creating a SQL Database with
                Server Scripts
                Loading Existing Data into SQL

            Keeping Certain Issues in Mind with
            Access and SQL Server

        CHAPTER 25--Developing SQL Server Projects Using

            Project File Architecture

                Introducing OLE DB
                Linking to Data
                Data Links and Access Projects
                Data Links and VBA Code
                The Microsoft Data Engine
                Objects on a SQL Server

            Working with Projects

                Creating a New Project
                Project Properties
                Securing a Project

            Building a Client/Server Application

                Working with Tables
                Naming Conventions for Objects
                Server Data Types
                Using Constraints
                Using Triggers
                Optimizing Data Access

            Working with Views
            Working with Stored Procedures

                Creating Stored Procedures
                Comparing Stored Procedure and
                Access Syntax


    PART VI--Adding Finishing Touches

        CHAPTER 26--Startup Checking System Routines
        Using DAO

            Performing Startup System Checks
            Using Custom Database Properties

                Creating Database Properties
                Through the User Interface
                Accessing Custom Database
                Properties from VBA

            Notifying and Logging Users Out of an

                Keeping Users Out at Startup
                Logging Users Out in the Middle
                of the Application
                Setting the Flag File to Log
                Users Out of the Back End

            Testing the Connections of Linked Tables
            at Startup
            Linking and Unlinking Tables Through VBA

                Linking and Unlinking Tables in
                a Jet Back End Located in the
                Application's Folder
                Finding the Jet Back End with
                the OpenFile API Call

            Testing and Repairing Corrupted Jet
            Back-End Databases
            Checking and Notifying Users of a New

        CHAPTER 27--Startup Checking System Routines
        Using ADO

            Performing Startup System Checks
            Setting and Retrieving System Settings
            with ADO
            Testing the Connections of Linked Tables
            at Startup
            Linking Tables Through VBA AND ADO
            Testing and Repairing Corrupted Jet
            Back-End Databases
            Replicating Code Tables Using ADO

        CHAPTER 28--Creating Maintenance Routines

            Creating an Export Dialog to Export an
            Application's Tables

                Looking at What the Export
                Utility Demonstrates
                Examining the Parts That Make Up
                the Export Utility
                Examining the Code Creating the
                Export Utility

            Compacting and Repairing the Back End on
            Creating a Generic Code Table Editor
            Replicating Tables from Back End to
            Front End for Better Performance

                Creating a Replicated Table
                Looking at Startup Routines for
                Replicating Semi-Static Data


    PART VII--Appendixes

        APPENDIX A--Debugging Code in Access 2000

            Setting the Correct Module Options for
            Maximum Debugging Power
            Taking Advantage of the Immediate Window

                Printing Data to the Immediate
                Window From Your Application
                Displaying Data While in the
                Immediate Window
                Assigning Values to Variables
                and Objects in the Immediate
                Running Code from the Immediate

            Stopping Program Execution

                Using the Stop Statement
                Using Breakpoints
                Using Debug.Assert

            Debugging One Step at a Time

                Stepping into Code Line by Line
                Stepping Through Code with Step
                Bailing Out of a Routine with
                Step Out
                Skipping Tested Code with Run to

            Viewing the Order of Procedure Calls
            Watching Expressions During Program

                Keeping in Touch with the Locals
                Taking a Quick Look with the
                Quick Watch Dialog
                Adding and Viewing Expressions
                in the Watches Window
                Setting Break Conditions and
                Editing Expressions

            Controlling Code with Conditional
            Compilation Commands

        APPENDIX B--Getting started with Activex

            Working with Activex Controls

                Looking at the ActiveX Control
                Shipped with Access
                Placing an ActiveX Control on a
                Setting Properties on an ActiveX
                Control at Design Time

            Counting the Days with the Calendar

                Understanding the Properties of
                the Calendar ActiveX Control
                Programming VBA with the
                Calendar Control

            Using a Standard Interface with the
            Common Dialog Activex Control

                Locating a File with the Common
                Dialog Control
                Changing the Default System
                Printer by Using the Common
                Dialog ActiveX Control


        APPENDIX C--Access 2000 and Jet 4 Errors
        APPENDIX D--Leszynski Naming Conventions for
        Microsoft Access(R)

            Naming Conventions: A Primer
            Access Object Types
            Structuring Object Names

                What Is a Prefix?
                What Is a Tag?
                What Is a Base Name?
                What Is a Qualifier?
                What Is a Suffix?

            Creating Database Object Base Names

                Rules for Base Names
                Base Name Length Limits
                Compound Base Names
                Field Base Names
                Ordering Base Name Elements

            Naming Conventions for Database Objects

                Tags for Database Window Objects
                Tags for Form and Report Control
                Prefixes for Database Objects
                Using Menu Macros
                Database Object Name Examples

            Creating VBA Object Base Names

                Rules for VBA Object Base Names
                VBA Object Base Name Lengths
                Compound VBA Object Base Names

            Naming Conventions for VBA Objects

                Tags for Variables
                Prefixes for Variables
                Naming Constants
                Tags and Prefixes for Procedures
                Using Macros Instead of VBA
                Visual Basic Object Name

            Creating Your Own Tags
            VBA Coding Conventions

                Code Comments
                Handling Errors

            Standardized Abbreviations
            Standardized Terminology
            Additional Information About LNC

                How to Get LNC

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