> NB to Troy G: I would never contradict the partner behind
> NeanderThin, but as far as the Inuit's diet being perfect
> Paleo, I'd say that in some restricted sense that may be
> so, at least as "Paleo" WOE is defined. But one cannot
> ignore the significant health problems experienced by that
> population even before significant Westernization of their
> WOL & WOE. Even the intro of the hunting rifle could
> have skewed a careful balance of physical activity and diet
> that probably existed for millenia.
I'm not an expert on Inuit culture and don't pretend to be. My point was
simply that if you live in a northern Arctic environment and have little or
no technology, a hunter-gatherer lifestyle is really the only one that is
possible. I'm not suggesting that the Inuit life is easy. Arctic weather is
no doubt very rough for humans. Your previous message seemed to suggest that
traditional Inuit had/have dietary and lifestyle options don't seem
realistic in an Arctic environment.
Troy G.