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PCBUILD - Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Jan Lambert <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Aug 1999 16:17:33 -0700
PCBUILD - Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (71 lines)
In <001101bee3b1$4a1a32a0$6b5c3ea6@skb>, on 08/10/99
   at 11:22 PM, "Stephen K. Brown" <[log in to unmask]> said:

>I have AMD K5-133 with 40MB of ram, Windows 98 with Service Pack

>My Config.sys is as follows:

>BUFFERS = 40,0
>FILES =127
>device=C:\CDROM\NEC_IDE.SYS /D:MSCD001 /v

>During boot up, I get a message that there is an error on line 7
>of my config.sys file.  However, the file above only shows 6
>lines?  Additionally, I don't understand the reference in the
>bottom line to my D drive.  That is the second partition on my
>hard drive that has a lot of old files and programs on it that I
>do not use at all.

>Is my config.sys file incorrect and, if so, what should it be?

>Also my AutoExec.bat file is shown below:


>I use Norton Antivirus.  Is this file correct or not?  Should
>there be additional entries?

>Any advice/help is appreciated!

>Steve Brown

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You may have an "extra" character in the file. I've had it happen
quite often. Since your file is so small, just make a new one in a
text editor. Do not use Word or other word processor, just a
simple editor. The "Notebook" i think is fine.

device=C:\CDROM\NEC_IDE.SYS /D:MSCD001 /v

This is not a reference to your "D:" drive, it is the device name
switch for the CDROM driver. There should be a line in the
autoexec simular to


The name following both /D:s can be just about anything but it
MUST be the same in both places. The /L: assigns the CD to drive
H: in my machine.

You might want to reduce the FILES to something less, like 60 if
you use alot of DOS programs or 20 if you don't. Very few DOS
programs require 20 open files, and Winslow does not use the FILES

jan lambert

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