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November, 2004
After the Vote
by Frank Scott
A minority of the electorate will have chosen a president who serves
wealth , empire and israel. Whether victory was by landslide or court
ruling, it will make no difference to those being killed in iraq,
Palestine, Colombia, Haiti and all the other places where the empire is
trying to crush its resisting subjects.
Much of the antiwar movement supported a pro-war candidate and,
perversely, it won. Whether it suffered temporary insanity or simply
retired until after the election, It will hopefully soon come to its
senses. The war it previously demonstrated against continues, as will
the policies that may bring another act of terrorism to American soil.
Such an attack could lead to further insane retaliation by the
administration in power. It might also awaken the movement which always
opposed this madness, but never achieves peace because of crackpot
“realism” that has it rally to lesser evil, rather than demand greater
good. But even if the peace movement does nothing , further violence
will unite much of the world in opposition to the monster that menaces
the entire planet. That is the U.S. , whether led by corporate
christian zionists, or corporate zionist christians.
Islam, the arab world, and retail terrorism will still be seen by our
rulers as the greatest threat to godliness since communism, with no
understanding of why so many hate America. And zealous cold warriors
who miss the old soviet menace will still flock to the church of
wholesale terrorism , abusing public consciousness, social justice
and “homeland security” as they do it.
There will either be an increase in Hate Bush marketing, or a new surge
of Hate Kerry products, which will bring some local joy to an economy
recently exulted as the blessed future of humanity, but more clearly
seen as the cursed future of everything.
We live in a physical and metaphysical environment that is forcing us,
like lemmings, to the edge of a precipice. From the industrial practices
of capital which foul, despoil and commodify the earth, air and water
, to its electronic technologies which are used to empty our heads of
anything meaningful while filling them with trivia and misinformation ,
we live in a smothering atmosphere, as political captives being marched
Corporate consciousness extends credit lines and creates enemies to
keep us focused on shopping and war, but awareness is slowly breaking
into the false reverie of managed ignorance. Private domination of
markets in the service of profit accumulation is creating a world wide
elite and an affluent class of its servants, but its social inequality
and ecological ravages menace far more than they benefit. This threat
to our future was unfazed by the November vote, which assumed great
significance only to an affluent minority.
For most people, the American election meant nothing at all . Some
will wildly celebrate , others madly grieve, but most will grimly
contemplate the ugliness they face in order to simply survive. Much of
humanity lives in wretched poverty, and while a global middle class
grows , much greater numbers are still left far behind . The world has
become an upscale mall patronized by a market elite, but it is
surrounded by massive ghettos and slums which supply its cheap migrant
Many in the new global middle viewed our elections with hope and fear,
but they are among the shopping class, not its servants. That second
group hardly cares who serves corporate capital in the white house.
They are subjugated , locked out of material progress and falling
further behind the affluent minority . Their despair, anger and
ultimately, hatred is growing. It helps contribute to the threat of
global terror, which is a modern version of a very old conflict .
Survival struggles have long pitted abused, exploited majorities against
rich minorities which squandered social wealth because of their
divinity, wisdom, or other pretenses that really meant they had the
weapons to suppress those majorities. What globalization has brought
about is not only a faster means of private profit accumulation and
social loss, but the involvement of more people in that process,
wherever they reside under its all encompassing reign of pain, and with
less superstition and ignorance than in the past.
Resistance to oppression that once needed direct physical contact among
the people of tribes, clans, or finally, states, can now be
communicated to an enormous public, instantly. The abused and
aggrieved have more means to organize themselves, and many of the
most desperate have access to deadly weapons formerly owned only by
their rulers. That makes for a murderous equality, which is unfortunate
for the innocents caught in the crossfire . But the death tolls
suffered in terror bombings are small, however tragic, in comparison
to the millions who have died, and continue to
suffer, under the rule of greedy, racist domination by minorities .
The movement for global peace and social justice will have to reassert
itself after its recent hibernation. It will also have to paraphrase its
hopeful slogan. Another world is impossible, with power remaining in
the hands of corporate capital and exercised exclusively for private
gain at public expense. That power relationship is at the root of what
threatens future survival, but in the November American election, it was
not even up for discussion .
Democracy suffered another defeat in the USA, with most eligible
voters part of a majority that did not select the winner. That group
needs to stop working against its interests, and begin organizing to
achieve its principles. If the people privileged to shop at the global
mall don’t create democratic action for justice and peace, those
outside will be forced to create murderous actions that bring social
chaos. Power concedes nothing without a demand, and this election
demanded nothing from power. We can’t afford to tolerate another vote
that simply offers a change of American
commandants at a global death camp.
Copyright (c) 2004 by Frank Scott. All rights reserved.
This text may be used and shared in accordance with the
fair-use provisions of U.S. copyright law, and it may be
archived and redistributed in electronic form, provided that
the author is notified and no fee is charged for access.
Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on
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frank scott
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225 laurel place, san rafael ca. 94901
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