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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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Tony Abdo <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Wed, 8 Mar 2000 14:11:00 -0600
Text/Plain (1957 bytes) , Message/RFC822 (7 kB)
That's the headline today in the San Antonio newspaper.    They are
referring to Bush's wins in the so-called 'Super Tuesday'.     But the
papers have missed a small item here.      I am referrng to the humanity
of Ponchai Kamau Wilkerson, who made this "win' possible for George W.
And the papers are also hiding the negociations that 3 activists did on
behalf of saving the lifes of 3 people, and ultimately the career of

A true test of character comes into play here, will Governor Bush
impassionately kill Wilkerson, the man that spared the life of the
prison guard taken hostage, and later released?      Or will he
cold-bloodedly continue his string?      Either way, this is an issue
that should be publicized and remembered for years to come, especially
if Bush goes on to become the next president.

The only way that Bush can be remembered as having any iota of humanity,
is to recognize the humanity of Ponchai Kamau Wilkerson, and to commute
the sentence of death just as Wilkerson commuted the sentence of death
for the hostage that he held.

This prisoner, Ponchai Kamau Wilkerson, will be remembered long after
the prisoner who supplied Dan Quayle with marijuana is forgotten, no
matter which road George Bush takes.    And let's not forget Howard
Guidry either.    He also spared the hostage's life, something that Bush
probably will not do with him.

Who will go down as the cold-blooded killer?      Or who will go down as
a man of compassion?    One who did not let his high position get in the
way of being grateful to the 5 people that allowed him to enter into
Super Tuesday without a major public relations problem on hand?    The
death of a hostage within the Texas Department of Corrections probably
would have tilted the public to making McCain the winner of these

The cold-blooded use of supporting the death penalty helped Bush become
governor of Texas.      But it might well cost George the presidency.
How Bush handles this question will determine how people see his
'character' ahead.

Tony Abdo