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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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frank scott <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Fri, 21 Jan 2000 21:41:50 -0800
text/plain (142 lines)
(415)868 1600 FAX (415) 868 0502
P.O. Box 31
Bolinas CA 94924
email: [log in to unmask]
Feb , 2000

  Viagra +  Prozac = Corporate Capitalism

The  holiday season saw a greater than usual credit buying orgy,
augmented by what was once called the information highway and has now
become  a buyers boulevard . An electronic hope for democracy is  being
turned into nothing more than a road to the market. The transformation
of this electronic thoroughfare into an electronic strip mall  is
called e-commerce , as though it were something  new .  Sure.

The electronic market has  less material form and more metaphysical
substance, leading to  incredible profits derived from even more
incredible losses. And it has brought corporate capital   supreme
influence over what  gets into our heads under the guise of
information.  The mergers  of already massive corporations have brought
us to a point at which six  monopoly mammoths   exercise almost total
control  over the  global flow  of information.

By managing every step in the process of production, distribution and
consumption, these giant conglomerates reduce  economic competition  to
quaint mythology. Companies market products by getting their news
operations to “report” on  how desperately important it is for everyone
to own, rent, lease, eat, drink, drive, watch, imitate or use these
products , or be found lacking as consumers.

As the  insane stock market  creates fantastic  profits for firms that
are actually losing money,  it is making many people rich, but sinking
many more into  debt. More workers are earning a paycheck than ever
before, but they also have more financial obligation than ever before .
And  there are more people  in jail than ever before,  though not
necessarily because of debt.

We have the world’s most serious drug problem, and it begins with our
political economic system.  But our immoral  war on  only certain drugs
does  nothing to solve  that problem and only makes matters worse . It
unjustly expands the prison population and promotes  human misery,
sinks billions  of dollars into the   business of weapons, banks and
jails, while meddling in the  governing policy of other nations .

Whether the drugs used are legal or illegal, millions of Americans must
be drunk, stoned, blissed  or otherwise medicated  in order to get
through the average day without being comatose consumers. If their
dealer is a doctor or an  HMO selling   synthetic dope from  the labs of
multi-billion dollar drug corporations, it’s okay. But if their dealer
operates on the street , with  more organic dope , it means  jail time,
especially if they are lower income or non-white.

Morality, justice  and sanity are all losers in a culture dominated  by
market forces that  keep a majority of the people in a corporate induced
state of artificial intelligence.

This economy is performing like a flaccid  male member  under the
influence of a drug to make it act like a  strong machine rather than a
weak organ. And our politics are   democratic  in the  way that life
seems beautiful to people  dosed with an anti-depressant to keep them
smiling and shopping.

The drugged state of so many people is an aspect of the unreal nature of
a system of political economics. Its definition of democracy is rich
people buying government, and it defines success as minorities getting
rich while majorities fall into debt, poverty and depression.

We might as well  all be medicated , given the hallucinatory nature of
what our consciousness controllers sell us as reality.

The market is treated as though it were a force of nature, but it is a
human construct, dominated by corporate minorities who maintain  control
by keeping the majority of people in a state of near unconsciousness.
This arrangement makes   consumption relatively easy, until the bill
becomes due. But  it makes  citizenship extremely difficult, until the
crisis becomes clear.

That crisis is both economic and political. The  dwindling percentage of
Americans who bother to vote will need heavier medication  than usual to
feel  inspired about the  elections in November. The  ridiculously
expensive  and mostly irrelevant campaigns have been going on since
1998, yet any excitement seems to depend on a new candidate entering the
race, or a juicy scandal surfacing.

The campaigns have been conducted with little interest expressed by any
but activists and corporate media.  Pundits and reporters,  employed by
firms bloated to gargantuan size by mergers,  perpetuate the myth of
democracy, even as it is denied by a public showing understandable
disdain for the entire farce.

A society based  on   democracy and sociability is more possible than
ever, but  there needs to be a confrontation with the  anti-democratic
and anti-social nature of our commerce .The  metaphysical market cannot
be allowed to make decisions that should be arrived at by democratic
consent. And the earth and its people cannot continue to be  treated as
simple commodities to be bought, sold, rented, leased, hired and fired.

Americans  need to face  two very important facts: 1) neither
corporations nor capitalism are  part of our constitution. and 2)  our
war on drugs  is an integral part of sustaining corporate capitalism.

This system manufactures injustice, pollution and death ,  based on the
production of waste  and  the distribution of lies. It reduces its
people to commodity consumers, shopping  without happiness and voting
without purpose .

Recreational and therapeutic drug use are a part of life, but the
profitable  war on some drugs is about death , as is  too much of the
culture of commerce. Corporate capitalism is destroying  democracy,
ecology and sanity. Its power is dependent on  continued ignorance  of
its danger and  acceptance of its inevitability .

Our politics and economics are legal drugs  that do infinitely more
damage than illegal drugs. They are  a pathology that is maintained by
addicting their subjects to dishonesty and immorality. Becoming a truly
drug free culture means becoming a society free of the capitalist
culture of commerce.

Copyright (c) 2000 by Frank Scott. All rights reserved.

             This text may be used and shared in accordance with the
             fair-use provisions of U.S. copyright law, and it may be
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            the author is notified and no fee is charged for access.
           Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on
             other terms, in any medium, requires the consent of the
author .

frank scott
email: [log in to unmask]
225 laurel place, san rafael ca. 94901
(415)457 2415   fax(415)457 4791