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Sat, 28 Aug 1999 13:28:17 EDT
Anna Carter <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (209 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Following are 18 responses to my (old) question re dentists
At 10:35 PM 7/23/1999 EDT, you wrote:
I'm curious as to why you would notify your dentist about having CD. When I
told my doctor I thought I was allergic to wheat and asked whether I should
have it medically confirmed, she said "just don't eat wheat."  I don't get as
sick as some people obviously do from the notes on this site, I just get
tired, fast heartbeat, terrible indigestion, itching all over and sore for
several days afterward along nerve paths, especially in my back, neck and

Had some serious dental work several months ago that made me very sick.  I
felt the shot all over my body -- had sweats, light headedness.Then I kept
thinking I was going to faint the rest of the day (not like me at all).  The
next day or so I got a stiff and very painfull neck (couldn't move it).  The
doctor gave me antibiotics, pain pills and a muscle relaxant.  Does this have
anything to do with wheat allergy or did some bug just getstirred up by
dental work???


1.  If you began to feel these symptoms within thirty min, probably the wheat
allergy (especially with the itching you mention); if you didn't feel them
til after an hour or even the next day, I'd say it was celiac; if, however,
it didnt' come on for two or three days after the experience, it's probably
a bug. The bugs do  take two or three days to incubate, unless it's anthrax
biological warfare, of course :)  You don't still have the stiff neck at the
same degree do you? Here's some explanati-time posters to this listserve.  If
you haven't seen it, ask him at:      [log in to unmask]

2.  Celiacs have to know what's in the medications they take. I research and
publish the Clan Thompson Pocket Guides to Gluten Free Foods and Medicines.
By checking with different pharmaceutical companies, I've learned that not
all antibiotics, pain pills and muscle relaxants are gluten free. Perhaps
that's why you got sick?  Lani

3.  Sounds like you have the same problem with anything containing
epinephrine that I do -- it's a major component of the lidocaine
(anesthetic), as it suppresses excess bleeding. I used to think I was having
panic attacks at the dentist's office !  Sue

4.  I started developing similar symptoms which got increasingly worse each
time I went to the dentist.  This was before any knowledge of CD. Actually
ended up in the hospital.  After the 3rd visit to the hospital after dental
work he eliminated latex gloves - and the problem was also eliminated.  Betty

5.  My son and I have sensitivity to novacaine type drugs or those with
epinepherine.  I have to take citanest which is an alternative to lanacaine,
carbocaine and the others.  Perhaps yo have a sensitivity. It can just
started creeping up on you.  Carol in NJ

6.  For goodness sake have you been tested for celiac, if not  consume a
lotof gluten and get tested, we all have lots of allergys an intolerances to
even gf foods. Lill

7.The shot contains adrenaline which gives you exactly the symptoms you
experience.  However, usually, it only lasts a few minutes.  The itchy is a
clear indication that you are allergic to it.  You dentist has other choice
of drugs.

Have her put on your chart that you are CELIAC.  Ask for the names of the
meds used, along with drug manufacturer, call them and get the gf status.  If
it contains gluten, refuse it.  If she still is obnoxious, find a new
dentist.  and tell her that!  Ann

Note from Anna:  For clarity, it was my Doctor who said "just don't eat
wheat."  Not my dentist.  And I didn't itch from the shot, but when I eat
wheat.  Thanks though.

8.  I have been having similar reactions to local dental anesthetics related
to Novocaine. I think I have celiac disease.  I don't KNOW because I'm not
willing to do a gluten challenge since I've felt better these past 7 or 8
years than I did all my life before then (since I've been eliminating
gluten.)  Doctors also told ME, "Well if you're better off without wheat,
then don't eat wheat!) as if I were simple-minded.

But for about 10 years I've been having reactions to dental anesthesia:
sudden lightheadedness, a roaring sound in my ears, feeling hot all over,
flushing in my face and problems with blurring of vision within minutes or
seconds of getting that shot.  I then get a migraine, sick to my stomach and
feel faint for 2-3 days like you. Also get that stiff neck and painful
muscles.  While I am having the reaction, I can feel the pain crawl down my
spine like my back is being broken.

I went to an immunologist at Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center in NJ (at
Rutgers University College of Medicine and Dentistry.)  She said it was a
hypersensitivity reaction to a class of drugs which include Lidocaine(which
is Novocaine) Look up Lidocaine or Novocaine symptoms of hypersensitivity.

See if they're yours.

Reactions of this kind CAN by fatal (affect heart rhythm - did your heart act
strange during your reaction?) so must be avoided as if it were an allergy
(which they tell me it's NOT.) Anyway, that leaves you with NOTHING to use at
the dentist's.  Procaine is a safe alternative but, I asssure you, it is not
sufficient for serious dental work!

Sorry for the long remarks, but I hope you'll print any answers, responses
you might receive - I need the information too. Ruth Arcuri-Kovacs,
[log in to unmask]

Ruth from Anna:  My symptoms were exactly as you described, except for the
pain down the spine.  Thanks.

9.  I am not a sensitive celiac, but every visit to the dentist since my
diagnosis I have gotten sick (same symptoms as prior to GF).  The dentist
assures me  "there isn't gluten in this..." - how reassuring (NOT). I do
request that they use powderless gloves due to the powder containing wheat
flour sometimes.  Gena Clark

10.  I hate going to the dentist for the same reason!  I would assume it is
gluten, since it happens everytime - but I haven't got around to making my
dentist be gf - yet!

Becky, Calgary, Alberta

11.  Dear Anna,  I cannot adequately answer your medical questions - and
obviously neither can your doctor.  Even if it means driving into Berkeley or
SF, you need to find a physician who knows about CD and gluten allergies.
The advice to 'don't eat wheat." is far from adequate and surely not a
professional reply.  Gayle Kennedy

12.  You can have an allergy to wheat and not be a celiac.  These are two
different conditions.  Mitzi in Michigan

13.  One reason to notify your dentist about your allergies, is that you may
have other allergies and be sensitive to the pain medicines.  My 4-year-old
son is obviously very sensitive to these medicines (discovered when he had to
have stitches for a fall) and when I shared the information with our dentist
about how some celiacs over react to medicines, while some under react,
requiring more, he did not want to do dental work on my son until he was
tested for these medicines.  (I didn't know they could test for such things.)
He said he could recommend another dentist that would be near a hospital and
equipped for a possible anaphylactic reaction, but I really like this dentist
and want to use him.  We have not undergone the testing yet, so he has not
had his fillings yet, but hopefully I will get it done soon so we can get on
with it.  Diane

14.  I had these same problems for about a year and they could not find out
why.  I am GF and very strict.  It now looks like it was the medicine I was
taking that was listed as GF.  It was the Estrogen of all things! The company
still said it is GF but I am now using the patch.  Those were the same
reactions and I did have some dental work done so I am interested in yours
and others responses.  Thanks,  Ruth NC/usa

15.  I am puzzled by the comment, "Just don't eat wheat."  I wish it were as
simple as that.  Your description of the itching makes me wonder about
Dermatitis Herpetiform, a skin manifestation of celiac disease.  Is there any
way you can get an appt. with a gastro-enterologist  who is familiar with
celiac disease?  A dermatologist should also be able to diagnose the DH when
you are having those symptoms.  Please check and see if there is a Support
Group for your area.  They are listed under this website and also
www.celiac.com.          Rose Mary in W. Ky.

16.  I have similar reactions but my dentist uses allergy free stuff on me.
I 've had to consider changing dentists because of  the 40 min drive home
after treatment.  I usually make it then collapse. Have you got a chiro or
such to do any cranial work on you to check your TMJ, jawetc?? I'm not an
expert just a fellow sufferer...  Berinda

17.  When I read your post It all sounded so familiar.  I get many of the same
symptoms. I will relate my experience, and you may find something to help
you. I am allergic to wheat- proven. I  read the posts on the celiac list and
decided to go gluten free with all grains just to see if it will help. I have
many food and chemical allergies, so I am trying to eliminate some of these
reactions by avoidance.

Regarding dental work,  I am allergic to the preservative in the pain
deadening injections and have been for about 40 years. And the air is usually
polluted in a dentists office by the very nature of the work they do, and
this adds to the reactions. I now get preservative free injections for dental
work. In fact I had a broken hip repaired with a spinal using preservative
xylocaine. You have to ask or insist that they go preservative free. They
will  say that they don`t have it but they can get it. Oh yes, I had 2 breast
biopsies with this method.

Something very universally accepted for clearing out after dental work is
huge doses of Vitamin C. which is very safe to take. I learned this at a very
famous allergy clinic in Texas. I haven`t gone into much detail here, but if
you wish to know more I will be glad to share  with you.  Annabelle Brausieck

18.  Dear Anna and All Listmates... as I think this should be posted to the
list.... I always put Celiac on any intake and patient history medical
records. My personal saga which lead me to this list was because of some
dental problem. I had a crown and the gum was inflamed and bleeding for over
a year and it was not until the last 6 mos of trying to be completely GF that
I am getting some relief. I went to my Dentist and asked to see my chart and
looked to see if I had put celiac on it. I did and so I informed him that all
these problems I had were related to the gluten, I thought,and that if he had
anybody else come in with a gluten problem or this same problem that he may
consider the problems I had and keep this in mind if they had similiar
problems. This ongoing problem was a puzzle to both of us and he had an appt
set up with a periodontist which I freaked out about and decided that I would
get to the souce of this problem. Thankgod- can you imagine the condition I
would have been in. It took me 6 months to figure out the gluten/ celiac
condition relationship , but the bleeding has stopped and the inflammation is
pretty well at bay. My gums have always been very sensitive and sometimes I
think the also my herpes simplex virus gets rampaging around in my mouth and
gums and lymphatic system and it all just makes a mess. I have not had My vit
K levels tested and sometimes getstrange nosebleeds. I thought maybe my vit e
intake was too high.. ah well... the constant detective chase to better
health      Good Health ...Donna in Pa

This has been very helpful, thanks. Anna