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Mon, 26 Apr 1999 08:53:27 -0400
Joel Elias <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Following is a copy of a note I sent to Nature's Path about their easily
confused packaging of gluten-free Honey'd Corn Flakes and gluten containing
Corn Flakes.  I have had many responses from others on the list who have
had, or nearly had, the same experience.  Their email address is:
[log in to unmask] .  Please write to them, and encourage them to
better differentiate their packaging.


To whom it may concern,

I wanted to share my recent experience with your Corn Flakes in the hope
that you will revise your packaging to avoid potentially serious medical
problems for your customers.

I have Celiac disease, which means that I cannot tolerate gluten containing
products.  After being diagnosed, I was delighted to find your gluten-free
Honey'd Corn Flakes and they have become a staple in my diet.  Several
months ago, a local grocery store had a sale on the large size of your Corn
Flakes.  Because of the strong similarity of the packaging, and the adjacent
position on the store shelf, I assumed that it was just a larger size of the
same product and bought a dozen boxes.  I suffered sometimes severe stomach
pain and other symptoms for the last three months.  My supply of your Corn
Flakes was getting low last week and when I went to the store to buy more,
for some reason, I took the time to read the label and found that the Corn
Flakes are, in fact a different product and contain barley malt, a gluten
containing food.  Needless to say, I got rid of my remaining supply,
switched back to Honey'd Corn Flakes and am feeling fine now.

Because of my experience, I posted a warning note to a Celiac Disease
mailing list on Saturday.  Thus far, I have had nearly a dozen responses
from others who have had the same experience with your corn flake products.

Please pass this note along to those responsible for your package design
with my request that you more clearly differentiate the packaging of the two
products to avoid problems for others in the future.

Thank you,
Joel Elias
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