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Jamal Mazrui <[log in to unmask]>
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VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Fri, 27 Feb 1998 16:55:13 -0700
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At the Microsoft accessibility summit last week, Bill Gates, the
corporate president, made public commitments to accessible
products and services in an unprecedented speech, a transcript of
which follows, including a question and answer session at the end.

                       Remarks by Bill Gates
                      Microsoft Corporation
                        Accessibility Day
                        February 19,1998
                           Redmond, WA

MR. GATES: Well, good morning. And thanks for coming to
Microsoft. We've got a very unusual mix of people here today,
and I think it's going to be a fantastic get-together. Of
course, the advocates for accessibility, representatives from
government, the independent companies that have done a lot to
build on top of our products and make PC accessibility happen as
well as it has today, and we've got pioneers here like Gregg
Vanderheiden, Judy Heumann who have been leaders in driving
these innovation solutions. And then, very importantly, we've
got the Microsoft employees who are involved in making sure that
across our broad product line we give this the priority it

 Our vision when we started the company was a computer on every
desk and in every home. And in this setting, I think the word to
emphasize there is "every." The PC can be a tool for everyone.
And the opportunity with innovative hardware and software to
make this essentially the greatest accessibility aid ever is
something that is very, very exciting to us. There's no doubt
that we have a lot more to do in this area, but just think about
the Internet and all the information that's out there. When
we've got very high quality voice synthesis built into the PC,
and easy ways of doing navigation, all of that Internet
information will be available to everyone.

 Our customers, very broadly, care about these accessibility
issues. Its been a big issue for governments at the state level,
at the federal level, but also large corporations want to reach
out and give all their employees the opportunity to take
advantage of these technologies. I think there's no doubt that
legislation and regulations are going to be looking at these
areas. We want to make sure we get out there with solutions way,
way before that happens. We want to make sure we're a model of
how all this should be done.

 There's a lot of creativity and cleverness that can go into
architecting these solutions. In some areas, like allowing the
keyboard to be redefined I think we have exercised that
creativity. The most difficult areas have to do with the
visually-impaired as we moved from the character mode to the
graphical interface. That was a transition where we didn't pay
enough attention to what this would mean for people who are
visually-impaired, and that's something that we're really having
to go back and put a lot more resources in to address that.  We
have made a lot of progress. We've adopted a formal policy about
ourproducts and services. We've developed a framework for the
new technology.This is the active accessibility capability as
well as the standards forcaptioning and audio descriptions. The
product documents, now we're making them available in a format
that's free, and that everybody can get at those in the
different forms. And we really are starting to build the key
accessibility features into Windows. So there's definitely been
some highlights. We're going to use Windows' logo to help drive
these features not only in our products, but also into our
partners products.

 In terms of low lights, I'll just mention two. The first is not
putting enough resources into this area soon enough. And so a
little bit being in a catch-up mode relative to Windows and
graphical interface products, and then most recently where we
actually took a step backwards, where we had Internet Explorer
ship with less accessibility than in the previous version. And
even though we were able to very rapidly turnaround and in 30
days ship version 4.01 that solved those problems, it definitely
sent the wrong message, internally and externally. And so we've
got to make sure that we're not going backwards. In fact, quite
the opposite, that as we're getting major releases out, we're
taking big steps forward.

 And so every team now, when they specify their product, they've
got to address accessibility. That's of greatest importance for
our high volume products, in particular products like Windows
and Microsoft Office. We've created an initiative which is
called Accessibility 2000 that talks about how we're going to
get from where we are now to the point where really across the
board we can say that we're doing a fantastic job.

 Part of this is very straightforward. It's to establish a
checklist for our product groups, and make sure that as I'm
sitting down and doing product reviews with these groups, it's
definitely one of the things that gets touched on. We've had
experience with things like this in the past. International
support, supporting all of the world's languages was something
that people didn't pay enough attention to in the early days.
And over a period of years, with a lot of creativity, with a lot
of focus, now virtually all of the products we ship, ship in a
form that makes them ready for global use. Ready for Japanese,
Korean, even Arabic, which has been the toughest there. And so
the same principles that we used to get those architectures in
place and to make sure that each of the products gave it the
appropriate priority, we'll be applying that now in this
accessibility area. We feel that the Windows logo can also help
us take some of these checklists and spread them out to other

 Let me talk real quickly about some specific products. We think
Windows 98 is a step forward. It's got the accessibility
settings wizard, it's got the screen magnifier. NT 5 has the
on-screen keyboard. Perhaps the most exciting things we're doing
right now are in the Office product area. We put in a framework
with Office 9 to support Active Accessibility. Some of those
thing were done only half way, so now we've got a lot of
feedback. And in the release that we're building now, which
doesn't have a formal name, internally it's referred to as
Office 9.x to give us maximum flexibility.


 MR. GATES: But, X, I think I know what it is, but I'm certain
what it should be, but it's a fairly near-term release that
we'll be coming up with. It's got greatly improved support for
the Accessibility 1.0, and we're looking at exactly how we go to
the next major version of that and define what we'll call
Accessibility 2.0.

 Internet Explorer, as I said, we took a step backwards there,
but with 4.01, we've got the improved keyboard navigation. We've
got the support for Active Accessibility. With Visual Basic, we
want to make it so anybody using that tool can build accessible
applications as well as developers be able to use that tool. And
so now, we've put in native support for Active Accessibility.

 Now, the accessibility area is something where, in a sense,
you're never done. There are always good ideas out there from
users and advocacy groups about how you can take the next step.
And so, a big part of what we're adding, and I have to give Greg
[Lowney] a lot of credit for really championing this and
pioneering it, is to increase the resources we have that have a
strong dialogue between ourselves and yourself. The Advisory
Council is an important part of that. Product review boards are
another important part of that. The total commitment in
resources here will basically triple the number of people we
have on Greg's accessibility team. And that is both in the areas
of communications and in the development area. We found that we
really need a mix to get these things to work well. We need
people in specific product groups who are involved in these
activities. We also need a group where we centralize all the
expertise, and make sure that they're speaking out, and that
they can send me electronic mail at any time.

 To run that group, we've created this new position, Director of
Accessibility, and he is the advocate inside Microsoft. Greg
Lowney is going to take on that role, and that's based on his
really believing in this cause a great deal, and having a lot of
experience in this. It was 10 years ago while working as a
program manager on Windows that he became the first Microsoft
person to really start to get us thinking about this.

 So, in summary, I want to make it clear to everyone here that
accessibility is important to Microsoft. We feel that the PC is
going to be a great tool. Some of the things we're doing in
research with speech recognition, speech synthesis, they are
just going to take this to a whole new level. In fact, in one of
the areas where we've got some demonstrations, you'll see some
of those early technologies. But even though future technologies
are a big part of that, this is a here and now issue. It's
something that we've got to do more on.

 We will improve our product for accessibility. This
organizational step is a very meaningful one and sends a strong
message. In order to do this well, we do need your ongoing
feedback. And the PC industry is a community. Some of these
issues aren't just going to be Microsoft. They're going to be
things that we need to get other software developers and
hardware developers to do. And so we need to work at how we draw
in those other participants to make sure that we get a total

 And I think the basic message here is the one that's really at
the core of what Microsoft believes in, and that's this idea
that PCs will benefit everyone.

 Thank you.



MR. GATES: I have some time now for whatever questions or
comments people want to make about what we're doing or what we
should be doing.

QUESTION: I [Paul Schroeder, American Foundation for the Blind]
want to say respectfully, that I thank you for moving from what
you were purported to have once said about accessibility being
like a charity, moving to where accessibility is really part of
the core decision. And I guess the question I have is, there's a
lot of good stuff in what you've said, but how do we have a
sense of top level commitment to accessibility being part of
technology when market pressures are pushing you to roll out
something, such as Internet Explorer, before the accessibility
features were developed, to have the accessibility built in. It
strikes me that that, obviously in a very competitive industry,
is likely to happen again on several products, where that kind
of pressure is brought to bear, and the accessibilities may not
be ready.

 MR. GATES: Well, the ideal, and this will become more and more
the case over time, is to get the architecture such that
accessibility essentially falls out of the way you design
products. The way you create graphical interfaces today, there's
a lot of unstructured code. And so what we face as we go back
into these products and say, you know, how do you make this
product accessible is, you literally have to look at all those
different pieces of user interface code. And you've got to find
the people who understand those and go in and do special things
to those.

 By using advanced HTML-type technologies, where the user
interface would be described in a more abstract way, the kind of
annotations that are necessary, where you can take things that
are on the screen are very graphical, and yet need a description
that can be read out, that will just necessarily be part of
constructing that UI design.

 So the first thing, and it can't be the only thing because it
will take many years to get to full fruition, the first thing is
doing user interfaces of these products in a much more abstract
way. So that when people think what is the marginal effort to do
this, it's very, very low. Until we get to that, we'll have to
use some other approaches. We'll have to have an event like this
one, with the key product people here, talking about it, as a
priority. We'll have to make sure that we've got the dialogue
going on, so that even during the beta test of those products,
we understand what is the situation.

 In the case of Internet Explorer 4.0, we had kidded ourselves,
thinking that a piece of code would just get done. And it wasn't
a piece of code we weren't paying enough attention to. And so
product groups, you know, have a lot of factors to make
decisions. They went ahead and did that shipment, feeling they
could come back around and make that new shipment. And the 30
days, you know, isn't really the problem, it's just the
statement that that makes. I think we will avoid any of that
type of regression in the future.

 I think the right thing happened around that. It became,
certainly inside Microsoft, I don't know if outside Microsoft,
but it became very visible here. And we can measure these things
by the thousands of emails that go around on a particular topic.
And we've got the new five point plan, that is there to do that.
These additional resources, these are people who care a lot
about this, and they're going to escalate those issues. And, you
know, it's all part of an ongoing dialogue.

 I think if you look at our history, we have gotten better and
better, in terms of accessibility. And you're going to see a
strong trend line there. And it's great to have some milestones,
where we say, okay, in '98 what are we going to get done, in '99
what are we going to get done. And this is all part of the
cooperative effort with the people who do the add-on products.

 QUESTION: Roger Wall , the National Easter Seals Society. I've
got a million questions, but I'll just put forward one. We hear
a lot from the field from our therapists and practitioners, and
from physicians, that people with disabilities that we serve,
and the elderly, could stay in their homes longer, without being
institutionalized if their homes were smarter. And I'm just
curious -- I know there are certainly third party groups that
are working on accessibility, home control appliances, and
control-types of software. I'm wondering if Microsoft is
involved in that at all, or if you have plans?

 MR. GATES: Just help clarify for me, when they say making the
home smarter, what kind of thing are they talking about? Are
they talking about alerting if the person is not well, or being
able to move the person around?

 QUESTION: Yes, a whole range of those types of activities, from
alerting the person, reminding them of certain things, some of
those technologies are out there now. But, I'm not sure how
effectively they've been funded.

 MR. GATES: Well, the -- we're very excited about the increased
use of PCs in the home environment. One thing that hasn't
happened yet is you haven't had the PC interacting with other
devices, whether it's TV sets, or security systems. We now want
to build into the PC a wireless capability, and there's a lot of
debate in the industry about the specific technology, infrared
or RF.

 One of the great things you could do very easily with that, is
remote medical monitoring. That is, you go from a device that's
on the person, it sends a wireless signal to the PC, that's
connected through the Internet to the care provider. And you
just have a standard where every 15 minutes it reports that
everything is okay. If you don't get that positive
acknowledgement, then you assume that something broke down,
hopefully, it's the PC. But, you know that there is something
that needs attention there. So that idea of doing medical
monitoring should fall out of some bold initiatives the industry
is going to take, around home networking and home control.

 And so we should make sure that as we're getting into that,
that we're talking to the people who build those kinds of
devices and make sure they're very easy to set up and use. The
elderly are getting involved in using PCs. There are some
organizations very focused on that. And I think the idea of the
Internet, where you can get pictures from your grand kids, and
send mail, it is a very empowering thing. And so I do think not
only can it let people stay in homes longer, where they may
prefer to be. It can also allow them to do more -- a lot more
while they're there.

 QUESTION: Thank you. I'm Charlie Parker [Charlie Crawford] from
Massachusetts. There's any number of other computer companies
and software companies which are still fairly far behind, in
terms of what they're doing to ensure that when a person tries
to go to work, that they can use the software. And because
Microsoft enjoys a certain position of prominence in the
community of computing, what kind of leverage do you think you
can exercise, and are prepared to exercise, to get those other
companies to shape up?

 MR. GATES: Well, I think the first initiatives to communicate
with companies on this basis should be in a low key fashion. If
we understand the report card of how you viewed different
companies, that would be helpful. For anybody who develops for
Windows, we have a close relationship with them. We have a group
called the Developers Relations Group, which is a huge
investment for us. And so we do a lot of interchange with them.
We can get them to come to active accessibility events. And we
can say to them, look you're crazy not to just do this stuff
first, before, in a very visible way, you're shamed into doing
it. And, I don't know who the list of those companies are.

 In some categories, like Office, Microsoft is strong enough
that I think we can meet sort of your basic productivity tools
needs. Microsoft, by doing a very good job on that, can meet
those needs. Now, maybe in some other categories, like design
software, publishing software, where Microsoft isn't a strong
product, the software from us isn't going to help the person on
that job. And so rather than just taking a broad approach of
sending this accessibility nudge into all our developers, which
we're already doing, if you could tell us 5 or 10 that we need
to be fairly pointed in that dialogue, and share our experience,
we would be glad to do that, starting out with the low key
approach, and then if necessary, you understand how, the message
can be given more and more volume and impact.

 Okay. I'm afraid I'm out of time. But, it's been great to be
here, and we're excited about working with all of you to do a
much better job in this important area.

 Thank you.

End of Document