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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 06:44:48 -0600
TEXT/PLAIN (368 lines)
Some say that technology is not the answer.  As the following story from
the front page of sunday's Washington post demonstrates, the new economy
is built upon a digital information infrastructure, making mastery of the
tools o that economy essential for economic independence.


   In a Tech-Led Economy, Speed Begets Productivity
   By Mark Leibovich
   Washington Post Staff Writer
   Sunday , November 21, 1999 ; A1
   MIDLAND, Mich. Trucker Bill Frizzell revved his 65-foot rig through
   another industrial strip, past the shiny silos of Dow Chemical Corp.
   and a drab procession of drive-through food options. There's little
   downtime to his trips now, scarce chance to eat bacon and eggs and
   play video games at the Flying J truck stop in Walton, Ky., or worship
   at the Transport for Christ ministry near Gary, Ind.
   But he's not complaining. Frizzell has more highway to cover than
   ever, more cargo to haul and headier aspirations for Miracle
   Transport, the trucking firm he runs out of his basement. His workdays
   and work nights have gone from grind to sprint, his once uninterrupted
   drives now fragmented by newfound pickups and drop-offs. Frizzell's
   pace and his business have been recalibrated to the souped-up speeds,
   demands and possibilities of what's come to be known as the New
   Like many U.S. businesses today, Miracle Transport is using the
   Internet to wring fresh revenue from its equipment and workers. In
   May, the company joined an online network, National Transportation
   Exchange Inc., which helps drivers and dispatchers find cargo in range
   of their trucks. NTE fills the empty rig space that can turn driver
   time unproductive, and the Downers Grove, Ill., start-up will help
   generate an estimated $75 million in sales this year for the trucking
   Bill Frizzell is hardly the archetypal high-flier for these boom
   times. He has a bearded, sober bearing, wears scuffed brown cowboy
   boots and listens to Merle Haggard CDs as he drives. He cares more
   about giving 10 percent of his income to Midland's Christian
   Celebration Center than buying a Gulfstream jet. He's never been to
   Silicon Valley except once, to pick up a big computer when he drove
   for United Van Lines.
   But Frizzell is just as much a participant in the changes sweeping the
   U.S. economy as any bull market zillionaire or geek tycoon. And the
   transformation of Miracle Trucking is perhaps just what Alan Greenspan
   meant when the ever-cautious Federal Reserve chairman gave a kind of
   papal blessing to the innovations he sees pervading the country. "An
   impressive proliferation of new technologies," he told a congressional
   panel last summer, "is inducing major shifts in the underlying
   structure of the American economy."
                             Speed and Information
   The "New Economy" has become a rubric that seems to encompass every
   development of the late-century boom from telecommuting to casual
   Fridays to the latest mega-stock offering. But at the heart of a broad
   notion is a simple idea: Thanks to a wave of computing advances,
   American businesses can do far more than they ever could before, and
   they can do it faster and cheaper.
   In real terms, this means that airlines can save about $7 by
   processing a ticket online instead of on paper; that Navistar
   International Corp. can now produce 300,000 diesel engines a year with
   1,800 workers, compared with 100,000 engines with 1,200 workers in
   1994; that new software helps the Weather Channel answer 250 e-mail
   messages a day instead of 80; and that Detroit now takes less than 48
   months to produce a new-model car compared with 60 to 70 months five
   years ago.
   For Frizzell, it meant logging on to NTE before a recent run from
   Pigeon, Mich., to Chicago Heights, Ill., and finding extra cargo for
   one of his truckers to haul along the way. This led to pickups in
   River View, Mich.; Greenville, Ohio; Richmond, Ind.; and Plymouth,
   Ind. He also discovered several "backhauls" loads for his trucker's
   return trip which made for seven additional stops.
   The added cargo meant the trip earned $1,925 for Miracle instead of
   $1,125. In the last six months, Frizzell said, NTE has spurred about
   $60,000 in extra revenue half the company's overall business. "I thank
   the Lord first and I thank NTE second," said Frizzell, who at age 41
   has driven trucks half his life.
                              Productivity Rising
   The collective gauge of these technological advances is an economic
   statistic called productivity, the key indicator of how efficiently
   the nation's labor force is working. The Department of Labor recently
   reported that business productivity shot up at the unusually high
   annual rate of 4.2 percent in the third quarter, the latest in a run
   of momentous signals over the past four years. A recent report by
   Macroeconomic Advisers, a St. Louis forecasting firm, said
   improvements in technology have raised the productivity level so
   sharply that the nation's economy should be able to grow 3 percent a
   year in the next decade without adding to inflation.
   Economists have debated the true measure and meaning of productivity
   rates for years. Robert J. Gordon of Northwestern University argues
   that recent productivity gains have occurred disproportionately in the
   high-tech sector. Others have downplayed the significance of
   technology, maintaining that cheap imports, liberalized trade and low
   interest rates have played a greater role in helping companies cut
   costs by making them more efficient.
   But beyond these expert debates, the New Economy is driven by a
   powerful ethos, a conviction that new technology can eliminate
   traditional drains on efficiency the time, for instance, that truckers
   spend working the phones at truck stops in search of loads. It is a
   crusade for streamlining rooted in the principle of "uptime,"
   originally a computer term from the 1950s to define when the room-size
   machines could function.
   "Uptime" now extends to humans and entire organizations, meaning a
   working rhythm with minimal lags and all the savings that can bring.
   Phone equipment maker Nortel Networks said it saves $2.4 million a
   year by managing all of its real estate properties from a single
   desktop in Virginia, instead of having 20 people crisscrossing the
   country at any given time. Dow Chemical can process its quarterly
   financial results in 16 fewer days by consolidating its company
   information on sophisticated "data warehouse" software.
   It used to require a phone call to track a FedEx parcel, and a wait
   for the customer service agent; now, more customers visit the FedEx
   Web site than call its 800 number. And FedEx's customer service reps
   can spend their increased uptime on pursuits more constructive than
   simply finding information that many customers can get with a point
   and click.
   "Instantaneous execution has become the era's defining business
   promise," said Keri Pearlson, an assistant professor of information
   systems at the University of Texas's graduate school of business. And
   that has been made possible by a confluence of innovations in
   microprocessor, software, laser, fiber-optic and satellite
   technologies that have sped the flow of information to a radical
   degree, and reduced its cost dramatically.
                            Data at the Fingertips
   At a Louisiana-Pacific Corp. wood products mill in Houlton, Maine, for
   instance, the plant's uptime rate (95 percent) is updated and flashed
   constantly for the plant's 116 employees to see. So is the most
   seemingly arcane data, about menaces such as "flaker starts," an
   electrical blip that can cause a few seconds of downtime on the
   production line. The numbers are available to all on a company
   Such data, however minute, is a defining currency in the contemporary
   organization. Once tightly controlled, the flow of information has
   been democratized by networking and database technologies, with
   profound implications both for the way a company is run and for its
   potential to be more efficient.
   In "Old Economy" organizations, information typically remained at
   management level. "Today, with information filtering everywhere, it
   would be dysfunctional to use the old model of a single decision
   maker," said Erik Brynjolfsson, a productivity expert at MIT's Sloan
   School of Management.
   Brynjolfsson, who has studied data from 600 large U.S. firms, said the
   computerized dissemination of information has had a leveling effect on
   organizations. It has led many to break down hierarchies and institute
   more team-oriented structures.
   "We put out the information to everyone as fast as we can," said Jerry
   Nason, Louisiana-Pacific's plant manager in Houlton. "Who knows more
   about uptime than the people who do the work?"
                            Savings From Technology
   To many economists, increased uptime provides an explanation for the
   most surprising facet of the U.S. economy this decade for the first
   time in memory, the nation is experiencing low unemployment and low
   inflation simultaneously.
   When unemployment is down, businesses traditionally compete for
   workers by offering higher wages. This cost is often passed on to
   consumers, resulting in inflation. Yet the pattern has shifted in the
   1990s, and a prevailing theory is that once-unforeseen efficiencies
   have helped companies cut costs and keep prices low a necessity in
   today's intensely competitive economy.
   "We're seeing only the tip of the iceberg in terms of
   technology-enabled savings and efficiencies," said John Chambers, the
   chief executive of Cisco Systems Inc., the Silicon Valley computer
   network company that's building much of the Internet's hardware
   Chambers, whose company is reaping staggering profits and stock
   valuations from the online boom, posits Cisco as an object lesson for
   conducting business electronically. The Internet has accounted for a
   20 percent increase in the firm's productivity rate, he said, and
   saves $500 million a year in operating costs. One small piece of this
   occurs every time Cisco hires a new employee. Since much of Cisco's
   recruiting and application process takes place online, its "cost per
   hire" is $6,381 compared with the high-tech industry average of
   $10,800, the company said.
   Chambers works in a crammed and modest cubby at Cisco's headquarters
   in San Jose. Cisco Executive Vice President Don Listwin sits in an
   adjoining office and monitors that day's sales flow from his
   "Executive Dashboard." Listwin can study every aspect of Cisco's
   business: How many people did Cisco hire that day in Asia? How many
   network routers did it sell in South America? "The essence of the New
   Economy company is using technology to optimize your information,"
   Listwin said.
                            Old Practices Abandoned
   Windfalls are being reaped across numerous sectors, new and
   entrenched, in every region of the country. Ford, the auto icon that
   perfected the assembly line early in the century, is saving tens of
   millions of dollars a year by simulating many of the cumbersome and
   costly car design processes on powerful supercomputers.
   The company has reduced the number of clay automobile models by 80
   percent to 90 percent, said Charles Schloff, a 34-year-old Ford
   product manager at the company's Dearborn, Mich. headquarters. Instead
   of technicians having to use heavy tools to tinker with a clay
   automobile, they can tap a few buttons on a keyboard for the same
   simulated effect. It saves huge amounts of time, along with the
   $250,000 to $500,000 it costs to build each clay model.
   Similar efficiencies have struck Big Oil, like the auto industry a
   pillar of the traditional economy based on manufacturing and natural
   resources. When he started work at Texaco Inc. 22 years ago, geologist
   Ronald Cupich would spend months studying paper prints of seismic data
   in the part of the world he was exploring. "We would be moving up and
   down, folding big sheets of paper the size of horse blankets," said
   Cupich. "This was tedious, inefficient time."
   What once took months now takes hours. Cupich sits in a Houston office
   park, in an elaborate 3-D simulation center where Texaco geologists
   are homing in on potential drill sites off the coast of West Africa.
   It costs about $50 million to drill an oil hole and most of these turn
   out empty, but the hit rate has risen considerably since the center
   was built for about $3 million.
   The Silicon Graphics Onyx2 Infinite Reality supercomputer allows
   Cupich and his team to turn the undersea terrain over like fluorescent
   clay on a 25-by-8-foot screen. By bright color coding, he can sift for
   sand, shale and faults that could be fatal to a dig. He says he spends
   about 98 percent of his time in front of a computer now, compared with
   about 30 percent five years ago.
   "Technology is getting up to the speed of how the brain works," said
   Jesse Mericle, Texaco's vice president of West Africa exploration. "Or
   maybe it's the other way around."
                             Rise of Entrepreneurs
   As the price of computing power has dropped and chip speed has
   accelerated, the barriers to being a technical innovator, or an
   industrial pioneer, have been lowered appreciably. A would-be
   entrepreneur doesn't need much to start, say, an Internet business. No
   inventory, no store, no physical proximity to customers and not a lot
   of money. Ambitions have soared accordingly.
   Gene Riechers, a venture capitalist who invests in start-up technology
   firms for Arlington brokerage Friedman, Billings, Ramsey and Co., said
   he gets 150 business plans a month from would-be entrepreneurs, double
   the number of two years ago. "There is room for literally millions of
   people to redefine lives," said Riechers, to make them more convenient
   and productive. That's the promise of so much new technology, he said.
   And it's spawned the New Economy's most celebrated figure, the
   Internet entrepreneur.
   Five years ago, Matthew Pittinsky graduated from college and came to
   Washington with an education career in mind. He took a job as a
   student teacher in a District junior high school. Then the Internet
   triggered bigger ambitions.
   In June 1997, Pittinsky co-founded Blackboard Inc., a Web-based
   service that allows colleges to put their course material online.
   Today, it is used by more than 1,600 universities and public school
   districts in 70 countries. A college dropout in Tanzania might soon
   attend a virtual Harvard. Pipe dream or no, Pittinsky said he has a
   rejiggered sense of what is possible. Why try to scale a corporate
   ladder when you can make a new industry from a desktop?
   And another thing: In the next year, Blackboard will likely hold an
   initial public offering, and Pittinsky stands to become a paper
   multimillionaire at the age of 28.
                             Longer, Harder Hours?
   In time, the expectation of instantaneous information will become
   "hard-wired" into organizational expectations, said Gopi Bala, the
   director of management strategy at Yankee Group, a Boston technology
   consultancy. "It will create a new economic ecosystem."
   Bala compares today's U.S. economy to contemporary athletes. They are
   bigger, stronger and faster than their forebears, and it's no fluke of
   evolution. Rather, the athletes have benefited from nutritional
   breakthroughs, new training tools and techniques, even economic
   incentives and information that, presumably, expanded the population
   of available talent. By the same measure, today's economy has been
   nourished to better fitness by technology.
   Fitness is an appropriate metaphor, as the New Economy has bred a
   runaway workweek unmatched in the industrialized world. U.S. workers
   are toiling the equivalent of two additional 40-hour weeks a year
   compared with Japanese workers, according a new study by the
   International Labor Organization, a United Nations agency. They worked
   nearly 2,000 hours per capita in 1997, an increase of 4 percent from
   "When I was a kid reading Popular Science in the '60s, everyone said
   the appliances of the future would let us work 25-hour weeks," said
   Riechers. "That nirvana certainly never materialized."
   This is in part due to basic supply and demand: With a 4.1 percent
   unemployment rate, and countless jobs going unfilled, there is simply
   more work being done by fewer people. Nineteen percent of Americans
   say they are working more than 49 hours a week, according to a Bureau
   of Labor Statistics report, up from 16 percent in 1985.
   But it also gets to a crux of a New Economy debate: the question of
   whether workers are producing more because they have better tools, or
   because they're simply working more hours.
   What's clear is that human stamina is often the only barrier to total
   uptime in "our interconnected, hyperactive, e-mail-fueled,
   sleep-deprived economy," said corporate consultant and historian
   Daniel Yergin, the chairman of Cambridge Energy Research Associates.
   Bodily rest, so unproductive, is often a casualty in the sleepless
   business cycle. Yergin half-jokes that "the next frontier is
   biotechnology. People are going to need genetic therapy to keep up
   with the demands of the New Economy."
                               Back on the Road
   But in its most hopeful manifestation, the New Economy is about what
   can be done and what can be dreamed. Miracle Transport began as a
   one-truck operation last November. Frizzell added two more trucks
   after he joined NTE six months ago. He envisions a small empire of 150
   trucks. "I want to be your man to call for one-stop shipping around
   Midland," said Frizzell.
   Sitting in his Midland home office one morning this month, he signed
   onto America Online, jumped to National Transportation Exchange and
   contemplated an electronic menu of loads: perhaps a run from Muskegon
   Heights, Mich., to Carterville, Ga., another from Prairie du Chien,
   Wis., to Centralia, Ill.
   As he browsed, Rick Armstrong, Frizzell's church pal and a Miracle
   driver, walked in. Armstrong was in the midst of a long haul of cement
   products that began in Baltimore and would end in Wyoming, Mich., 2¼
   hours from here.
   It was 11 a.m. and he'd been driving since 2:30 a.m. He sat down and
   joined Frizzell in gulping some coffee before they both rolled out
   Washington Post researcher Richard Drezen contributed to this report.

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