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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 14 Apr 1999 06:49:53 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (369 lines)
Below is a recent profile of William Kennard, Chairman of the Federal
Communications Commission.  In a few months, the FCC is expected to
release the accessibility guidelines for telecommunications equipment and
services.  The proposed regulations that were released last year and which
Kennard reviewed and approved before their release would not provide much
more access than what currently exists today.  It is one thing to talk
about oppressed and underserved groups.  It is another to take substantive


The New York Times
April 11, 1999

At F.C.C., a Referee for the Future


     LOS ANGELES -- As Bill Kennard raced through a whirlwind of
     meetings in Southern California one day last month, his passions
     and preoccupations as the nation's top telecommunications official
     quickly became clear.

     To a small group of studio and network executives in a screening
     room at the William Morris Agency
     , Kennard, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission,
     offered his assurances that he had no interest in regulating the
     Internet, the medium on which many people in Hollywood are staking
     new fortunes.

     Earlier that rainy morning, over breakfast with executives of the
     local chapter of the National Urban League, he pledged to fight for
     more jobs for minority executives and greater investment in
     minority-owned broadcasting and telecommunications companies so
     that, in the words of one league official, blacks would not become
     "hitchhikers on the information superhighway."

     He also dropped by the inner-city elementary school where his
     mother had once taught to celebrate its connection to the Internet.
     The connection came courtesy of the e-rate program, a subsidy
     financed by a new fee on telephone users that he worked to
     establish with Vice President Al Gore.

     Kennard, a black telecommunications lawyer raised in an integrated
     Los Angeles neighborhood, was in many ways more comfortable in
     these settings than he is back in Washington. That he devoted so
     much time on this fairly typical trip to minority issues -- issues
     that have been low priorities even within the Democratic
     Administration he serves -- revealed the depth of his predicament.

     Though he runs an agency that rules on issues of central importance
     to the nation's fastest-growing industries, Kennard has found
     himself politically hemmed in from the start. A compromise
     appointee who has had little influence at the White House, he lacks
     the traditional sort of political base that would let him either
     stake bold positions or achieve consensus among warring factions
     with interests before the F.C.C.: local and long-distance phone
     companies, cable operators and broadcasters, small radio stations
     and large media conglomerates.

     As a result, he has come to rely for support and advice on
     Washington's black power structure -- the Congressional Black
     Caucus, for example, and Vernon E. Jordan Jr., the lawyer who
     serves on many corporate boards when he is not advising his close
     friend Bill Clinton -- and to emphasize causes that match their

     Simultaneously, he has struggled to write the rules that will put
     in place the most contentious telecommunications legislation in the
     nation's history, a three-year-old law that has largely been tied
     up in court fights between the agency and the industries it

     Kennard's supporters agree with him that telecommunications
     deregulation is inextricably linked to goals like increasing
     minority ownership of TV stations or getting basic phone service to
     Indian reservations.

     "In implementing the telecom structure for the next decade and
     beyond, he's determined to retain the steady pressure for increased
     diversity that he rightly believes has been one of the most
     powerful forces for retaining America's lead in the world economy,"
     said Andrew Jay Schwartzman, a friend who is also the president of
     the Media Access Project, a public-interest law firm in Washington
     that promotes consumer rights and diversity on the airwaves.

     But to his critics, Kennard has overstepped his bounds, diverting
     the agency from its basic mission and moving too slowly to
     deregulate the most dynamic sector of the nation's economy.

     "Chairman Kennard has been off on these other agendas before he has
     completed the work he was assigned to complete -- the deregulation
     of the marketplace," said Representative W. J. (Billy) Tauzin, the
     Louisiana Republican who chairs the House telecommunications
     subcommittee. "If I had an employee who did that, we would have had
     a very, very short conversation before that employee would be out
     looking for another job."

     Disharmony With the Hill

     Though his detractors concede that Kennard is perhaps the most
     genial official in Washington, his style has done little to blunt
     the alienation of many lobbyists and lawmakers from the F.C.C.

     His predecessor, Reed E. Hundt, had notoriously bad relations with
     Congress, though he had greater access to the White House, having
     gone to St. Albans prep school with Al Gore and Yale Law School
     with Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

     Under Kennard, relations with Congress have only deteriorated, in
     part over policies he has advocated and in part because of early
     political blunders. The F.C.C. has few allies on its oversight
     committees, even among Democrats, and a movement has gradually been
     building steam to cut the agency's budget and pare its authority.

     Kennard's isolation stems from the agency's repeated decisions to
     spurn applications by the Baby Bell companies to enter the
     long-distance markets, on the grounds that they have failed to open
     their own local markets to competition from the long-distance
     carriers. The Baby Bells, which have many powerful friends in
     Congress, say that they have complied with the Telecommunications
     Act of 1996, which set the ground rules for competition, and that
     Kennard's decisions have cost them billions of dollars.

     "It takes forever to get these sorts of issues out of the F.C.C."
     said Roy Neel, a former Clinton White House official who is now
     president of the United States Telephone Association, which
     represents the Bells. "There is a pervasive culture at the agency
     which has kept a stranglehold on the industry."

     Hugh B. Price, president of the National Urban League, praises the
     chairman for his work on issues of concern to minority groups. But
     as a director of Bell Atlantic, he says the agency has moved too

     "On some of the regulatory issues, they've got to let the
     marketplace rip a little bit and let these things roll," Price
     said. "They have not been able to do it yet."

     Nonetheless, some of the Bells have adapted to Kennard's style and
     agenda. When Bell Atlantic officials recently sought regulatory
     relief on an obscure telephone issue, they sent an all-black
     lobbying team. Kennard recalled the episode with humor, and said
     the company ultimately got what it had sought -- but on the merits.

     And last week, GTE
     announced that it would join with Georgetown Partners -- a private
     investment firm headed by a black executive, Chester C. Davenport,
     who has had no telecommunications experience -- for a $3.3 billion
     purchase of about half of Ameritech's wireless telephone business.
     Because Ameritech has sought the F.C.C.'s permission to be acquired
     by SBC Communications, and GTE has sought approval to be acquired
     by Bell Atlantic, executives close to the wireless deal said the
     parties brought in Davenport's firm in part to try to curry favor
     with Kennard.

     Broadcasters, another powerful lobby, have also found themselves at
     odds with Kennard. They say he all but declared war on them a few
     weeks ago by proposing a new rule that would enable thousands of
     churches, schools and community groups around the nation to operate
     low-power FM radio stations. The broadcasters see the new stations
     as a source of signal interference. Kennard says the rule would
     provide a new voice to the traditionally voiceless.

     More often than not, the Federal courts have ruled in Kennard's
     favor on big regulatory issues -- most notably when the Supreme
     Court recently affirmed the agency's authority to implement some
     core provisions of the Telecommunications Act. But the courts have
     also handed setbacks to Kennard and the Clinton Administration on
     the F.C.C.'s affirmative-action agenda.

     The Building Blocks

     William E. Kennard was born 42 years ago, the third child and only
     son of middle-class parents in Los Angeles. His father, Robert, a
     World War II veteran, was a successful architect; his mother,
     Helen, was a bilingual elementary school teacher.

     His parents, Kennard said, instilled a faith in the value of
     cultural diversity. He and his sisters attended Hollywood High, at
     the time one of the more integrated schools in Los Angeles.

     But the larger world was often less accommodating. The fact that
     successful blacks were rarely portrayed on television made a deep

     "It was an event in my household when an African-American appeared
     on a show," Kennard recalled. "People would run out of the bedroom
     in excitement at those fleeting moments of images of black people
     on television. When Bank of America featured a black teller in one
     of its commercials, my mother was so excited that she changed the
     family bank account."

     At Stanford University, where he studied communications, Kennard
     spent many hours producing a show called "Black Perspectives" for
     the college radio station.

     During an internship at a local NBC television affiliate -- he
     wanted to become an investigative reporter -- Kennard was advised
     by the station manager to go to law school. He wound up at Yale,
     worked briefly after receiving his law degree at the National
     Association of Broadcasters, specializing in First Amendment
     issues, and then settled in as an associate at the Washington law
     firm of Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson & Hand, specializing
     in telecommunications deals. Among his clients were NBC and a
     number of minority broadcasters, including Robert L. Johnson, the
     chairman and founder of Black Entertainment Television, the cable
     network; Johnson remains a close friend and adviser.

     Kennard also nurtured friendships with two of the most important
     black lawyers then in Washington: Ronald H. Brown, whose photograph
     is now on Kennard's office credenza, and Jordan, whose stepdaughter
     he had befriended at Yale.

     During the 1992 campaign, Kennard was part of the network of Yale
     Law graduates that helped get Clinton elected President. Backed by
     Brown, the Democratic National Committee chairman who became
     Commerce Secretary, and Jordan, the co-chairman of the Clinton
     transition team, he was offered the job of general counsel at the

     By all accounts, he and Hundt, then the chairman, worked well
     together, though their personalities could hardly be more
     different. Hundt quickly made enemies in Congress with his
     confrontational style. Kennard, by contrast, was never seen
     flashing a temper or raising his voice.

     As general counsel, Kennard reversed the agency's mediocre court
     record, compiling an impressive victory rate of about 85 percent in
     the appeals courts. Still, he has also lost some big cases: An
     appeals court ruling last year, for example, threw out the
     requirements that radio and TV broadcasters take special steps to
     seek minority and female job applicants.

     When Hundt stepped down in 1997, Kennard was on no one's list to
     succeed him. But with four of the five commission slots opening,
     his allies waged an ultimately successful campaign to get him
     nominated as chairman as part of a political compromise.

     Jordan, he recalled, "would call me up, and in this low voice he
     would say, 'You can be chairman, but wait.' " Even before the
     question could be posed, Kennard volunteered that Jordan, one of
     Washington's most influential lawyer-lobbyists, "never has asked me
     for anything."

     "He gives me advice because he's been a good friend and because he
     wants to help me out," Kennard said.

     An Albatross and a Storm

     Little more than a year before Kennard's confirmation as chairman,
     Congress passed the Telecommunications Act, the first major
     overhaul of Federal communications law since the F.C.C. was created
     in 1934. The law was hailed by both Congressional leaders and
     President Clinton as a landmark that would deregulate the telephone
     and cable industries, benefitting consumers. But it had many hidden
     problems. It was poorly written, creating ambiguities that prompted
     the industries that didn't get everything they wanted to file huge
     lawsuits, slowing its implementation by the commission.

     Moreover, the act left the most difficult rule-making decisions --
     from the possibility of relaxing television-station ownership rules
     to assuring universal phone service and money for the e-rate
     program -- to the five unelected commissioners.

     While the law has promoted competition and driven down some prices
     -- notably for long-distance and cellular service -- it has not
     achieved many other objectives, like making cable TV and local
     phone services truly competitive. Some say that its main effect has
     been to promote corporate consolidations.

     Kennard had barely settled into the chairmanship when he
     encountered his first maelstrom. Without consulting either Congress
     or his fellow commissioners, he told reporters that he thought
     liquor advertising should perhaps be banned from television. A few
     weeks later, again without consultation, Kennard announced that the
     F.C.C. would consider new rules requiring radio and television
     stations to give free time to political candidates, a proposal the
     President had made in his State of the Union Address a day earlier.

     The resulting complaints from both the broadcasting industry and
     many members of Congress forced him into a hasty retreat -- and
     frittered away what little political capital he might have
     otherwise enjoyed as a new agency leader.

     ( Kennard recently said that he had learned several lessons from
     those setbacks -- including to refrain from issuing proposals that
     are unlikely to succeed. "I've learned to be much more guarded," he
     said. "Musing is not allowed.")

     The two announcements poisoned whatever relationship Kennard could
     have hoped to establish with many key lawmakers.

     The venom was evident last month, when Representative John D.
     Dingell of Michigan, the ranking Democrat on the House Commerce
     Committee, delivered a scathing public attack. "In terms of
     substance, the current chairman may be a few affiliates short of a
     network," he told the National Association of Broadcasters.

     At an oversight hearing a few weeks later, Kennard tried, with
     little success, to parry Dingell's thrusts as lobbyists watched
     with the glee of ancient Romans at a gladiator match. Dingell
     called Kennard "inept" and "ignorant." Republican members of the
     committee sat silently, grinning. The Democrats sat mostly silent.

     Where were Kennard's allies? Shortly before the hearing, Kennard
     had dined with Johnson of Black Entertainment Television, who had
     offered to ask lawmakers to persuade Dingell to tone down his
     criticisms. Clearly, the effort didn't work.

     Bound for Moving On

     If anything could win Kennard some breathing room, it would be the
     F.C.C.'s finally permitting the Bells to enter the long-distance
     business. He and other commissioners have hinted that they may
     relent later this year, particularly if state regulators concluded
     that some local markets are becoming more competitive.

     He has also been careful not to pick new fights, moving cautiously
     on the other huge issue that has confronted him this year: whether
     to order the opening of the high-speed cable pipeline being
     developed by AT&T to other Internet service providers.

     The pipeline promises to revolutionize cyberspace as millions of
     Americans gain access to the Internet at speeds up to 100 times
     faster than ordinary telephone lines. AT&T's rivals say that if
     they cannot offer services over the lines, AT&T will be able to
     dominate the Internet much as it controlled telephones for nearly a

     Kennard has indicated that he will not intervene in the debate at
     this point -- a decision he made after C. Michael Armstrong,
     chairman of AT&T, threatened to scuttle the company's pending
     acquisition of Tele-Communications
     Inc. TCI's cable systems not only will provide the basis for the
     high-speed system but will also make it easier for AT&T to offer
     local phone service -- thereby ending the Bell monopolies and
     easing the way for the Bells' entry into the long-distance

     Kennard is also learning to use his office as a bully pulpit when
     the courts rule against him. In light of his court defeat on
     affirmative action, he has persuaded the networks to voluntarily
     keep minority hiring a goal of their recruitment efforts, and he
     has offered to support further loosening of the limits on
     broadcasters' station holdings if they help increase the number of
     minority-owned stations. He has also held a series of conferences
     to encourage advertisers to buy time on radio stations aimed at
     minority audiences.

     "Sure I've been frustrated, because I think in some of these areas
     the progress we've made has been reversed," Kennard said. But his
     conciliatory streak runs deep. "You've got to move on," he said,
     "to do the work that's necessary if you ever want to get things

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