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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 16 Mar 1999 19:47:07 -0600
TEXT/PLAIN (1148 lines)
                              MANAGING THE MEDIA:

  A Guide for Activists

   by Carol Fennelly


     * THE PSA


   Several people helped with the preparation of this handbook. The
   encouragement and editorial comments of Cliff Newman and Michael
   Meehan were invaluable. The essential editing was done by Terri
   Southwick and Pat Allen. Keith Mitchell and Bob Wagner did type
   setting. Finally, Robbin Harris was in valuable in transcribing tapes
   and editing copy.

            Published by The Community for Creative Non-Violence
                          425 Second Street, N. W.
                            Washington, DC 20001
                            All rights reserved.

               This handbook is dedicated in loving memory of
                                Mitch Snyder
                         Who taught and inspired us
              And whose genius and brilliance continues to be
                      a guide to good media management


   For more than twenty years the Community for Creative Non-Violence has
   worked in the Nation's Capital on issues of peace and justice. Our
   work has embraced direct service to homeless and destitute people, as
   well as resistance to unjust systems and structures. Throughout the
   years we have tried to raise the consciousness of, and bring needed
   change to, the world around us through education, direct action, the
   legal system, and the legislative process. Our most useful tool in
   this endeavor has been the media.

   In Washington, D.C. are more than 3,000 accredited journalists from
   around the nation and the world. Over the years we have learned many
   lessons; some particular to this city, others generally applicable
   everywhere. This handbook is an attempt to communicate these lessons
   to other activists who may benefit from what we have learned -- our
   successes as well as our failures.

   This handbook discusses ways and means of developing experienced media
   handlers within organizations, creating effective media events,
   developing relationships with the media, and "managing" the media. You
   will also find other useful media tips, a section on creating public
   service announcements (PSAs) and getting them aired, and a discussion
   from the perspective of a reporter.


   Creating a Media Team

   Within the "movement" there is the inclination to be egalitarian with
   respect to who should deal with the media. While this may create an
   atmosphere of internal fairness, it will not always get the desired

   In our early years, we shared responsibility, taking turns as
   spokesperson, making press calls, and writing press releases,
   believing that everyone should have an opportunity to be our PR
   person. As times changed, and we saw our work in increasingly life and
   death terms, we recognized that those we serve deserve the best we can
   provide, rather than it offering an "experience" for those who may not
   be well suited for the job. Lives depend on what we do, and we must
   never lose sight of that truth.

   Very often, those who are on the other side of issues that we support
   have more money, more power, more access. We can only create an
   equality of dialogue through our creativity, our commitment, and a
   professionalism that is equal to theirs. A professional approach to
   handling the media thus becomes essential.

   A good, solid media team includes three important roles: a media
   coordinator, a writer, and a spokesperson. Each is critical to the
   others, and each is also vital independently to the process of
   effective media management. Roles may overlap, and often can be
   handled by the same person, but each position must be covered.

   The Media Coordinator

   The media coordinator must be someone who is personable, can
   succinctly articulate the issues, and is willing to spend a great deal
   of time on the telephone. This person makes sure press releases go out
   on time, keeps media lists updated, makes press calls, and works
   actively behind the scenes during events.

   The media coordinator should become as well-known behind the camera as
   the organization's spokesperson is in front of it. One person handling
   press calls can cultivate important relationships with assignment desk
   personnel, news producers, and camera people. These people are key to
   getting the coverage of events you need, and the kind of coverage you

   Get to know these important people. Always remember that they are
   people, too. Find out who they are, if they have children, what they
   enjoy. Make them your best friends, take them to lunch. Develop a
   personal and working relationship with these pivotal members of the
   media. They are used to drones calling with stories, and are disarmed
   by people who actually care about who they are. Make sure they know
   you are serious about your issue, but don't be so boring or intense
   that they don't want to talk to you. Be pushy -- but not obnoxious.
   The important thing is to make sure that someone who can do something
   takes your call -- that you are not shuffled off to an intern who
   simply writes down facts and then puts them aside because they don't
   understand the importance or the urgency of your call. At the same
   time, interns may someday become assignment desk editors, so don't
   discount them entirely.

   At an event, the media coordinator ensures that all press people
   receive a statement or handout, that all those present are
   acknowledged, that all props and sound equipment are in place, that
   one-on-one interview requests are satisfied, that the photo-op is the
   one that has been planned beforehand (i.e., that the right people are
   standing in the right place, etc.), and that the event runs smoothly.
   The spokesperson should not have to think about these things -- he or
   she needs to focus attention on what is to be said and not be
   distracted by details. Again, get to know the people who are there on
   and off camera. A friendly camera operator can help you get the
   picture or image you want to project; a producer can spin the story
   your way.

   The Spokesperson

   While the spokesperson must be someone who is articulate, he/she
   should also be more than that. He/She should be a good listener, have
   camera presence, be well-informed about your issue, be able to think
   quickly on his/her feet, have credibility, be able to develop a good
   rapport with a reporter, and be intuitive enough to know when a
   reporter is not friendly.

   Know your interviewers. Do they have a reputation for honest
   reporting? Are they sympathetic to your issue? Are they fair? Or

   If you want to learn to be a good spokesperson, spend time listening
   to others who are good at the job. Research your issue until you know
   it inside and out and can hold your own in a conversation or debate.
   Think through each question that you are likely to be asked, and
   consider carefully the possible responses. Always be ready to revise
   and refine. Listen for "good lines" that others may use. Be humble.
   You always have more to learn

   The Writer

   Finally, the writer creates the undergirding for all your press
   events. Clear, concise, effective writing is essential. Because
   someone is articulate does not mean he/she can write. Have a good
   editor available to "tighten up" news releases. Everything that is
   written and released must reflect accurately the position of your
   organization. Make sure more than one set of eyes from the media team
   reviews what goes out.


   Never lie to a reporter. If you don't know an answer, simply say so,
   but add that you will be happy to find out and get back to them. If
   you are not at liberty to discuss a particular aspect, again, say so,
   but never lie. Your lie will be discovered, and a good story will turn
   bad. We learned this the hard way. The New York Times had learned
   about a discussion we had been having with the White House regarding
   the resolution of a campaign in which we were involved. They called
   for confirmation, and because we had not yet resolved things, as we
   denied the discussion. The reporter found out the truth, and what
   should have been a victorious and positive story turned into a
   negative piece. the next day

   Don't be forced into saying something you don't want to say. If you
   don't feel comfortable answering a particular question, answer the one
   you want asked. Be clear about the point you want to get across.
   Always bring the discussion back to your points.

   It is important to realize that much of the substance you want to
   communicate gets lost. The quote that is inevitably used is the one
   that is the most colorful. Make it count. Everything else becomes

   Always remember that your story is in competition with many others.
   Only seventeen minutes of each half-hour news show is actually news.
   When you consider time spent on sports, entertainment, weather, and
   other items the time is even shorter. Your event needs to be
   interesting enough to capture a few of those precious minutes. This
   will be discussed in-depth in a later chapter.

   We learned much from Ronald Reagan about media management. The most
   important lesson we learned is that it doesn't matter what you say as
   long as you say it first. What is printed about an issue first is what
   the public remembers. Everything from there is catch-up and defense.
   The Reagan Administration used this tactic masterfully. It became
   known as "disinformation." We are, of course, not advocating lying. We
   are suggesting that there are lessons to be learned here.

   If you have a story, get it out with your own spin instead of waiting
   for the other side to do their twist on the truth. If you know there
   is going to be a negative story, counter it someplace else first. Some
   very damaging personal information about a CCNV member was about to be
   printed in a local paper. We countered by calling another paper and
   giving them the story on our terms. When the other story appeared, it
   had been completely discredited already by the story we had planted.

   Be smart. Be professional. Learn from others. Invite friendly media
   people to come to your organization to give workshops on interviews,
   and other topics. Understand the media people you are trying to
   influence and make sure they understand you.


   We often hear complaints from other activists that the media never
   covers their events, or that their message is distorted. While
   reporters often lack depth, or the ability or time to investigate a
   story thoroughly, quite often the problem is with the source. You must
   not only be able to communicate your story properly, you must also be
   able to create an interesting story that is worth telling -- and maybe
   worth retelling. If you are able to generate ongoing debate about your
   topic, all the better. Controversy is sometimes your best publicity.

   Three elements can increase the possibility of coverage of your event:
   interesting people, interesting places, and interesting subjects.

   Interesting People

   If you don't have a person in your organization who can attract press
   attention, try to find someone who can. Whether we like it or not, the
   reality is that some people are media stars. Build relationships with
   those people, involve them in your issue, and don't hesitate to ask
   them to stand with you. Stars also come with egos that need to be
   stroked, and sometimes handling them can be more difficult than
   handling the media, so beware.

   The other type of person who is a magnet for the media is one who can
   provide the human-interest story -- the victim of the policy you are
   addressing. Be sure the person is a sympathetic person who can present
   himself/herself well. Interview the individual yourself first. Don't
   take someone else's word for this person's credibility or
   believability. Ask all the embarrassing questions that a reporter
   might ask. Don't let yourself be surprised too late when the camera is
   rolling. In your pre-interview, spend some time helping the person
   craft answers that better communicate what he/she is trying to say. If
   necessary, gently recommend grooming changes. If clothes are needed,
   help out.

   Interesting Places

   Whenever possible, hold your event somewhere that will reflect your
   message. Create an effective backdrop. If you are addressing the lack
   of affordable housing, then go to empty public housing. If you are
   speaking about militarism, go to a military base. Try to find a place
   where members of the press don't usually go, but be sure it isn't so
   far afield that they can't find it (or want to). We once announced the
   creation of a new housing and homelessness curriculum for public
   schools. The president of the National Education Association and the
   superintendent of our local school district were in attendance, but we
   held it at a school that was so difficult to find that the press
   missed the event altogether.

   Interesting Subjects

   One of the most overlooked and yet important elements in creating an
   interesting media event is visuals. "Talking heads" at press
   conferences are boring and commonplace. Find a way to make visible
   what it is you are trying to communicate. When planning a press event
   always keep in mind the photo-opt What photo do you want to appear in
   the paper or on the evening news? Make sure the picture says
   something. A picture really can be worth a thousand words.

   The best visual is the one that requires the fewest words to explain.
   The more words that are required, the more obtuse the message. During
   the war in the Middle East we wanted to find a way to remind people
   that lives were being lost to war daily. We had a long discussion
   about the nature of that demonstration. First, what was the symbol?
   Should we mark the dead from other nations? Which location would most
   clearly communicate the source of the deaths? We ended up with
   powerful but simple crosses representing each American killed. We
   planted them on the Ellipse, with the White House in the background.
   Only one sentence was needed to communicate our message. The photo
   virtually said it all.

   Create a symbol that will represent what you are trying to
   communicate. While "talking heads" are boring, graphs and charts are
   only slightly better. A classic Washington media event took place when
   the Reagan Administration tried to declare catsup a vegetable in the
   public school lunch program. The sight of members of Congress sitting
   at a table with a glob of catsup as a side dish still ranks as one of
   the best news pictures ever taken. Catsup did not become a vegetable.

   If there is an event scheduled by someone else that does not portray
   the truth as you understand it, then don't be afraid to find a way to
   change the message. One of our favorite examples of this occurred in
   1981 when the Reagan Administration announced the first 10% tax cuts
   through the Kemp-Roth bill. The National Conservative Caucus had
   planned to serve the world's largest apple pie -- symbolizing a bigger
   piece of the pie for everyone -- at the Washington Monument. This was
   not exactly the truth since only those in upper income brackets would
   really benefit. Five members of CCNV dressed in large business suits,
   puffed out with pillows, each wearing large tags that bore the names
   of Ronald Reagan's rich "kitchen cabinet," ran up on the stage during
   the speeches and jumped into the pie yelling "It's all for me!" The
   National Conservative Caucus had done all the groundwork and had
   gathered the media; we simply redefined the message that was

   If you are planning a large event, find ways to promote it in advance
   by creating other focal points. It is free advertising, and will build
   interest in what you really want covered. Maximize every opportunity.
   Where there isn't an opportunity, create one. A good example of a good
   opportunity came in 1982 when we planned a luncheon prepared from food
   that had been pulled from dumpsters or otherwise discarded. Our
   intention was to promote food salvaging and focus attention on the
   amount of food wasted regularly in our nation. We planned the lunch
   for Capitol Hill, and had commitments for attendance from several
   senators and congressmembers. Two days prior to the feast, we took two
   members of Congress along with some press people to collect trash with
   us. With cameras rolling and clicking one elected official hoisted
   himself into a dumpster and began to pull out food. That picture went
   around the nation, and set the scene for our message to be delivered
   two days later.

   Timing for a media event is critical to maximizing its potential. As a
   general rule, the best times for an event are Monday through Thursday
   from 10 a.m. until 12 noon. Morning hours will guarantee that
   deadlines are met, and will allow for further development of the
   story. Some newspapers do not publish on weekends, which means Friday
   events won't be covered. Stories covered on the evening news quite
   often have a bonus in weekday morning coverage as well. News offices
   usually have short crews on weekends, and simply do not have the
   personnel available at that time to cover your story. In addition,
   reporters who are regularly assigned to cover particular issues are
   often off on weekends. Finally, weekends have fewer news viewers.

   Sometimes, however, it is worth taking a calculated risk in timing.
   For instance, CCNV holds an annual Thanksgiving dinner for the
   homeless on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol. We schedule it in late
   afternoon to encourage live television coverage. News on weekends and
   holidays is often so slow that news directors are looking for stories.

   One of the best news events I can remember recently revolved around a
   fund raising dinner for a boarder baby project. Two Motown groups flew
   in for the event, scheduled in the evening. The organization held a
   noon press conference at the home for boarder babies with the
   president of the non-profit, the celebrities, and some beautiful
   gurgling babies. After the speeches were made, the singers held the
   babies and crooned songs in an impromptu concert. The press ate it up.

   The best of all media events has plenty of action and creativity. Find
   the ironies in situations. Inject humor when it is appropriate.
   Deliver your message with vigor and enthusiasm.


   Maintain two press lists: a press mailing list, and a press call list.

   The press mailing list should contain the name of the publication,
   station, or network, its address, and the names of people that you
   know at each location. While it is important to mail releases to the
   assignment desk, it is also important to target specific reporters
   with whom you may have already developed an ongoing relationship. It
   is all right to send multiple releases to the same place. Your story
   may not interest one person, but hook someone else.

   If you have a computerized press mailing list, organize it according
   to type and reach of the media organization (i.e., local, national,
   religious, women, etc.), so that you can target specific areas when
   necessary. For instance, your story may be strictly a local story, and
   sending a press release to all of the national media outlets is

   Every area of the country falls into a media market. Large cities and
   the surrounding suburbs make up their own media markets, while rural
   areas may contain a vast geographic area. For instance, the Washington
   market includes Washington, D.C., and the areas immediately
   surrounding the beltway. It does not include Baltimore, which is its
   own market. Find out the geographic area that your media market

   Media markets are usually served by more than one television, radio,
   or wire service, or "news feed." When local stations are small they
   can rarely afford to have crews or reporters traveling to cover
   stories, so they contract with a larger service to get stories for
   them in other cities. For instance Cox Broadcasting serves Dayton,
   Atlanta, and Pittsburgh. Capitol Broadcast covers stories for the
   Hartford, Atlanta, and Philadelphia areas.

   Learn about these media services in your area. Also find out which
   other areas they serve. Add them to your press lists. Your story may
   have interest in another area where a similar problem is being
   addressed. If there is some way you can tie your story into a story in
   another city, it is all the better.

   A press call list is also essential. Always keep it handy. Your call
   list will be considerably smaller than your mailing list. CCNV
   maintains a mailing list of 1,800, but has a call list of just about

   Also organize your call list by category of media organization. Break
   down this list even further than the mailing list (i.e., wire
   services, local newspapers, local television, radio stations, network
   news, etc.). Again, this facilitates the press call process. Call
   lists should include the agency name, phone number, fax number,
   assignment desk names, reporters' names, special news areas they
   cover, and individual direct dial and home numbers when available.

   Always keep press mailing lists and call lists up to date. Add new
   names as you meet new people. Your media coordinator should take names
   of producers and reporters at press events and make sure those names
   get added to your lists.


   Timing the Press Release and Call

   A press release can serve a number of purposes. It is usually used to
   announce an event but can be used as a handout, can become a position
   paper, or can be used to educate the media about a topic. In any case,
   it is always important to have something in writing.

   Timing the release is important. If your event is planned well in
   advance it is good to mail it out at least a week ahead to ensure its
   inclusion on calendars. Sometimes, however, this is not possible. If a
   short lead time is all you have, faxing the release works just as
   well. When you must fax the release, be sure to target the person most
   likely to be interested in the event, since it is difficult to send to
   everyone on your list.

   In some cases, there is no time for a press release at all. If you
   plan a clandestine action, or if something develops quickly and
   unpredictably, there may be only enough time for a press call as you
   walk out the door.

   On occasions when we wanted to surprise someone, and could not release
   the information early, we took lots of quarters and a press list with
   us and called from a pay phone as our action was in progress.
   Sometimes, if we have been working with a particular reporter we feel
   we can trust, we release the information in advance to that person
   only, with the understanding that it must not be leaked to others. On
   other occasions we have called the media in advance and suggested that
   they would get a good story and picture if they appeared at a certain
   corner at a certain time. Because we have enough credibility with our
   local media, and because we don't use that tactic often, they usually
   show up.

   A good validation of that strategy happened when we announced a march
   on City Hall. I called my friends in the media and told them that
   there would be something else that they would not want to miss -- a
   surprise. When everyone was in place, two members of CCNV climbed out
   the 12th floor window of the hotel across the street and rappelled off
   the side of the building with a 100 foot banner. Nobody was
   disappointed. In situations like that it is critical that a media
   coordinator be on hand to direct the cameras in the right direction.
   Don't forget, nobody knows what they are looking for, or what to

   All press releases should be followed with a press call. Be thorough
   with your calls. This is when your past dealings with producers and
   assignment desk personnel are important. Always ask for the person you
   know best. Be persistent. Just because your story was not covered
   after your last call, or even the last ten calls, does not mean that
   it will not be covered this time. Sometimes it depends on what else
   newsworthy is going on at the time, but good, persistent press work
   tends to have a cumulative effect.

   Writing the Release

   Press releases are the first encounter a media outlet will have with
   your event. While you want to be thorough and include all the
   information, and the underlying data, you also need to be succinct. In
   some large media markets, hundreds of press releases can cross an
   assignment desk each day. If your release is too wordy, it will likely
   be ignored.

   The first paragraph should include the "five W's" -- who, what, where,
   when, and why. Don't forget, your first goal is to get them to come to
   your event. If you have a high-profile person who will attract media,
   include his name in this first paragraph.

   The next paragraphs should include an expansion on the purpose of the
   event, and some history of what led up to it. Don't assume that the
   person who will be reading the release will necessarily be up to date
   on recent developments in your issue. If the location of your event is
   significant, include a discussion of its importance. It is also
   important to include some brief background material on any special
   people who will be in attendance.

   The release should include a quote from the spokesperson for your
   organization. Try to be pithy, clear, and to the point. This will very
   often be the quote used in the print media. Make it count.

   Finally, include a brief description of your organization. This is
   particularly important if you are a new organization, a re-formed
   organization, or as yet unknown to the media.

   Before you write your release, sit down and list the points you wish
   to make. Be clear. Don't ramble. While you need to include enough
   background information to educate, you don't need to say everything in
   the release. That is the purpose of the press event.

   The form of the press release can vary. There are, however, a few
   elements common to all press releases. Always begin with the date the
   information can be released. Somewhere at the top of the page type
   "PRESS RELEASE" several times. All press releases end with "# # #" or
   "-30-" typed in the middle of the page toward the bottom of the
   release. Be sure to include contact names (it is best to have two
   names) and their phone numbers. Press releases should always be
   printed on your letterhead.

   Press Calls

   In many ways the press calls you make are more important than the
   press release. Although it is critical to have a written press
   statement that can be delivered or faxed upon request, it is during
   the call that you have the opportunity to really sell your story. In
   addition, press calls give the assignment desk person or the reporter
   the opportunity to ask questions, clarify the issue, and develop the
   "background" information that will be necessary to give depth to your
   story. It is during press calls that important relationships begin to
   be forged with the media outlet.

   Be sensitive to the people on the other end of the telephone. If they
   seem rushed, don't keep them any longer than you need to. If they seem
   to have more time, chat them up.

   Think through what you have to say very carefully before you ever lift
   the receiver. Write it down or rehearse it if necessary. Start with
   the less important calls in order to smooth and develop your "rap."

   Be succinct and clear, yet prepared to go into details if there is an
   opportunity. Always get the "who," "what," "where," and "when" out
   first. While the "why" is important, your first purpose is to get the
   news crew to the event.

   Learn the names of assignment desk editors, and always keep them
   updated on your press list. When developing your list it may be useful
   to call the news outlets and get the names of these important people
   (weekend assignment editors are often different than weekday editors).
   Ask for them by name. You are less likely to get shuffled off to an
   intern if you can ask for a specific person. Always try to work with
   the same person -- this is how relationships develop.

   A typical press call should begin like this: "Hello, this is Carol
   Fennelly at the Community for Creative Non-Violence. I'm calling to be
   sure you received the press release we sent about the rally to oppose
   the closing of city shelters scheduled for Monday, December 2 at 12
   noon at the District Building." Be sure to leave your telephone number
   so you can be reached for follow-up questions.

   If you can go into greater detail, go for it. But again, be sensitive
   to the person on the other end of the line. If the reporter seems to
   be rushing, don't irritate him/her with more verbiage. Your message is
   out, and they will call back when they have more time.

   If your press release has been lost among the hundreds that have
   crossed their desk, fax or deliver another immediately. Have an
   assistant ready to get it out quickly, while you are still on their

   Once you have made a few initial practice calls, follow this
   procedure. Start with the wire services (i.e., Associated Press and
   United Press International) since they can rapidly get the news out to
   everybody else. Follow those calls with television stations, since
   they have more staff to try to get to the location of your media
   function. Those contacts should be followed with calls to newspapers
   next, then radio stations. Don't forget those independent news feeds
   mentioned earlier.

   Calls should always be made the morning of the event. You can
   generally get a good sense of who to expect to show up. If you have
   enough time, calls should also be made one or two days before as well.
   If we have a large event scheduled, and know well in advance that it
   is going to occur, we send out a press release the week before, make
   calls two days prior, and the morning of the event.

   Be thorough. What does not get a response the first time, only builds
   for your next call. No call is a wasted call. Each one helps keep your
   cause in the forefront.

                    Community for Creative Non-Violence

   December 20, 1991
   For Immediate Release


                         PARTY FOR HOMELESS PEOPLE

     The Community for Creative Non-Violence is hosting two parties for
     homeless people on December 24. The first a party for homeless
     families, will be held at The Great Hall of the Hubert Humphrey
     Building at 3rd and Independence from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. The second
     party is for the single residents of CCNV's Federal City Shelter,
     425 Second Street, NW, and is scheduled for 5:00 7:00 p.m.

     Boxing great Sugar Ray Leonard, Senator Jesse Jackson, and
     Washington Redskins Darrell Green, Ron Hiddleton, Raleigh McKenzie,
     Ed Simmons, George Starke and Ricky Sanders are expected to make
     appearances at the party for homeless children and their mothers.
     Mayor Sharon Pratt Kelly and Secretary of Health and Human Services
     Louis Sullivan have been invited to attend as well. Polaroid has
     contributed film and cameras to allow the children to take away
     pictures of themselves with their favorite athlete or politician.

     In addition, food will be served, gifts will be distributed clowns
     and magicians will entertain, and performers will present a show
     for the children. The District Government will provide
     transportation for the families from the shelters it operates to
     the HHS building.

     At the party for the 1500 single adults housed at CCNV's Federal
     City Shelter choirs and bands will perform, Senator Jesse Jackson
     will visit, gifts will be distributed, and a special dinner will be

     "For those who are homeless, Christmas is a time of enormous
     emptiness and loneliness and pain. It is a time of memories of
     better days. A time of hopes and dreams abandoned, just as they
     themselves, have been abandoned," said CCNV spokesperson Carol
     Fennelly. " Christmas Eve -- the night of great and joyful
     expectations -- is particularly difficult for those who little to
     expect but more of the same. That is why we have had this party for
     the last ten years."

     Over fifty organizations, and businesses, and hundreds of
     individuals have joined with CCNV to plan this years parties (see
     attached list).


   For more information contact:
   Carol Fennelly or Keith Mitchell -- 202-393-1909 or 202-595-1909
   425 second Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20001


   The public service announcement serves many purposes. It raises
   consciousness, educates, announces an event, or generates funds or
   other material needs. Depending upon the type of PSA you create, a
   radio or TV station may air it at no cost.

   Most stations have an employee assigned to deal with public affairs.
   That person is responsible for deciding which public service
   announcements get on the air. When you have a PSA, contact that person
   well in advance to find out what kind of lead time they may need. If
   you are producing a taped PSA find out what format they need (i.e.,
   television stations usually want 3/4" or 1 " tape, while radio
   stations may want reel-to-reel or cassette). Stations will usually
   only run 10, 30, or 60 second announcements. Prepare them in all three

   If your public service announcement endorses a candidate, specific
   legislation, or promotes merchandise, it is considered advertising,
   and you will be charged a fee. If you are simply educating, you can
   usually find a station to air it at no cost. In addition, stations
   often have community billboards to advertise events, volunteer needs,
   or material needs (although they may not be willing to make
   fundraising pleas).

   Community billboard-type announcements are better submitted in writing
   for announcers to read on the air. Also, if you do not have the
   ability to prepare your own taped PSA, write it down (again, in 10, 30
   and 60 second versions) and submit it. Be sure to read it out loud to
   verify the length of each version.

   Here is an example:

   60 second: The Community for Creative Non-Violence is holding a
   fundraising party and auction at the Hard Rock Cafe on Tuesday,
   November 12, from 8 p.m. until midnight. Live music will be provided
   by Bo Diddley, Jr. and Jennifer Ferguson. A delicious free buffet,
   cash bar, and a live and silent auction are also planned. Actors
   Armand Asante and Michael O'Keefe, Channel 7's Paul Berry, and
   Washington Redskin's Darrell Green and George Stark will be guest
   auctioneers. Auction items include a dress worn by former Supreme Mary
   Wilson, a jacket worn by Sugar Ray Leonard during the third Duran
   fight, and articles of clothing from the entire cast of "L.A. Law."
   The Hard Rock Cafe is located at 10th and E Streets, NW. Tickets are $
   15 and available at the door or at Ticket Master. For more information
   contact CCNV at 202-393-1909.

   30 second: The Community for Creative Non-Violence is holding a
   fundraising party and auction at the Hard Rock Cafe on Tuesday,
   November 12, from 8 p.m. until midnight. Live music, a free buffet,
   cash bar, and a live and silent auction are planned. Armand Asante,
   Michael O'Keefe, Paul Berry, Darrell Green, and George Stark will be
   guest auctioneers. The Hard Rock Cafe is located at 10th and E
   Streets, NW. Tickets are $ 15. Contact CCNV at 393-1909.

   10 second: The Community for Creative Non-Violence is holding a
   fundraising party and auction at the Hard Rock Cafe on Tuesday,
   November 12, from 8 p.m. until midnight. The Hard Rock Cafe is located
   at 10th and E Streets, NW.

   Creating a public service announcement that educates or raises
   consciousness is a little more difficult and requires a more
   thoughtful approach. These are best pre-taped in order to get the
   desired effect.

   First, you must identify the particular audience you wish to reach. Is
   it middle America? Working people? Women? Parents? It is important to
   frame your message in a way that will reach that population? What are
   their concerns in relation to your issue? What myths or misconceptions
   do you need to overcome? What action do you hope to get them to take?

   Here is an example of a PSA we prepared to educate people about
   homelessness. We were targeting middle-class people, and trying to
   overcome the image that homeless people do not want to work. It was
   used in a paid political campaign to stop D.C. City Counsel action
   that rolled back a right-to-shelter law then effective in the

   Female Voice: My name is Charlotte Banks. I used to be homeless. But
   now I'm back on my feet. I used to be a nurse's assistant. Then my
   hospital had to lay some of us off, and I couldn't find a decent job.
   I have two boys, three and five. From night to night we didn't know
   where we were going to sleep. Then we got a spot in a shelter. It
   wasn't home, but it was safe and it was clean. The shelter counselor
   told me about a program where I could get a nursing degree. I
   graduated this summer. Now I have a full time job and a place of my
   own. Without the shelter I would still be homeless.

   Male Voice: D.C. may be closing the book on stories like Charlotte's.
   The City Council wants to roll back the law that provides overnight
   shelter. You can help homeless people turn their lives around. Vote
   for Referendum 5 on November 6.

   This did not cost us any money to create. A public relations firm
   wrote the scripts and supervised production. A local audio visual firm
   donated use of equipment, and the players donated their time. While we
   paid for air time, had we replaced the reference to the political
   campaign with a plea for volunteers it would have been aired free of

   PSAs are a great way to advertise events, educate the public, get
   volunteers, and raise awareness of your issue. Don't overlook them as
   effective media too.


   This final chapter is an interview with a long-time friend of the
   Community for Creative Non-Violence. He is a well respected newsman in
   the Washington area, having practiced his craft for over twenty years.
   He wishes to remain anonymous.

   CAROL: What do you look for when deciding whether or not to cover a
   media event or press conference? If you have 10 media events, what
   makes you choose the three that you cover?

   REPORTER: We look for high visibility in terms of interest (high
   interest in the story and the people that are affected by it); how
   unique or different the story may be; and the availability of getting
   the elements that we want for the story. In other words we don't
   expect the story to be easy, but it is better if the parties that are
   generating the story understand what our needs are in terms of making
   people available, making the story visual as opposed to talking head.

   For instance, if there is a news conference, it is helpful if there is
   some visual support. Case in point: If you're talking about a
   particular subject, instead of having your press conference in a room
   which has nothing to do with the subject, have it at a location where
   you could demonstrate the issue. What you give to the television
   station is a "two-for." You're giving them the information, but you're
   also giving them the visual. You visualize the story, so for the
   reporter it's a matter of turning from you to the sight.

   Or it may be that the person who is doing the news conference is also
   the person involved in some visual aspect of the story. A prime
   example is the J.W. Marriott story. [To protest the closing of 800
   city-funded shelter beds, on August 12, 1991, two members of CCNV
   rappelled from the 12th floor of the J.W. Marriott Hotel, which is
   located directly across the street from the office of the mayor.] The
   news conference was held by a guy hanging from the side of a building.
   I think that you executed a story in a way that provided you with
   great coverage and you disposed of the issue in a very forthright
   manner. How bad is it? It's bad enough for me to hang over the side of
   this building. And you had a very articulate person there, you had
   somebody that the people, the movers and shakers could identify with.
   Young, white, upscale looking fellow, who obviously wasn't homeless
   but there he hung! He was not my idea of a homeless person. So you had
   a number of elements in that story that argued well for the purpose

   Every television station had it as a lead story. You can't do that
   every day, you don't hit a home run every day. The best hitters in
   baseball usually get a hit every three or four times, the best. Your
   ratio's not even going to be that good, but if you can do that on
   occasion and gain a kind of attention, you're ahead.

   CAROL: One of the things we struggled with right after that was
   everyone was so high off of all the press that they wanted to go back
   and do it again. I said no, because it becomes "gimmicky."

   REPORTER: Not only that, you also start to discredit yourselves. One
   likes to believe, even though we know better, that this was a
   spontaneous reaction to frustration and/or anger, which is much easier
   to deal with than if it is the contrived thought from Carol's mind.

   Reporters are human beings who work for a living, who make money, have
   houses, babies. They feel about the homeless the same way that maybe
   80% of Americans feel about the homeless or would like to feel about
   the homeless. Hell, if I can work, why can't they? Why are the bums
   out there? So don't think of the reporters as journalists, or as
   cameramen, or as your friends. They're not. And the truth be known,
   some of them probably don't like you. Whatever information that is
   distilled, will be distilled through that silo. So you have to keep
   that in mind and keep your efforts in a way that are above reproach --
   above criticism for being redundant. You don't want to do everything
   radically. Because then you destroy the effectiveness of it.

   Grade your successes based on what you think is important. What you
   think is important may not be important to the rest of the city. Sure,
   every day we'd like to be on the front page of the Washington Post or
   with a lead story on a television station. Well, that's just not the
   way it's going to be. Look at what you think an event is worth. Decide
   where you think a story ought to play, and then do enough to get that
   -- to have that impact. Ask these questions: What is the purpose of
   publicity and what is the purpose in doing this? Who do we want to get
   to? If we're trying to impress Ward 3 residents would a story on page
   three of the Post do that? If we're trying to impress the citywide
   press do we need to be front page? What do we need to do to generate
   and put forth that effort? It's a skill.

   One of the organizations that comes to mind in this city is a hotel
   and a lady who works there. She sends out all kinds of crap, all the
   time. I mean she fires it out. The Germans are coming to town and they
   own the hotel. They're going to have a bed-making contest (we covered
   it) -- the fastest bed-making in the world. Her idea is that she knows
   she's not going to hit a home run every day. But it's out there. She
   also understands another important element. That element is the
   element of guilt on the part of the reporter and the editors and
   everybody else. I'm sitting here as a reporter I get ten press
   releases from you and I don't cover any of them. Eleven of them and I
   feel really guilty. That's something that no one ever thinks about.
   One-to-one contact is important. At every station have a contact
   person, whether it's an assignment editor or a reporter. If he says
   no, you say, "okay, I just wanted to let you know about this but I
   understand." "Well, I'll send you the next one."

   CAROL: Which leads me to one of my questions. How important is it to
   develop friendly relationships with reporters, producers, cameramen
   and assignment desk personnel?

   REPORTER: I think that's a good point. It is very important. It can't
   hurt. You may find that there's resistance on the part of various
   reporters and/or assignment editors and producers. But relationships
   are useful. Just like the other day you called me and said, "Are you
   doing this story?" If I weren't, I'd be able to say to you, "Hey, I
   may or may not be." And I can do that. Our relationship is that it
   doesn't violate my ethics or you. And I'll say, "Carol, I can't talk
   to you about this, but yeah we're taking a look. We've got some calls
   and reports, and all I'm going to tell you is I'm going to be fair.
   And that's all I'm going to do." And you'll press me, and when I have
   had enough I'll say, "Carol, I'm not going to talk to you about that."
   You know, and you'll stop. When I'm on the beat, however, I may be a
   lot less willing to develop a relationship with anyone, other than the
   fact that I'm approachable. It doesn't make any difference, it's not
   personal. And sometimes it is. But it cannot be personal to your
   people; it has to be your job, it has to be a part of what you do. As
   Colleen at the hotel does, she is willing to take "No" and laugh and
   smile and say, "I'll see you next time." She may get off of the phone
   and say, "That lowdown son of a bitch! He just never does anything for
   me." But I don't hear that. What I hear is okay. Because she knows
   that sooner or later there's going to be something that she's going to
   hit me with.

   She also laughs about the stuff that she knows is bullshit. Don't sell
   chicken shit as chicken soup when you know it's chicken shit. If it's
   chicken shit, say it's chicken shit. You reach in there and say, "But
   look, there is a piece of chicken in there, there's a gem in there." A
   reporter appreciates it. You sit up there talking about how important
   this event is and he says, "I know it's chicken shit, you know it's
   chicken shit, the world knows it's chicken shit, so who are you
   insulting?" Instead, approach it this way. "Look, this is not huge,
   but I think there's a gem in this, can you pull something out of it
   for me? We really need to get this to the people." Don't be afraid to
   have that kind of relationship.

   You need the media. You can do all the rabble-rousing you want to do,
   but unless you have the voice to carry that, it doesn't make any
   difference. You can go down and tear up the street. But if we don't
   take pictures of the street or the Post doesn't report it, it's just
   one street torn up. You may piss-off the people on that street, but
   nobody else knows about it. So it is a love-hate relationship. You
   can't live with us, and you can't live without us. We don't do what
   you want; we do exactly what you want. We don't cover it; we give you
   too much. We jump when you don't expect us to; we don't jump when you
   expect us to. You sit down and you think of something that is going to
   be great and you can't get a nibble out of it.

   CAROL: Is there such a thing as "off the record," and how honest
   should one be with the media?

   REPORTER: "Off the record" is a noble idea. "Off the record" is as off
   the record as the reporter is on target with his honesty and
   character. It is very difficult for any human being to know
   information that is a great story on or off the record. Ben Bradlee is
   a prime example. He knows stories that he's never told. The important
   thing is to know the person you're dealing with.

   I can tell you to be very careful about that. I have worked with
   reporters who have said this is off the record to get the information,
   but then have used it. Or given it to somebody else to use, and then
   have claimed that they knew nothing about it. I have worked with
   reporters who say "off the record" and it is off the record. So I
   think it's really a matter of knowing the person you are dealing with.

   It is also important to point out that you should never say something
   is off the record when what you really want to do is get it reported.
   That's very dangerous. This is a very important point. If you mean it
   to be off the record, then make sure you mean it to be off the record.
   Don't tease with off the record, when you really want it to come out.

   If what you're saying is that you don't want it attributed to you,
   that's different. You've got to watch out, "Take care of me, but
   here's some information." That's different than saying, "Look, this is
   purely off the record. This is for background to make you understand."

   Finally, the third point is, if it is off the record, make sure it is
   off the record. Make sure it means something. Don't use off the record
   when what your giving is crap! Trying to endear yourself to the
   reporter by telling him, "Let me tell you something off the record,"
   when you know it's bullshit or it's already out there, or you know he
   can find it out elsewhere. The reporter is sitting there saying you've
   got to be kidding. Why the hell is that off the record? What's the
   game here? You're trying to make me feel that we're big buddies? Come
   on, I can see through that. I'm going to burn you every time you do
   that. If it's off the record, make sure it is.

   CAROL: The next question has to do with framing the story. How do you
   get a reporter to ask the right questions?

   REPORTER: You don't. You give the reporter the right answers. What I
   mean by that is, you turn questions. How do you turn questions? What
   you want to get out to me is the facts. For instance, if I say to you,
   "The shelter is out of money, so you must not be providing services."
   Your response is, that is not the way it really is. As a matter of
   fact, we have fed "x" number of people and our plan for the future is
   to do so and so. We've got this grant that's just come in. Turning my

   If you get angry, I've got a great story. If you respond instead, "How
   dare you say that. That's not true, who said that?" That doesn't get
   the point across. Give them a direct answer to the question. If it's
   not true, say it's not true. If you're not sure or don't have an
   answer, say so. Say, "What do you mean? Explain your question," giving
   you a chance to think about the answer that you want to give. But you
   can only do that once, you can't do it every time. Or you can say,
   "We're doing the very best that we can. How would you suggest that we
   do it?" Now, I'm not going to answer, and you've got to be careful
   with this.

   The most important thing is to understand the questions that you get.
   There are only so many different types of questions. Turn those
   questions. You're never going to get the reporter to ask the questions
   that you want asked. But you can give the reporter the answer that you
   want to give. As an example. Why are you fighting with the Mayor when
   the Mayor is doing everything she can? What you want to talk about is
   the fact that there are no buses picking up your people. You'd say,
   "I'm sure that the Mayor is doing all that she can do or that she
   thinks she is, and we applaud that, but there are some little things.
   Let me give you an example of a small thing that we think the Mayor
   could be effective with, that our people need." Now this has nothing
   to do with my question. I don't even know your people want to talk
   about buses. And you drop the gem! Getting a reporter to ask the right
   questions is the easiest part of your job. Getting them to where you
   can talk to them is the hard part. I watch people who say, "God we had
   this whole press corps there, but they didn't ask us the right
   questions." We were all there! But you didn't give the right answers!

   CAROL: What is the best way to deal with a question you don't want to

   REPORTER: Have a direction. It's called verbal fencing -- if I really
   want an answer from you on something and you don't want to answer.
   It's a very thin line between whether you are evading the question or
   the reporter is badgering you. But you can turn it and say, "You know,
   that's a very personal thing and I guess I haven't really come to
   grips with it. But when I do, I'll be glad to give you an answer to
   that." Now you've disarmed me. Now if I come back and ask you again,
   my conscience is saying, "Hey asshole, she told you!" You see, you are
   putting me on the defensive in a nice way because I can't come back to
   that issue. That's one way to do it. You may answer a question within
   a question by not answering. You're giving an answer that you want the
   audience to know. If the reporter persists, you look at him, "I don't
   think you are really hearing what I'm saying." But you've got to be
   careful. You have to be sure that your response is such that you don't
   give the reporter the advantage. You are not going to keep up with
   them. They know ways of asking you things that you haven't thought of.
   You must keep that in mind. Remember that they are professional
   questioners. That's what they do. Don't compete with them, don't fence
   with them. Get your point across, turn the question. When they say
   that you're not answering the question, say, "I am, I'm answering the
   question, I'm just not giving you the answer that you probably want.
   But I am answering your question."

   CAROL: How do you deal with a hostile reporter?

   REPORTER: You remember the bottom line here. That if you wrestle with
   a pig, you will get dirty. Don't wrestle with pigs. If a person has an
   intent on getting you dirty, the only way you're going to stay away is
   to stay away. Don't wrestle with a hostile reporter. You may speak of
   the hostility. You may say, " I'm sorry, I don't understand your anger
   and frustrations here. I'm trying to respond." But you don't wrestle
   with a pig.

   CAROL: One of the things you have talked about is remaining cool.
   Don't go off and look like a maniac.

   REPORTER: Because that's going to be the story. And that's what I mean
   here. Ask yourself these questions: "Why is this reporter upset? Is it
   because they've been forced to cover a story they don't want to cover?
   Is it because they had a bad day at home? Or is it because they're out
   to try to see if they can't provide a little spark on the air here?"
   You may know the reporter and there is some history that would
   explain, or justify at least, or give you some idea why the person is
   feeling what he's feeling. If a person is just a hostile reporter,
   he's probably looking to try to agitate you, to get you to say
   something, to be animated, to go off. I love it when I get in and ask
   a question and someone goes off into one of those routines. You can be
   sure that it is going to be a lead story in the newscast. Look at this
   idiot go off. You don't want to do that, unless there's a reason.

   CAROL: What kind of advice can you give for creating a good camera

   REPORTER: That's a very important element to always be considered.
   Everybody is not camera pretty. I mean male and female. I'm not just
   talking about looks. I'm talking about approaches. If someone
   stutters, don't make them your spokesperson. If you've got someone who
   obviously has winks and blinks, don't make them a spokesperson. You
   put your best foot forward. People know they have other strengths that
   may not be in front of the camera. Everyone likes to bring themselves
   up to the point of being that spokesperson -- "I can do it!" "No you
   can't do it!" You determine who really ought to be up front, who ought
   to be the spokesperson. The reporters are going to ask for that
   person. People ought to understand that and be happy with it. If the
   spokesperson can't do it, it's important they talk to the reporter. "I
   can't do it but I'm going to have so and so." Then he doesn't feel
   like he's being shuffled off. The reporter may think "She's too good
   to talk to me? Okay, I'll show them." Then you've got a negative story
   even though it could be positive because the reporter feels like she's
   being shuffled all over the place. They won't deal with you. Those
   people that are selected should be selected on the basis of their
   compassion and knowledge of the given subject. Certainly to be
   considered is their camera presence. Their look -- the image they
   portray and whether they are the best person to be doing the job.
   Simple as that. If all those things don't work, then the person that
   is the most identified ought to be in the role. You're going to have
   to appear to be a real camera hog. That's okay, that's just the way it

   CAROL: What do you look for in a sound bite?

   REPORTER: Thirty seconds. Tight, right and on the money. What I'm
   looking at is something that gets the message across with some
   feeling, some compassion, not dramatics. I'm looking for a piece that
   my audience is going to say, "whoa!" I'm looking for that piece that
   says in 30 seconds, "We are still fighting the same kind of
   frustration and discrimination that we have fought for years. People
   don't have houses. People are sleeping on the streets. People are
   cold. People are going to die out here unless something is done. Whoa,
   jeez, damn." You talked about discrimination, and you talked about
   what the problem is. If you're going to make that point in three
   minutes, you're not going to get it on the air. If you make your point
   in 25 or 30 seconds, you're going to see that tape.

   CAROL: If you had one piece of advice for people dealing with the
   media, what would it be?

   REPORTER: Be honest. You get caught in a lie every time. Again, your
   dealing with a professional questioner, a journalist. Chances are,
   when be comes there he already has the answer to what he's asking you.
   He just wants to see what your answer is. And always remember that
   there are all kinds of sides to every story. The only side to be on is
   the right side. That is, to say what is factual. That way you can't
   get caught. If there are 200 people that need beds, don't say 500. You
   get caught. The story will be CCNV, in an effort to try to blackmail
   money out of the city has inflated the numbers of people. No matter
   what else you say, you first have to deal with your inaccuracy. Be
   honest with the media.

   Understand and realize that you're dealing with people, just like you.
   They probably know less about what you are doing than you think. They
   have a job to do. The product I produce is on the air. I need a story
   as badly as you need it covered. Now, when I come there I come there
   with an idea on doing a story. I'm not coming over there to do a nice
   little tapioca piece on you. Put your best face on it.

   The other thing is to listen carefully to the story. So often because
   it's not exactly the story that you want told, the way you want it,
   with all the plus's in it, you'll say, "Hey, that son of a bitch!" But
   wait a minute, what did the audience hear? How did they perceive it?
   Was it a win? If it was half good, mark it up as a win.

   CAROL: It's very hard to be objective about your story on the air.

   REPORTER: You know all of this backwards. Here you're talking about a
   lifetime, a week, or a month, an activity, or whatever. I'm giving you
   a minute-thirty. Damn right! How the hell can I tell everything you
   are working on and all you have been doing in a minute-thirty.

   CAROL: And many people don't understand that. Unless it was exactly
   the spin we want, and exactly the words we want, we are disappointed.
   I learned a long time ago that out of every 30-minute news show, only
   17 minutes are actually news.

   REPORTER: No, no not even that! No it's not news it's weather, it's
   sports, it's entertainment. It's more like eight minutes.

   CAROL: Getting a piece of that is difficult, especially in this city,
   with all that is happening.

   REPORTER: Competition, you are competing for time. You are competing,
   so a minute and a half if a hell of a lot of time. Today we're going
   to tell you everything you need to know about Maryland layoffs in a
   two-minute package. Two minutes is what we have, to talk about the
   biggest story of the day. We gave the D.C. layoff's a minute-forty. So
   how much time am I gonna give the CCNV today? If the major story of
   the day is a minute-forty, what is CCNV going to get? These are things
   people just have to understand. Understanding this makes
   professionalism on your part even more critical.


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