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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
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VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Thu, 17 Dec 1998 21:15:16 -0600
TEXT/PLAIN (261 lines)
One doesn't need to go to highly publicized web sites to find what you
want online.  Usenet is a fun frontier to visit.  My favorite mail reader
is Tin, discover your own.


from The Wall Street Journal

   [Special Report -- Technology: Thinking About Tomorrow]

   December 7, 1998 [Special Report -- Technology: Thinking About

Person to Person

Before Companies Ever Set Out on the Web, Before There Even Was a Web,
People Bought and Sold Stuff on the Net. They Still Do.


   Ask most people what they know about electronic commerce, and the
   first thing they'll mention is the rapid growth of online companies
   such as Inc. Some might even mention the fevered efforts of
   businesses to build intranets, extranets and other systems for their
   corporate customers.

But there's another, much older variety of online sales that's also seeing
plenty of action. Call it person-to-person e-commerce: the multitude of
deals struck every day between individual Internet users for everything
from old baseball cards and vintage lunch boxes to unwanted stereo
   equipment and the holiday season's hottest -- and least available --
   toys. Whether on carefully regulated Web sites or rough-and-tumble
   Internet bulletin boards, person-to-person commerce is thriving.

   By allowing far-flung people to get together and make deals, says
   Maria LaTour Kadison, an analyst at Forrester Research Inc.,
   Cambridge, Mass., "the Internet allows a whole new form of shopping
   that was cost-prohibitive before."

   Dropping a Line

   Most of the action in person-to-person commerce is taking place in one
   of the oldest corners of the Internet: Usenet, a text-only section of
   the Internet made up of newsgroups, which are electronic bulletin
   boards organized by topic and subtopic. Ms. Kadison says Usenet "is
   definitely a hot place online -- and exploding rapidly."

   Usenet is more than a decade older than the World Wide Web -- it was
   born in 1979, when a pair of Duke University graduate students thought
   of a way to link up computers at Duke with machines at the University
   of North Carolina so that Unix operating-system buffs could exchange
   information. From there, a number of people tinkered with Usenet's
   technical underpinnings, allowing the network to grow steadily until
   it contained not only newsgroups about computer arcana but also
   discussions of everything from science fiction to ruminations about
   how networks would change society.

   Commerce wasn't a stranger to that environment for very long. Mark
   Horton, a Usenet veteran who was the co-creator of one of the earliest
   upgrades of the software underpinning the system, recalls that the
   first want ads appeared within weeks of Usenet's creation. Online
   commerce grew quickly enough that in the early 1980s specialized
   newsgroups such as and net.wanted were formed -- a step
   taken, Mr. Horton says, so that "the rest of the Net wouldn't be
   bothered" with the individual users looking to buy, sell and find
   things online.

   Nowadays, things are a little looser. There are thousands upon
   thousands of newsgroups containing millions of posted messages about
   everything from Buddhism to baseball to "Star Trek" to strip clubs.
   And, in many of them, people are buying and selling things.

   If you can imagine it, odds are someone on Usenet is selling it. A
   Mickey Mouse yellow plastic lunch box? No problem: There's one being
   auctioned off on the newsgroup alt.disney, with bids starting at $5.
   (Three bucks will get you in the running for a trio of 25-year-old
   "Disney on Parade" Viewmaster reels.)

   Maybe you collect, say, Kiss tickets. Drop by kiss,
   and unused tickets from the band's 1996-97 tour are available. (No
   price given.) How about a baseball signed by Enos Slaughter? One will
   run you $25 on

   Bigger-ticket items abound, too. Someone on alt.california has a 1989
   Honda CRX available for $3,200. "RUNS/LOOKS GREAT," the note says.

   It's difficult to put a dollar value on all that activity. Forrester
   estimates that business-to-business e-commerce will total $43 billion
   this year, with consumer e-commerce accounting for an additional $7.8
   billion in sales. Ms. Kadison says her firm hasn't broken down its
   figures to isolate person-to-person e-commerce, but says that it's
   "certainly worth hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars in

   DejaNews Inc. (, an Austin, Texas, company
   that archives Usenet messages, offers a starting point for arriving at
   an admittedly rough estimate. Guy Hoffman, the company's chief
   executive, says that there were about 500,000 postings to "for-sale"
   newsgroups in a six-week period this fall, with an average value of
   $50 a transaction.

   That would come to nearly $217 million in annual deals over the
   for-sale newsgroups alone. But that figure comes with a number of

   On the one hand, the number could be much higher: The for-sale groups
   are only a fraction of the total number of groups where buying and
   selling takes place. On the other hand, DejaNews has no idea what
   percentage of the advertised deals were actually consummated -- buyers
   and sellers nearly always get together via e-mail to hammer out

   Business and Flames

   One thing is certain, though: New Internet users who have just gotten
   used to sending a credit-card number to may find
   person-to-person e-commerce a bit unnerving. Newsgroups are rowdy and
   chaotic -- even the calmest "boards" routinely erupt into "flame wars"
   in which participants battle by publicly posting points and
   counterpoints until one side concedes or, more commonly, gives up the
   fight in disgust.

   So how does e-commerce flourish there? Because, ultimately, newsgroups
   are fairly small places where reputations matter. And if there's
   somebody online that can't be trusted -- well, that news will spread
   pretty fast.

   Usenet is arranged in hierarchies of newsgroups, with general
   categories broken down into narrower subcategories. For example, is divided into 34 groups from to, and those groups are themselves subdivided -- a
   WNBA fan would head to, with a fan of the
   European game heading for, so that they
   don't have to pick through irrelevant posts.

   As a result, the distinctions between groups get pretty fine: The
   difference between rec.arts.sf.starwars.collecting.misc and
   rec.arts.sf.starwars.collecting.vintage may seem arbitrary to an
   outsider, but it's of considerable import to the regulars in those two

   Such fine distinctions mean that many newsgroups are actually fairly
   small communities, where the lions of the boards are well-known -- and
   accorded great respect -- and newcomers must earn their place by
   proving their mettle.

   "One of the things that we've found is that in the most highly
   trafficked groups, you've got between one and at most a dozen experts,
   and hundreds of people interacting with those experts," says Mr.
   Hoffman. "This is a highly manageable society."

   Bad Reputation

   In those little societies, bad news travels as quickly as in any
   real-world small community. "Bad Trader Alerts" -- sometimes simply
   called BTAs -- are common sights in most any newsgroup that sees a lot
   of buying and selling. They spring up in the wake of deals gone bad --
   when packages fail to arrive, checks bounce, or merchandise is

   In most cases, such alerts are followed up by an explanation --
   whether angry or apologetic -- from the allegedly guilty party, with
   other members of the group weighing in as witnesses or self-appointed
   jurors. Often, the whole saga winds up days or weeks later with a note
   from the plaintiff letting the group know that everything has been

   In theory, the Internet's bad traders should be able to operate with
   impunity -- after all, switching e-mail addresses now takes just a few
   mouse clicks. But surfers have another, powerful resource: Once
   something is posted on a newsgroup, it's basically available forever,
   thanks to DejaNews and other archives of newsgroup postings. Those
   archives let Internet users slice and dice the millions of accumulated
   postings any number of ways: They can search for every newsgroup
   posting from a given e-mail address, for instance, or every posting
   that includes a given name or phrase.

   The system isn't perfect -- authors can remove their own postings from
   DejaNews' archive -- but it's valuable nonetheless. Bad-trader alerts
   routinely include the real name and address used by the transgressor;
   that material is easily obtained and re-posted by subsequent
   searchers, and thus becomes impossible for the guilty party to delete.
   As a result, DejaNews has become a standard tool used by Usenet
   veterans for checking on a trader's bona fides -- and traders know
   that they have to keep their reputations clean if they are going to
   conduct much repeat business online.

   "The greatest thing about the newsgroups is the first time somebody
   rips somebody off, it's published immediately," Mr. Hoffman says.
   "Somebody can only rip somebody off once through the newsgroups -- if
   you're smart enough."

   Chaos at Bay

   Of course, not everyone is a Usenet veteran or a DejaNews jock.
   Online-auction sites, led by eBay Inc., of San Jose, Calif., have
   thrived in part because they provide a more structured environment for
   online buying and selling. Usenet sellers have been setting up online
   auctions for years, but eBay and its competitors have done a lot to
   streamline the process and limit human error, such as by automatically
   taking care of bids.

   At eBay, buyers and sellers both register, supplying e-mail addresses
   and phone numbers (which can be obtained by other registered users) in
   order to offer a lot for sale or bid on one. The range of items for
   sale is just as large as it is on Usenet, but on eBay, sellers pay
   eBay a small fee (between 25 cents and $2) to list an item, and then
   pay a percentage of the price that the lot sells for.

   EBay doesn't enforce the terms of a sale -- buyers and sellers can
   back out, and problems occur. But, as with Usenet, reputations are
   important: Besides forums where users can talk about experiences good
   and bad, eBay gives each user a "feedback rating" -- a positive
   comment adds a point to this rating, while a negative one subtracts a
   point. (Each user's comments can only move this rating up or down by a
   single point, however.) Get particularly good ratings and stars appear
   by your user ID.

   EBay also provides links to a number of tools for making online buying
   and selling easier, from links to shipping companies' Web sites to
   sites maintained by third-party escrow services and arbitration
   services. The effect is to smooth some of the rough-and-tumble that
   can accompany deals struck on Usenet.

   The success of eBay hasn't been lost on DejaNews' Mr. Hoffman. He is
   looking to capitalize on DejaNews' role as the leading Usenet archive
   and offer services to make buying and selling easier. In the first
   quarter of 1999, Mr. Hoffman says, DejaNews plans to unveil tools that
   will allow posts to be archived with an indication that the item
   offered in that post has been sold, and that will let the company
   serve as a middleman for credit-card transactions -- welcome news for
   online sellers who dislike waiting for money orders and wondering if
   personal checks will clear.

   "This is an opportunity that we're very much focused upon," Mr.
   Hoffman says, adding that "Deja News is thinking very aggressively
   about how to do that."

   But Mr. Hoffman emphasizes that he only wants to smooth out some of
   Usenet's bumps -- not change the process.

   "The whole objective is to increase the efficiency of the market, to
   enable the most commonly used form of currency in the world, and to
   remove the diceyness or the unknown with respect to the transaction,"
   he says. "But everything else remains the same -- and it remains the
   same because it's been proven that it works."

   --Mr. Fry is technology editor of The Wall Street Journal Interactive
   Edition in New York.

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