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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
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VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Sat, 29 Aug 1998 08:31:33 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (154 lines)
from the New York Times

      July 27, 1998


Identifying the Audience for Online News


     When news of the gunfire in the Capitol building swept the country
     on Friday afternoon, a familiar ritual began. The Internet news
     rush was on.

     At Cable News Network's Web site servers running at 25 percent of
     capacity saw a surge to nearly 100 percent five minutes after the
     shooting. A similar flood engulfed

                                             Reading All About It Online

         The Internet is becoming a more important source of information,
          according to a recent survey of where Americans get their news.


                Source: Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
                                                       The New York Times

     All afternoon, as the reports grew more detailed -- the deaths of
     two members of the Capitol police force, the emergency medical
     treatment given to the gunman by Sen. Bill Frist, R-Tenn., a heart
     surgeon -- people kept checking in.

     And maybe, while they were there, they checked on how well their
     stock portfolios had come out at the end of a rocky week, or looked
     at the reviews of "Saving Private Ryan," or monitored the weather
     report to see how things were in the mountains where they were
     going on vacation.

     Like a photograph developing in the darkroom, the identity and
     habits of Internet news audiences is not changing so much as it is
     becoming clearer with every new crisis and every new computer user.
     By and large, it is made up of younger men with college degrees and
     professional jobs. They check in on the news from work, not home,
     and even if they are drawn into a site by a crisis, they stay
     around to pursue very particular individual interests.

     More than anything else, "it's the big, big story that brings them
     in," said Merrill Brown, editor in chief of Second in
     popularity is "stuff with utility" -- individualized stock
     portfolios, reviews, listings, health and science news. The
     sure-fire draw, he said, is a story about something that touches
     both -- like a sharp shift in stock market prices. "That's where
     you're more likely to get people the other media don't get."

     But the biggest difference between the Internet and other news
     outlets, from newspapers and magazines to cable and network
     television to radio, is that Internet news is read less often over
     morning coffee and more often over eat-at-your-desk takeout food.
     News -- the stuff of the morning newspaper, the evening newscast
     and drive-time all-news radio -- is now the stuff of the workplace.

     "It's a huge difference," said Scott Woelfel, editor in chief of "Until recently, the only news that penetrated into the
     workplace was radio. Now they go in and spend what could be hours
     during the day" checking into the news.

     "It's no surprise they don't watch the nightly news when they go
     back," he added. "They heard or read all those stories hours

     According to a survey last month from the Pew Research Center for
     the People and the Press, one American in five goes online to get
     the news at least once a week -- 15 percent of all women and 25
     percent of all men. Two years ago, the overall figure was 6
     percent. Some 35 percent of college graduates get their news from
     the Internet at least once a week; 47 percent of college graduates
     under the age of 30 do.

     In the absence of a big breaking story, what these people are
     looking for, the Pew study indicates, is information about hobbies,
     movies or restaurants (82 percent), science and health (64
     percent), technology (60 percent) and finance (52 percent). Low in
     the rankings was local news (28 percent).

     This makes sense, based on a recent study by the Newspaper
     Association of America. It shows that 63 percent of those surveyed
     regularly watch local television stations, more than use any other
     medium. Internet news audiences don't try to find out about crimes
     and fires and political squabbles while they are at their
     computers. Why bother, when you can get it that night on

     Still, just 7 percent of the news audience regularly gets its news
     from the Internet, according to the association's survey, which
     shows 51 percent regularly reading newspapers, 49 percent listening
     to radio and 42 percent regularly watching national television
     news. But different people are clearly gravitating to different
     media. The Pew survey found that just 22 percent of men under the
     age of 30 regularly watch network news, compared with 55 percent of
     women over the age of 50.

     Yet even if Internet news sites draw but a small fraction of news
     consumers, it is a fraction advertisers might find desirable. More
     than 200,000 subscribers are paying up to $49 to read The Wall
     Street Journal Interactive Edition, according to the publication's
     managing editor, Rich Jaroslovsky. About two-thirds of that group,
     he said, "don't read The Wall Street Journal in print." The
     interactive subscribers tend to be younger than the readers of the
     broadsheet, he said ("40ish rather than 50ish"), and four of five
     are male.

     The New York Times on the Web, which never charged domestic
     subscribers and this month dropped the fee for overseas
     subscriptions, now has about 4 million registered users, 77 percent
     of them men, according to Richard Meislin, the editorial director.
     About 73 percent are college-educated and 55 percent have household
     incomes greater than $50,000. The educational and income profiles
     of's audience are similar -- 74 percent college-educated,
     62 percent with household incomes of more than $55,000.

     Home consumption of online news is also rising, according to the
     Web rating services Media Metrix and Relevant Knowledge. But even
     at home, the audience is most often male; the favorite subject,
     computers. The top news-related sites feature technology news:
     Media Metrix ranks, a computer-related site, highest,
     above, the site of the Ziff-Davis Inc. technology news
     magazines. Relevant Knowledge has zdnet ranked on top.

     "For us, the peaks are when there is sexy technology news," said
     Jai Singh, the editor of Cnet's site. The Capitol shooting
     didn't cause a big spike in the audience numbers; Thursday's Senate
     hearings on Microsoft's business practices did. "If Bill Gates is
     in the news, it makes it big time," Singh said, with a nod to the
     chief executive of Microsoft.

     The increase in the online news audience, with its idiosyncratic
     tastes, may arguably be helping cable news cut into the network
     news audience. But it is not cutting into the time spent with
     traditional media. Internet news junkies, apparently, are also just
     plain news junkies. The Pew study reported, "Those who go online
     for news tend to spend more time than those who do not reading a
     newspaper or watching television news."

   Copyright 1998 The New York Times Company