At 18:40 2/25/99 -0500, Jim Meagher wrote:
>>So, if I try to copy the contents of a hard drive in a dos
>>window I will get a perfect copy of the hard drive??
>At the risk of repeating what David, I, and many others have
>already said.....NO you will NOT get a "perfect copy".
Let me add that I have done this several times (with the correct
switches) and gotten fully functional copies of bootable Windows
drives. One thing that you must look out for is having "Prevent
MS-DOS-based programs from detecting Windows" checked off in the
Advanced area of your DOS Window shortcut. That turns a DOS
Window (run from within the Windows GUI) into a purely DOS
session as far as XCOPY is concerned. This would prevent XCOPY
from recognizing some of the necessary switches.
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