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"VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List" <[log in to unmask]>
Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 20 May 2000 10:20:56 -0500
Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (113 lines)
Peeping Through Port 139

Joab Jackson, City Paper (Baltimore)
May 4, 2000

   I couldn't believe it. There, before me on my computer screen, was a
   directory filled with family photos, labeled by name. I could have
   looked at pictures of these folks if I'd cared to. It wasn't my
   family, though, and these photos weren't on my computer. I had no idea
   whose computer they were on, but I guessed it was someone in my
   apartment building, and that they hadn't a clue I was spying on them.

   Many of us here in my building get Internet access through cable
   modems. Few know of the security risks. Now that high-speed access to
   the Internet can be had through cable and digital subscriber lines
   (DSL), security holes are easier to exploit. They're easy to fix too,
   but few are, probably because few people know about the breaches in
   the first place. Certainly, the cable guy who hooked me up never told
   me that Windows, in effect, offers an Internet party line to my hard
   drive. I'm guessing that at least three of my neighbors weren't
   informed either.

   How easy is it to tap into a neighbor's computer if it isn't secured
   properly? Insanely easy, I learned after a recent night of
   experimenting. It doesn't take any networking savvy -- just the right
   program and some anti-social attitude.

   One such program is called SMBScanner. It took me about 10 minutes to
   find on the Internet. Like a police scanner monitoring many
   frequencies, this software rolls through Internet-protocol (IP)
   numbers (Internet addresses of nine digits separated by periods, the
   online equivalent to phone numbers), checking for open ports on
   computers. Now, a cable company like the one I use usually reserves
   blocks of successive IP numbers for customer use. So I figured my
   neighbors would have numbers nearly identical to mine, probably
   varying only in the last two digits. SMBScanner paid a visit to each
   of these addresses, checking to see if port 139 -- the connection
   point computers often use to network with one another -- was open.
   Within minutes, it found three.

   From there, it was just a matter of employing the operating system's
   user-friendly ability to "map" another computer's hard drive to its
   own file system. This was a snap, given that two of the three
   computers had no password protection whatsoever. One poor user
   actually had a printer online. I pondered printing him or her a page
   reading YOU'VE BEEN HACKED! But what good would such a missive be if I
   couldn't enjoy the other person's surprise upon receiving it? Anyway,
   it was probably best to remain in stealth mode for this fact-finding
   mission. So I mapped someone else's C drive instead, giving me access
   to its contents. And that's when I found the directory named "Family

   That's also when I chickened out. I couldn't nerve myself up to
   actually look at any of the snapshots. I felt guilty enough already
   for having snooped this far. So I disconnected. My point was made. I
   didn't actually want to peer into somebody else's computer; I just
   wanted to see if I could do it.

   Anyone who has a high-speed Internet connection (and wants to avoid
   having done to them what I nearly did to my neighbors) should take the
   ShieldsUp security test offered by the Gibson Research Corp. (GRC,, run by computer guru Steve Gibson. It's where I learned
   about these vulnerabilities. GRC's Web site tests your computer to see
   what ports it can wiggle into. It's an eyeopener.

   How does this happen? It's a weird amalgamation of factors, a snafu
   that only surfaces when home networking, dedicated Internet lines, and
   people's steadfast refusal to use passwords are combined.

   Start with someone tying two computers together. According to GRC,
   when "Microsoft's networking client is installed, a default setting
   which would have protected many millions of computers if it were
   normally set to 'off' is instead set to 'on.'" Upshot? A home network
   is left open to the entire Internet. What is odd about this is that it
   is totally unnecessary. This option was set to "on" only to save
   Microsoft in customer-service calls, the Gibson site contends.

   Until recently, the pitfalls of home networking were limited, as most
   networked Netters went online with dial-up connections, which were
   assigned IPs more randomly. They remained online for limited periods
   of time and so were harder to pinpoint. But as more people set up
   networks and use connections that are always "on," it is starting to
   make for a lot of sitting ducks.

   And there are a lot of clandestine hunters out there. Here are
   computers that remain online for long stretches of time, with easily
   discoverable IP numbers. What better place than on somebody else's
   computer to spend some time nosing around, looking for free software
   or just some neighborly dish?

   I asked a system administrator who, up until fairly recently, used to
   work for an Internet service provider, about port scans. How much did
   he used to see, I wondered. "The amount was staggering," he responded
   by e-mail -- about once a minute, some unknown computer cracker would
   test the lines, looking for an in. The friend's employer blocked that
   sort of traffic from reaching its customers, at least that from folks
   with other ISPs. It didn't stop this company's customers from snooping
   on each other, though, as I'd snooped on my neighbors.

   GRC provides an easy explanation of how to secure port 139. All it
   involves is a few points and clicks. The biggest challenge is letting
   people know.

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