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"VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 9 May 2000 19:38:57 -0400
Jamal Mazrui <[log in to unmask]>
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Jamal Mazrui <[log in to unmask]>
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From the file in Microsoft Word format

V 2.0
FEBRUARY 23, 2000
Check for updated versions

! Authors:  Chris M. Law, Gregg C. Vanderheiden;  Illustrations:
Ben Caldwell;  Additional input: David Kelso !

Copyright (c) 2000, Trace R&D Center, University
Wisconsin-Madison, 5901 Research Park Boulevard, Madison, WI,
EZ Access(tm) and EZ(tm) are trademarks of the University of
Wisconsin - Trace Research and Development Center.
EZ Access is Patent-Pending technology which can be licensed for
use via the University of Wisconsin.  Contac the Trace Center,
[log in to unmask] for details.

 Version and Contact Information
Previous versions of EZ Access (Versions 1.x) were developmental
versions which were not publicly available.
Version 2.0 is the first published version of EZ Access, Dated
February 23rd, 2000.
For updates or more recent versions after this date, please visit
the website listed below.
Please note that EZ Access(tm) is patent-pending technology
licensed by the University of Wisconsin's Wisconsin Alumni
Research Foundation.  Developers of electronic devices who are
interested in implementing EZ Access into their own products
should contact the Trace Center for more information.
For more information about EZ Access, or to supply feedback,
please contact The Trace Center at:
Trace R&D Center,
University Wisconsin-Madison,
5901 Research Park Boulevard,
Madison, WI, 53719
tel: (608) 263-1156
fax: (608) 262-8848
email:    [log in to unmask]

 Table of Contents
Part I: Introduction to  EZ Access 4
Section 1: Quick Overview of features   5
Section 2: How EZ Access improves electronic devices   14
Section 3: Differences between EZ Access and other talking
devices   18
Section 4: Basic Interface  Components  20
Part II: Specifications for implementing EZ Access     23
Section 1: Priorities    24
Section 2: Standard Operation 25
Section 3: Controls 26
Section 4: Virtual List  28
Section 5: Layered Help for interface elements    31
Section 6: Speech output 32
Section 7: Visual display     33
Section 8: Visual events for sounds     34
Section 9: Time-out parameter changes   35
Section 10: Actions 36
Section 11: Alerts  38
Section 12: EZ Access Instructions and Help  39
Section 13: User Options  (and Defaults)     41

Part I :
Introduction to
EZ Access

EZ Access is a simple set of interface enhancements, which can be
applied to electronic devices, so that they can be used by people
with disabilities, or anyone who experiences difficulty using a
device in the standard method of operation.

FIn Part I F

* Quick Overview of features
* "EZ-3-Button"
* "ButtonHelp"
* "ShowSounds/Captions"
* How EZ Access improves electronic devices
* Basic Interface Components
* Differences between EZ Access and other talking devices
Section 1:  Quick Overview of features
 EZ-3-Button feature
The EZ-3-Button feature allows a person to access all functions
necessary to operate a device via a simple 3-button interface
with speech and visual display.
This provides access for users who are operating under a wide
range of constrained conditions including those who
- cannot see or look at the device
- cannot read the labels or display
- cannot make fine controlled movements
- cannot find or use some of the device controls under certain
 EZ 3-Button Functionality
With this feature everything can be done with 3 buttons:
* From the user's perspective, the things that can be done on a
device can generally be classified as follows:
a) reading dynamic displays, viewing indicator lights etc.
b) reading static displays, labels etc.
c) activating buttons or other controls
d) inserting or removing media, material, etc.
* The EZ 3-Button feature gives full access to a,  b and c
(reading and controlling), and can be used to give assistance to
the user in d (media handling).
* The EZ UP and EZ DOWN buttons are used to move through a
virtual list of the things (elements) that can be done or read at
any given time.  As the user steps through the list the name of
each element is spoken and / or displayed on the device.
* Any element on the list can be activated (chosen) by pressing
the green diamond-shaped EZ BUTTON. The function / operation that
is associated with that element is executed when the EZ Button is
released.  If the item is a text element, the text is read.
* A confirmation beep (and often an echo of the button or control
name, and / or notification to the user on what is happening) is
made when an element is activated. Different sounds can be made
for different types of items (e.g. action items vs. information
items) but operation of the device is not dependent on
recognizing the sounds or differences in sounds.
* Using the EZ-3-Button feature, a user can access all functions
on the device without relying on vision or the ability to read,
and without knowledge of where controls are laid out on the
device. See the section below on "real-world examples" to see how
the EZ-3 Button feature can be used.
* When the user presses any other button on the device, the
device returns to its standard (default) operational behavior.
(In some cases it may be desirable to warn or question the user
should this occur because they are exiting the use of the EZ
3-Button feature and their activation of the control may have
been accidental. For example, a person who is blind may brush
their hand across a touch screen accidentally and not know they
had done so.)
Step 1: Navigate available elements via virtual list

          Step 2. Select elements with diamond EZ BUTTON

 Examples of real-world use:
EZ 3-Button feature
People who have their eyes occupied by another task:
The EZ 3-Button feature allows complete access to a device using
just 3 buttons. For example - a phone could be completely
accessed using just 3 buttons on the side of the phone. This
would allow complete eyes-free access to the full functionality
of the phone.

People who have no vision or poor vision:
     The EZ 3-Button feature also allows access to ATMs, kiosks,
fare machines and other information or transaction machines for
people who cannot see or have low vision. The two arrow keys
allow the person to "look around" the displays and controls. All
controls and text are read to the person and shown in large print
on the display. To activate any item, the user would just press
the third button (the EZ button). The technique is so simple that
it can be easily mastered by people who are using the machine for
the first time.

People who cannot read or find it difficult to read:
     Even people who can see can sometimes have difficulty
reading. Low literacy, learning disabilities or simply using a
device whose text is not in a user's native language can present
problems. The EZ 3-Button feature provides a very easy to
understand method for having all of the text on the screen, and
the names of all controls on the device, read to you and

People who do not have their reading glasses with them, or who do
not have their contact lenses in:
     Occasionally, people will temporarily have low vision due to
not having their regular glasses or contact lenses handy. The
3-Button approach is easy enough to use that even occasional
users will find it convenient.

People who cannot reach or reliably touch all elements of the
     In addition to its voice output features, the EZ 3-Button
feature is also useful to those with limited reach or strength.
The entire device can be operated by using just the three easy to
operate EZ buttons. They can even be operated with a headstick or

People who have certain mild cognitive impairments:
     Individuals with mild cognitive impairments can also use the
EZ 3-Button feature for an easy to use access method that
highlights all the choices and reads them aloud for you.

ButtonHelp feature

ButtonHelp allows the user to find and identify  buttons on an
interface without relying on vision or reading of button legends.

Successive "Layers" of help explaining the purpose and operation
for any element on the device can be made available (for all
users). This can be thought of as a user manual that is always at
hand, since it is on the device itself.

 ButtonHelp Functionality
The names of buttons can be found, even when the user cannot see
* Each button or control on a device has a name associated with
it (e.g. "play"; "stop"; "eject" etc.).
* To explore the names of buttons on the device without
activating the buttons, the user can hold down the green diamond
EZ BUTTON and (while holding down the EZ BUTTON)  press target
buttons. The name of the target button is spoken, and /or
displayed on the dynamic display of the device (without
activating the target button or its function).
* On some products there may be a mechanical control where it is
not possible for the EZ software to sense movement of the control
with the control's function being invoked (for example a
mechanical volume control or a toggle switch). To explore the
names of controls that are mechanical (e.g. volume, treble,
tone-pulse switches etc.) the name and new state of the control
can be given (e.g. "Volume 65%"; "Pulse dialing selected") when
the EZ button is held down.
* The ButtonHelp feature is completely non-modal, and can be used
any time on the device, including when the user is utilizing the
EZ-3-Button feature. (This is possible because the EZ 3-Button
feature is triggered on EZ BUTTON release, and  ButtonHelp works
only when the EZ BUTTON is held down).
* If the EZ Button is held too long, an instruction is spoken to
help the user.
* When the EZ Button is released, the device returns to standard

Step 1:  Hold and keep down the diamond EZ BUTTON


          Step 2: Press other buttons on the device to hear their
 LayeredHelp's functionality
Instead of the user having to resort to the manual for
instruction or help on how a button or control works, the help
can be provided by the device itself using the LayeredHelp
feature of ButtonHelp:
* Each button or control can have successive layers of help
associated with it. The amount of information stored can vary
depending on the type of control. It can also be dynamic, and
change in various modes if its functionality is mode-specific.
* To get LayeredHelp, the user starts off by using ButtonHelp (
e.g. while holding down the EZ BUTTON, press any target button to
hear its name).
* Successive layers of help are given by speech, and/or on the
visual display of the device.  The user has the following options
while holding down the diamond-shaped EZ BUTTON:
* Listen to all layered help at once: press the target button
once only, or keep the target button held down - while the EZ
BUTTON is held down, all layers are given in turn, separated by
* Skip to the next layer of help at any time:  press the target
button repeatedly - the next layer down is given on each press of
the target  button;
* Repeat, Go backward (or forward) through layers: use the EZ UP
and EZ DOWN buttons
* When the EZ BUTTON is released, the device returns to its
standard operation.
* For most users, the terms "ButtonHelp" and "LayeredHelp" can be
rolled into the one term of "ButtonHelp".

 Example of real-world use:
ButtonHelp feature

People who cannot remember how a certain product feature works
and do not have (or cannot locate) the manual:
     The ButtonHelp feature allows anyone to identify the name
and purpose of any control on a product. Using LayeredHelp, the
person can get either a quick summary or a longer description of
the function and proper use of any button or control.

People who cannot see but know (have memorized) most of the
buttons on a product:
     Often people who are blind can and do memorize most of the
buttons they use on a product. The ButtonHelp feature makes it
possible to learn the buttons independently. It also helps them
identify seldom-used buttons or to double check their memory on
products that are similar to but different from other products
they use.

People who only have trouble reading some words:
     For those who can read most of the words on a product,
ButtonHelp provides an easy way to find out the names and
functions of the rest.

 ShowSounds/Captions feature
All sounds (beeps, music, mechanical noises), including speech,
would have a parallel visual presentation enabling use of the
device when a user is in a silent or noisy environment, or when
they have difficulty hearing or cannot hear the device.

 ShowSounds/Captions functionality
Visual events for all sounds from the device are shown on the
visual display, or via indicator lights:
* ShowSounds/Captions can be turned on directly or indirectly:
* Direct:  A Closed Captioning button can be pressed (an icon on
screen or a physical button)
* Indirect: ShowSounds/Captions can be selected via the
EZ-3-Button feature, usually via a menu within the virtual list
of elements.
* Notes: ShowSounds can be always turned on. It may also be
turned on automatically when the sound is muted,  but it must be
possible to have ShowSounds turned on even when the sound is not

 Example of real-world use: ShowSounds/Captions feature
People who are in a noisy environment:
     In noisy environments (such as a factory, a noisy shopping
mall, etc.) the ShowSounds/Captions feature allows all
information presented via sound to be seen/read on the display.
Thus, no amount of noise would cause a user to miss some or all
of the information presented.

People who are in a quiet environment:
     In some cases, people are in environments where their
products would be disruptive if they made sounds. For example, a
library, a business meeting, a theatre and sometimes even shared
offices. The ShowSounds/Captions feature allows any user to Mute
their product yet still have full functionality.

People who cannot hear or have difficulty hearing:
     For those who are deaf or hard of hearing,
ShowSounds/Captions is a convenient and natural way to ensure
that they are able to fully access and use products that make
sounds or talk.

Section 2:  How EZ Access improves electronic devices
People may not be able to use standard mainstream devices as they
are designed because they have a disability or are working under
constrained conditions.
EZ Access is a simple and inexpensive-to-implement set of
interface enhancements that provide alternate ways to operate
standard devices (in eyes-free, silent and minimum user-control
 Various environmental or situational conditions constrain users
of standard devices
Eyes occupied:  If a user has their eyes on another task (e.g.
driving) then they cannot see where buttons are or read displays
on the device.  As a result, the user has to memorize where the
controls are or glance toward the device, taking their eyes away
from the other task.
Eyesight temporarily limited:  Vision can be temporarily limited
in a number of ways, such as leaving a pair of reading glasses
upstairs, or trying to operate a device in a dark room or dark
part of a room.
Movement:  Walking, jogging, riding in a vehicle over a bumpy
surface... activities which create movement make it difficult to
reliably press buttons on an electronic device without stopping.
Hands covered:  In winter, wearing gloves can make it difficult
to press the buttons and operate fine controls on an electronic
Hearing occluded:  If the user is in a noisy environment (e.g. a
factory, a football stadium), they will not be able to clearly
hear the sounds emanating from the device.
Hearing prevented:  If the user is in a quiet environment or
where it is not appropriate to make noise (e.g. library, meeting
room), then it will not be possible to let the device make sounds
without disturbing others.
Human memory is limited:  Most personal electronic consumer
devices come with a manual to tell the user how the device works.
Even experienced or technically-savvy users may have to refer
back to the manual to jog their memory on a certain function. If
a user has six electronic gadgets in their travel bag, should
they need to carry six manuals?
Cognitive processing is limited: If a person is tired or is in a
stressful situation (e.g. emergency), they may have trouble
thinking or remembering well.
Temporary or permanent disabilities:  Aging, injury, or
disabilities may leave any person (temporarily or permanently)
less able (or unable) to see, hear, read, handle, or operate fine
controls on a device.
 Disability Access
The EZ Access features are applied to an interface to overcome
functional limitations experienced by people because of
circumstance.  There are people who experience some of these
functional limitations because of temporary injury or illness, or
from long term or permanent disabilities or aging. EZ Access can
be used to gain access to all functions of a device without
vision, hearing, or the ability to physically manipulate most of
the interface items. With EZ-Link (coming in the future) it will
also allow people to easily connect and use alternate interfaces
to access a device.
The disability groups that may gain access to a device outfitted
with EZ Access are:
* People who are blind
* People who have low vision
* People who are deaf
* People who are hard of hearing
* People who have certain physical manipulation difficulties
* People who have certain tremor or other coordination
* People who cannot read
* People who have reading difficulties
* People who have certain learning difficulties
* People who have certain memory problems
 Overcoming Limitations by alternate means of information
In its most basic terms, EZ Access provides a means of accessing
the controls of a device, and presenting information displayed on
a device in alternative ways:  Visual information can be
presented auditorally; audible information can be presented
visually;  visual display of information can be enhanced
(enlarged or made better contrast etc.).  The interface is made
flexible to meet each individual users needs at any given time,
through relatively simple programming and little or no physical
additions to the device.
 What EZ Access does
for an interface
EZ Access overcomes all of the above limitations for users,
providing a simpler interface in addition to the standard
interface.  This can  allow use of devices in situations that
were previously difficult or impossible.  Three simple access
techniques (separate or combined depending on the user's needs)
enable these limitations to be overcome while using any
electronic device:
* The EZ-3-Button feature allows all functions necessary to
operate the device to be accessed using just 3 buttons on the
device.  Because the user only has to use 3 buttons, this feature
provides access for users who have difficulty finding,
identifying, or reliably pressing / activating the standard
controls and/or viewing the visual displays of the device.
* ButtonHelp allows the user to find buttons, and identify the
function of any button, without relying on vision. Successive
"Layers" of help for any button on the device can be made
available to all users providing a built-in instruction manual as
well (simple or complete).
* The ShowSounds/Captions feature gives a visual 'event' for
sounds such as warnings or errors, and written captions on the
visual display for spoken messages / multimedia clips etc.
ShowSounds can be used in association with text messaging and
vibration alerts etc., to provide access when the user is unable
to hear the interface for any reason.
Note: An EZ-Link feature will be available in the future (2-5
years), using a new industry-standard under development to allow
external devices of all types to control a device.
 Are there certain people with disabilities who cannot use
EZ Access?
EZ Access, like all interaction techniques has its limitations.
In general, if a person is able to understand the purpose and
general operation of the device and is able to follow spoken
instructions (written instructions if they cannot hear), they
will be able to use the device with the EZ Access methods.  EZ
Access does not overcome certain moderate or profound cognitive
disabilities, but this depends on the individual, and the device
in question.
For persons who have complete or near-complete paralysis,
interaction by pressing buttons directly on the device is not
possible.  Individuals who cannot see or hear may need special
tactile displays to use devices with displayed information.  The
EZ-Link Protocol will allow separate "alternate interfaces",
"assistive technologies" or "accessors" that a person may carry
with them to be used instead of the displays or controls on the
device.  This feature  requires the existence of a device
interaction standard which is currently under development.
EZ-Link will be added as part of the EZ Access "set" when the
standard is publicly available.
 Public versus personal devices
The requirements of a public or shared device and a personal
device differ in many ways.  The personal device is under control
of the owner, and thus can be set up to behave a certain way most
or all of the time at their discretion by setting preferences /
options, which includes EZ Access features.  The public, or
shared device is intended to be used by different people, and is
therefore characterized by its requirement to reset to standard
operation when the user of the EZ Access techniques is no longer
at the device.  Personal devices can have more functionality and
user settings than the minimum set required for public devices
(though the public devices may incorporate this greater
functionality if desired).
Section 3:  Differences between EZ Access and other talking
EZ Access allows users immediate and easy to learn access to all
major device functions; many other talking products use speech as
a gimmick, hand-holding, or do not enable control of the whole
device using speech.

 Access to all functions
of the device
Many products use speech output as a means to provide eyes-free
operation.  For example, in-car systems designed so that the user
does not have to take their eyes off the road while driving.
Such systems normally do not allow access to all functions on the
device... like setting the clock or other functions that the
designers think should only be done while the car is stationary.
Other talking products use speech as a means to reduce the need
for displays and reduce the number of controls required.  For
example, a telephone answering machine that has many advanced
capabilities such as time-variable outgoing messages,
time-stamping, and multiple mailboxes... control of these
functions can be given to the user via a simple speech menu:  the
user cycles between menu items with one button, and sets
parameters with another button.  In this case a two-button speech
interface can eliminate the need for 10 or more seldom-used
buttons, and the need for a dynamic visual display (or the need
for one more complicated than a two-digit message counter).  In
these cases, access to all product functions is not given through
speech, so the situation arises where a blind user could access
answering machine functions, but could not use speed-dial, call
waiting, and other "advanced" call functions.
In contrast, EZ Access enables the user to access and control all
displays and controls on a device, using a simple 3-button
interface. Furthermore, it does so in a manner that  can be
applied across different product types making it easier for users
to use new products.  Where products have partial speech
functionality, EZ Access can be used to supplement, rather than
compete with, such interaction techniques.

 Not a talk-through /
hand-holding technique
Interactive multimedia kiosks have used speech for "talk-through"
or "voice lead through" for users.  Common scenarios are for
background narration or "talking heads" to tell the user what to
do on each screen.  Some developers have used this technique for
blind or low-vision access to products, usually in a form such
"Please choose a transaction: press 1 for withdrawal, press 2 for
deposit, press 3 for balance inquiry, press 4 for transfers,
press 5 to go back, press 6 to cancel" etc. etc.
One difficulty with such systems is that by the time the user has
heard all of the choices they have forgotten the key they wanted,
and there is often no way to repeat the information.  In
addition, the instruction pace is not controllable by the user.
EZ Access differs in that users can access all instructions and
button/control names as they are written on the display, at their
own pace.  Users of the EZ 3-Button feature do not need to know
the location of individual buttons on the device, other than the
EZ Buttons. But if they did, they could explore the other buttons
without activating them, using the ButtonHelp feature.
 No prior user
knowledge required
With many talking devices, the user must consult the manual to
discover how the speech part works and how to activate the
speech.  EZ Access is non-modal and always available for all
users.  Turning on EZ Access is immediate and obvious to the
user, and instructions are simple enough to fit into one or two
sentences that are given the first time a user touches one of the
three EZ Access controls (EZ UP, EZ DOWN, OR EZ BUTTON).
Section 4:  Basic Interface
The design of standard / mainstream devices usually needs to be
modified slightly to include the necessary EZ Access interface

An electronic device which features EZ Access requires a minimum
of three buttons:
1. an EZ BUTTON,
2. an EZ UP button
3. an EZ DOWN button.
On Public Electronic Devices, it is recommended that the Buttons
be shaped and laid out as in figure 1. On other devices, various
alternative configurations are possible, and where appropriate,
existing buttons on the device can be used.
Note: on certain devices where an "Escape" (or "Cancel" / "Back")
button is necessary, and a cancel key is not already provided, a
dedicated "cancel" button can be added to the EZ Access interface

Preferred layout of EZ Access interface buttons on a Public
Electronic Device.
 Speech Output
Speech output capabilities must be added to the device for EZ
Access.  This can be done through voice synthesis, or the
playback of pre-recorded speech. Speech output provides the
necessary alternative to the primarily visual display of
information on most contemporary electronic devices. Most new
electronic devices today already have the electronics needed to
play back pre-recorded digitized speech, and if they do not have
the capability it is often very inexpensive to implement. Speech
is used for both eyes-free and reading-free access to devices.
 Virtual List of elements
In order for EZ Access to be implemented, all of the elements
(controls and displays) must be accessible as a "virtual list" in
both speech and text form.  For example, if a device has physical
buttons of PLAY, RECORD, REWIND etc., then these controls need to
be written into a text list. The text list is either converted to
speech via voice synthesis (or pre-recorded speech), and/or the
text items are displayed on the device.  The verbal list for all
interface elements is not necessarily presented to the user all
at once - it can be broken down into sub-lists (e.g. Playback
Controls, Editing Controls, Recording Controls).
 Button activation alternatives
In order to add EZ Access to a device, button activation must be
possible from software, i.e. the user must be able to pick a
button from a verbal list, and activate it by selecting it from
the list, as opposed to directly pressing the button on the
interface. Thus, a device which requires the user to physically
push a button which mechanically operates a function, could not
be controlled via EZ Access without adding the necessary hardware
for software-based control.
 Layers of Help for elements
Each element of the device can have associated help, which is
given to the user in layers.  Layer structure is flexible
depending on the device, but in general the layers can be thought
of as given below:
Layer zero:    The name of the element and quick status (if any)
Layer 1:       The basic function of the element (and longer
status, if necessary)
Layer 2:       How the element can be used
Layer 3:  Special instructions particular to the element
Layer 4:  Related elements
Layer 5:  Reference to a user manual page number
(Loop back to Layer Zero)
Note:  If a device does not warrant the use of layers of Help,
the element name and status only can be stored (layer zero).  Any
number of layers can be provided.  Layer zero is the minimum
It might not be possible or practical to add EZ Access interface
controls for all elements of a device's interface, and so the
elements should be prioritized:
Priority 1.  Tasks required to operate all of the functions that
the device is designed for (including accessing all forms of
built-in or online help or instruction manuals, and operating
controls associated with everyday use)
Priority 2.  Routine tasks associated with regular operation
(including  inserting and removing storage media)
Priority 3.  Regular user maintenance
Priority 4.  Setup and installation
Priority 5.  Periodic maintenance or repair
 Labels on the device for enabling users to get started
It is desirable that the user who has a functional limitation
knows of the existence of, and is able to get started using, the
EZ Access interface elements.  Appropriate labeling or
instructions in a device manual, or on the device's main menu
etc., can be used to get this information across.
Note:  Braille can be used to tell the user the name of the
device and to " the diamond shaped EZ Button for access".
This is the only Braille that would be required on a device that
had space for Braille instructions. Braille on or next to buttons
is not necessary when EZ Access has been added to a device. It
may be appropriate to provide it on a public device for those who
know Braille. This would also be sufficient to allow use by
deaf-blind individuals or blind individuals in very noisy

Part II :
Specifications for implementing EZ Access

FIn Part II F

* Priorities
* Standard Operation
* Controls
* Virtual List
* Layered Help for interface elements
* Speech output
* Visual Display
* Visual events for sounds
* Time-out parameter changes
* Actions
* Alerts
* EZ Access Instructions
* User Options  (and Defaults)
Section 1:  Priorities
 Priority system
Where possible, the EZ Access interface controls should be
applied to all elements of a device.  Where this is not possible,
application of the EZ Access interface controls should be
determined by the priority order given below.

Priority 1.  Tasks required to operate all of the functions that
the device is designed for (including accessing all forms of
built-in or online help or instruction manuals, and operating
controls associated with everyday use)
Priority 2.  Routine tasks associated with regular operation
(including  inserting and removing storage media)
Priority 3.  Regular user maintenance
Priority 4.  Setup and installation
Priority 5.  Periodic Maintenance or Repair

 Minimum priority
Minimum qualification for an "EZ Access" device:  Priorities 1
and 2 are satisfied.
Section 2:  Standard Operation
The "Standard Operation" (default) mode is defined as the way the
device works and behaves in "normal" everyday operation (e.g when
it is first turned on). EZ Access should not affect standard
operation of the device, unless the user wishes it to do so.
Users should be able to switch between standard operation and EZ
Access-style operation easily.
Section 3:  Controls
 EZ Button and up / down buttons
The device must have a button which is designated as the "EZ
BUTTON".  This button must be identifiable to the user by one or
more of the following (listed in order of priority):
* a green colored, diamond shape (a square standing on one corner
is acceptable)
* the letters "EZ" on or next to the button
* At this time, we recommend that the ISO (International
Organization for Standardization) Wheelchair symbol for
disability access be placed near any dedicated EZ Button where
space allows.

The device must have increment / decrement buttons, referred to
herein as the UP and DOWN buttons. The orientation of these
buttons may be left/right or up/down or any other orientation.
 Electronic activation of functions
It must be possible to electronically activate (from software)
all of the functions that are associated with the control and use
of the device, at the Priority 1 level (see Section 1). That is,
if using a control causes an action, it must be possible to send
an electronic signal from software based on an EZ button push
which causes that same action.
Note:  This is necessary because the device must be controllable
using only the EZ-3-Buttons.
 Button states detectable for all buttons on the device
The state the following buttons must be readable by the device's
software simultaneously:
4. Any other individual button (must be readable at same time as
3 EZ Buttons)

Activation of EZ buttons and UP or DOWN buttons
The function associated with the EZ BUTTON always occurs on
The function associated with the UP and DOWN buttons always
occurs on BUTTON-DOWN. If the UP and DOWN buttons are not
dedicated EZ Buttons and are used for other functions (such as
volume) when they are not being used as EZ-3-Buttons, the
activation of the EZ UP and DOWN buttons can be on button-down or
 Activation of other buttons
The functions associated with the other buttons on the device may
occur on button down or button up, whichever is preferred for
Standard Operation.
 Other types of control
Implementing EZ Access for controls other than simple pushbuttons
is possible.  In general, the user should be able to :
* get help on how the control is manipulated
* determine the current state of a control
* receive feedback during manipulation of the control as to what
changes in the state of the device have occurred
Section 4:  Virtual List
 List creation
Each element* of an interface  must be available to the user on a
"virtual list" that is navigated up and down using the UP and
DOWN buttons, and selected from using the EZ BUTTON.
*(an "element" can be a control, display, label etc)

The list of available elements may change as necessary depending
upon the state of the device, and the options which are available
to the user at different points in time.

The list may be linear or hierarchical depending upon what is
appropriate for the device.  The list should be split into
logical, manageable chunks of elements.

 Logical Order
The virtual list should appear to the user in a logical sequence
that is consistent with the standard operation of the device.
 Nominal list structure
The list contains interface elements and can contain virtual
items that are not part of the standard interface.  The virtual
items help the user in controlling the device using EZ Access, by
giving instruction or user options.

*Top of <such and such> List**
List title: <such and such>
<List item #1>
<List item #2>
<List item #n>
*  About this List**
*  EZ Access Help, Instructions and Options
*Bottom of List**

* This is a Virtual List item.  The item appears on the list but
not necessarily on the device itself as a physical item.
** The word "List" can be substituted with "Screen" or "Menu" or
"Choices", or any other appropriate term.

Automated Teller Machine
Top of Withdrawal Screen
Screen title: Withdrawal Screen
Select the amount you want to withdraw
Other Amount
Go Back
Cancel Transaction
About this Screen
EZ Access Help, Instructions and Options
Bottom of Withdrawal Screen

Section 5:  Layered Help for interface elements
Each element of the device can have associated help, which is
given to the user in layers.  Layer structure is flexible
depending on the device, but in general the layers can be thought
of as given below:
Layer zero:    The name of the element and quick status (if any)
Layer 1:       The basic function of the element (and longer
status, if necessary)
Layer 2:       How the element can be used
Layer 3:       Special instructions particular to the element
Layer 4:       Related elements
Layer 5:       Reference to a user manual page number
(Loop back to Layer Zero)
Note:  If a device does not warrant the use of layers of Help,
the element name and status only can be stored (layer zero).
 Minimum requirement
Any number of layers can be provided.  Layer zero is the minimum

Section 6:  Speech output
All elements given in the list and layers of help must have a
speakable term associated with them.  It is usually the text on
the control (or the text in a text field).  For buttons with
icons, or shapes only, the associated term should be a word or
phrase indicating the function of the button.
Section 7:  Visual display
Where possible, text should be rendered at a minimum of 18 point
typeface (or equivalent size) and icons should be recognizable
from 5 feet away.
Where possible, text should be rendered in high contrast, sans
serif fonts.
If only a limited amount of text can fit on a display, the text
is sometimes programmed to scroll.  If this is done, the user
must be able to adjust the speed of scrolling text and be able to
pause scrolling text.
Section 8:  Visual events for sounds
 All sounds
All sounds from the device must have an associated visual event
or corresponding display.   The visual events/format are
displayed on the device when ShowSounds/Captions is on.
Sounds include speech, background music, alerts, meaningful /
useful mechanical noises, beeps etc.  Background music does not
need to be continuously described if it is not conveying
information, but the existence of background music should be
relayed visually.
 Captions for spoken dialog
All spoken dialog from the device must have associated text
captions which can be displayed when ShowSounds/Captions is
turned on.
The captions must be displayed in synchronization with the spoken
EZ Access constructs such as Button names, Help Layers, and the
list, which are spoken as part of EZ Access, also require
associated text captions that can be displayed when
ShowSounds/Captions is turned on (the text is already displayed).
Section 9:  Time-out parameter changes
The user must:  a) be able to adjust the Time-outs of the device
up to 10 times their duration in Standard Operation, or b) turn
time-outs off.
Section 10:  Actions
 Terminology note
The 3 EZ Buttons are the:
Any other button (or control, including touchscreen controls) on
the device is referred to as a
* TARGET Button
Note:  "Target" is not a term that is told to users as it is
confusing to them.  User's should be given terms such as "any
other button".
 EZ 3-Button feature
User Action
First momentary press of EZ BUTTON, EZ UP, EZ DOWN*
Brief instructions on how to use
the EZ 3 Button feature.
EZ UP pressed momentarily
Move up to next element in list (note: list rolls over)
EZ UP held down for 2 seconds
Move up to top element in list**
EZ DOWN pressed momentarily
Move down to next element in list (note: list rolls over)
EZ DOWN held down for 2 seconds
Move down to bottom element in list**
EZ BUTTON pressed momentarily
Select element in list
Press UP and DOWN button simultaneously (or hold down either and
press the other)
Jump to "About this List"

* When there is a New User (when the device has timed out from
the previous user)
** if using a linear list that is split up with heading elements,
holding down the arrow buttons jumps to the next heading
 ButtonHelp feature
User Action
EZ BUTTON held down
No action***
EZ BUTTON held down and a TARGET button on the device is pressed
Name and Status (Layer zero) of the button is given
EZ Button held down and a TARGET button on the device is held
Layers of Help (Layer 0 through Layer n) for the button are
Each Layer is separated by a brief pause (of greater than 1
If Layer zero is being given, the speech will continue if target
button is released.  For all other layers, the speech is silenced
when either button is released.
This mode can move directly into the next if the EZ button is
held down and the target button is pressed again.
EZ Button held down and a TARGET button on the device is pressed
momentarily a number of times
Layers of Help (Layer 0 through Layer n) for the button are
Each time the button is pressed, it jumps to the next layer.
The speech continues until the end of the help layer.
Lifting finger from EZ button causes speech to end immediately.
EZ Button held down and a TARGET button on the device is pressed
momentarily and then the EZ UP or EZ DOWN buttons are pressed
Layers of Help are repeated or skipped with each press of the EZ
UP button; skipped forward with successive presses of the EZ DOWN
Lifting finger from EZ button causes speech to end immediately.
a TARGET button pressed momentarily or held down
Standard Operation action associated with pressing or holding
that button is performed.
Note: pressing any button while EZ Access speech is in progress
causes the speech to be cut off and any new action is taken.
a TARGET button on the device is held down and then EZ Button, or
UP or DOWN button is pressed momentarily or held down
No associated EZ Access action, but the user can be notified what
the proper actions are.

*** if the EZ Button is held down for 5 seconds without touching
any other button (or touchscreen) and the device is not
performing an action that requires the EZ Button to be down, the
user can be told to release the button.
Section 11:  Alerts
An Alert is a condition that normally requires user intervention
- for example: out-of-paper, telephone is ringing, device is
temporarily out of order etc.
If there is a visual Alert and the person is using the EZ Access
feature, that alert should be spoken.  If it is a spoken auditory
alert, it should be presented visually.  In addition the alert
becomes the current element in the list (i.e. pressing the EZ
BUTTON would repeat the Alert).

Section 12:  EZ Access Instructions and Help
EZ Access Instructions can be put into a menu or sub-list, named
"EZ Access Instructions" or "Options and Instructions" or "EZ
Access Menu", or equivalent.

 Labels on the device to lead into EZ Access
If space permits, the following should be put onto the device in
18 point sans serif font:

If you are having difficulty seeing, reading, hearing, or
physically operating this device, press the green diamond-shaped
EZ Button.

In Grade 2 Braille, on as close to a horizontal surface as is
practical, the following should be given:

<Name of the device>:  for access, press the diamond-shaped EZ
button located <location in relation to where the Braille label
 First momentary press of EZ BUTTON, Up BUTTON, or DOWN button
The following is spoken, and displayed on screen in Large font:
<name of device>
<status of device, if necessary>
<brief description of what the EZ UP, EZ DOWN, and EZ BUTTONs are
and how they provide access to all functions of the device (the
EZ 3-Button feature)>
<instruction to press any other button / control on the device to
exit using the EZ 3-Button feature>

Note: This message is given when there is a new user (when the
device has timed out from the previous user).
Note: If the user has pressed one of the EZ Access Buttons for
the first time on a screen other than the idle or start screen
/state of the device, a dialog should tell them where they are,
and give them the option to start over or continue from where
they are.
 EZ-3-Button feature
detailed Instructions
More detailed instructions on topics such as user options and
holding the arrow buttons down to skip to the end of the list,
etc., can be given in a sub-menu / sub-list on the virtual list
of elements.
 ButtonHelp Instructions
Instructions on how the ButtonHelp feature works can be given in
a sub-menu / sub-list on the virtual list of elements.
 Physical layout of the device
A description of where all of the physical elements of the device
are can be given on a sub-menu / sub-list on the virtual list of
In addition, on devices where the user has to interact with
various interface elements at different stages of using a device,
for example on an ATM, instruction for the current physical
element of interest can be given on the virtual list  (help with
the orientation of media can be given as part of this).

 General help for
current situation
The ButtonHelp / LayeredHelp gives a set of help texts which
enable the user to find out about the functionality of the device
in standard or alternative modes of interaction.  This help can
also be given as part of the virtual list, as an item named "Help
for this screen / list / menu" etc.  An alternative term is
"About this screen / list / menu" etc.
When designing the help for a given situation, the author of the
help should bear in mind that the user may not be able to see the
device or the layout of the components on the device or its
Section 13:  User Options
(and Defaults)
The following are the standard options provided to the user.
This list may be shortened or extended by developers depending on
device functionality.
On a new device, or if a device has timed out from the previous
user, the default states should be in place (given in
User Options can be put into a menu or sub-list, named "User
Options" or "Options and Instructions" or "EZ Access Menu", or
On / Off  (On [Conversational pace and tone] )
On / Off       (On, when using EZ Access)
 Text Display
[of all list elements]
On / Off  (On, when using EZ Access [elements that are
already displayed in Standard Operation do not need additional
display] )
 Text Size
Standard / Large    (Standard)
[Standard=Standard Operation text size,
Large = 18 point or equivalent minimum]

Note:  EZ Access Instructions must appear initially in Large text
On / Off  (Off)
Standard / 2x / 5x / 10x (2x)
 EZ Button temporarily
hold down
Normal / Temporary Hold Down
Note:  This Option is required to enable people who have one hand
to be able to use the ButtonHelp feature
 Descriptions of Figures

i EZ 3 Button  - Step 1:
Picture shows three buttons.  On the right is a diamond shaped
button with EZ printed on it. To the left are two triangular
shaped buttons pointing up and down.  A finger is pressing the
triangular shaped button that points down.  A voice bubble shows
that the words "Pause, Play, Stop, Rewind" are being spoken.

ii EZ 3 Button  - Step 2:
Picture shows the same three buttons.  The finger is now pushing
on the diamond shaped EZ button.  A voice bubble shows the words
"(BEEP), Rewind, Rewinding Tape" being spoken.
iii ButtonHelp - Step 1 and 2:
A finger presses and holds the diamond shaped EZ button down
while (step2) a finger on the other hand pushes the fast forward
button on a row of playback control buttons. A voice bubble shows
that the words "Fast Forward" are being spoken as the button is
iv EZ Access Button Group
Picture shows the 3 EZ Access buttons.  On the left are two
yellow triangular shaped buttons, one above the other.   The
button above has a point pointing upward.  The button below is
inverted so that its button points downward. Together the two
buttons suggest up and down but are not labeled.  To the right is
a green diamond-shaped button (a square button turned so that it
has a corner at the top and bottom).  The green diamond shaped
button has the disability access symbol printed on it along with
the letters E Z and a trademark symbol. The word "push" is shown
in Braille immediately below the diamond shaped button.

EZ Access V 2.0     Released February 23rd, 2000  Page 36

End of Document

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