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PCBUILD - Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
John O Wilson <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 19 Apr 1999 10:56:40 -0400
PCBUILD - Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (35 lines)
Doubtful that this will work.  To access the contents of a drive where a
DDO has been installed at all requires booting somehow with the DDO
software first, either by booting from the drive where the DDO was
installed itself, or from a floppy created by the same DDO software (and
yes, the correct drive parameters in CMOS for the drive as set up by the
DDO software too, in most cases).  Accessing the drive as a slave drive
in ANY machine (original 386 or otherwise) without somehow booting with
the DDO software will yeild the same results--the drive will be seen as
having a non-DOS partition on it that you won't be able to access.


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part of ALL do you not understand?" - Rep. Pat Schroder.

On Fri, 16 Apr 1999, Joan Rapier wrote:

> My thoughts exactly.  I was just heading off to my supplier to p/u an extra
> NIC.  I'll build the cross over cable and hook 'em up together.
> Problem is now I can't get the drive to boot up in the original machine.
>  It's Primary/only partition is likely no longer active.  My client had
> *no* boot disk and certainly has no clue as to what DDO was used (if any)
> on that drive.  Since I don't have a proper boot disk (Windows sees it as a
> non-DOS partition), I'm going to pop in another drive in the old system -
> throw Win95 on it and hope that I'll be able to see that original drive (as
> a primary slave) in it's original system (since the original BIOS is
> there).  I'm hopeful this will do the trick.

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