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Sun, 14 Nov 1999 23:50:09 EST
Jim Lyles <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (155 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

:                                                             :
:    Excerpts from the Houston Celiac-Sprue Support Group     :
:    ----------------------------------------------------     :
: newsletter: Mar/.Apr. 1999     Janet Y. Rinehart, President :
:                                           11011 Chevy Chase :
:                                     Houston, TX  77042-2606 :

Gluten-Free Cooking Tips

* All of these can be used as dough enhancers:
     1 pinch  ascorbic acid
     1 tsp. cider vinegar
     1-3 tsp. unflavored gelatin
     1/4 tsp. lecithin granules.

* The dough may be too wet if...
     It never rises
     The bread collapses as it cools
     The dough is very tacky, hard to handle
     The bread is gummy inside
     The center of the bread stays raw

* The dough may be too dry if...
     It is very crumbly; not smooth
     It won't blend thoroughly
     The bread falls apart when cut or handled
     The bread tastes dry
     The bread crust looks rocky (when made in a bread machine)

* For milk and milk replacements, the amount of water varies.  In 100
  grams of each of the following, here are the number of grams of
     Whole 3.3% milk  87.99 grams of water
     2% milk          88.86 grams of water
     Skim milk        90.38 grams of water
     Goat's milk      87.03 grams of water
     Coconut milk     72.88 grams of water
     Soy milk         93.27 grams of water

* When using various sweeteners, you must adjust for the amount of
  water they contain.  Here is the amount of water in 100 grams of
  each of the following sweeteners:
     Granulated sugar  0.0 grams of water
     Apple juice      87.9 grams of water
     Corn syrup       22.8 grams of water
     Maple syrup      32.0 grams of water
     Molasses         25.9 grams of water
     Maple sugar       8.0 grams of water

:                                                                    :
:           Excerpts from the Westchester CS Support Group           :
:           ----------------------------------------------           :
: newsletter: Apr. 1999     Leslie Elsner and Sue Goldstein, editors :
:                                                      9 Salem Place :
:                                            White Plains, NY  10605 :

Ultimate Biscotti:  Ultimate Baking was specializing in gourmet
biscotti made with organically grown wheat four years before
co-founder Bob McCarthy learned he could not eat gluten.  They now
also bake five delicious varieties of gluten-free biscotti:  hazelnut,
chocolate dipped hazelnut, crystallized ginger, almond anise, and
peanut butter chocolate chip.

"We are very excited about our new line of wheat- and gluten-free (GF)
Ultimate Biscotti", state the owners.  "It was developed and perfected
to satisfy the growing number of people who do not eat wheat products.
Our wheat-free biscotti is every bit as good as our organic wheat
biscotti...and that's very good!"  Being fully aware of the dangers of
any cross-contamination of ingredients, the company reports that they
adhere to the most stringent manufacturing and cleanliness guidelines.
"Wheat-free products are produced at the beginning of the week before
any wheat products are produced.  The equipment that might come in
contact with both product lines is meticulously cleaned between
operations.  All of our ingredients have been fully researched and
verified to be GF.  After all; Bob loves his biscotti, and very much
loves his good health!"

Ultimate Biscotti can be ordered by calling 800-341-7045, or by
shopping online at http://www.ultimatebiscotti.com.

:                                                         :
:       Excerpts from _Gluten-Free News_ (Michigan)       :
:       -------------------------------------------       :
: Mar. 1999      Michigan Capitol Celiac/DH Support Group :
: May 1999                                    PO Box 1482 :
:                                 East Lansing, MI  48826 :

A New Thickener:  Rose Wallace says she has found Kudzu to be a great
thickener.  It is gluten-free, as it comes from a weed that grows in
the south.  She says it does not become lumpy like cornstarch and is
not as gooey as potato starch or tapioca.  She says it is easy to mix
and absorbs flavors quickly.  It can be used for gravies and sauces
for vegetables.  It should be available at health food stores or
through co-ops, though you may have to special order it.

                            -=-=-   -=-=-

Related Conditions, Dr. Carol Beals
Fibromyalgia:  Symptoms have been around since 1800, but the actual
diagnosis was not established until 1992 by the World Health
Organization.  In 1990 the College of Rheumatology listed specific
criteria including the specific points of pain.  Fibromyalgia is four
times as painful as rheumatoid arthritis.  It is caused by a lack of a
neuro-chemical called serotonin.  It has been found that the spinal
fluid of a person suffering from fibromyalgia has a decreased
serotonin level and an increase in substance P, the chemical the cell
releases that goes to the brain to stimulate pain receptors.
Currently we have no way of decreasing substance P but we can increase
serotonin by using medications that do not allow serotonin to be
broken down.  Besides pain in muscles, persons with fibromyalgia have
a sleep disturbance.  They do not have the fourth stage of sleep, the
stage just before dreaming.  It is in the fourth stage of sleep that
the hormone which helps repair our bodies is released.  Because of
this the pers on wakes up feeling tired and aching.  Fortunately most
of the above-mentioned medications also help persons to sleep.  Other
problems with fibromyalgia are:  bladder problems including
incontinence, palpitations, dizziness, and GI disturbances including
diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.  Besides medication Dr. Beals
recommends some vitamin supplementation.  She recommends no
Nutrasweet, little coffee, little yeast, and very little red meat.
She also recommends stretching exercises to release tight muscles.

Sjogrens Disease is an autoimmune disease with the most common
symptoms of dry eyes, dry mouth, and arthritic pain.  Some persons
have parotid [gland] enlargement and it can be systemic in which a
person does not feel well.  It usually comes about six months after
some critical event in a person's life.  It can be primary with no
other diseases, or it can be secondary with some other autoimmune
disease.  There are blood tests which can distinguish Sjogren's from
Lupus.  One of the problems with dry mouth is that one is more subject
to dental problems.  One must have good brushing.  For dry eyes, one
must use tear drops with no preservatives as the preservatives can
damage the cornea over time.  One can use Solagen or Pilocarpine in
the pill form.  If one has many symptoms of Sjogren's one can take

Osteoporosis:  Dr. Beal advises all celiacs, including men, to have a
bone density test.  Besides taking calcium daily with Vitamin D and
exercise, there are three medications currently for treating
osteoporosis:  Fosamax, Miacalcin, and Evista.  Dr. Beal noted that
the use of steroids, caffeine, and alcohol decreases the amount of
calcium in the bone.