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Tue, 15 Jun 1999 21:10:30 -0400
Pamela Anderegg <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (85 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

1.  Vitamin replacement, primarily through pills/supplements is as vital as
remaining on a GF diet.

2.  I don't believe 'mega-dosing' is the answer, and can possibly be harmful
as nutrient levels get out of balance.

3.  Some  celiacs who have extensive villi damage which had continued
over a long period of time can have scar tissue in the intestine; if
this happens the absorption problem continues. So absorption, for some
of us, may be a continued, occasional problem.

4.  yes vitamins are best..i like the liquid kind so i can absorb.

5.  You should never take megadoses of ANYTHING unless you do it under the
supervision of a competent doctor who is regularly testing you for toxicity.

Mega does of vitamins can be extremely dangerous.

6.  I have been gf for a year  ... my absorption level is still a little
on the low side.

7.  The general concensus is we need to take vitamins to catch up and to
cover anything we are not absorbing well. After 3 years I still don't
absorb fats right, so all of the fat soluable vitamins (A,E,K) are an
unknown.  I found I was too gittery with vitamins and now try to do it
all with diet.  As long as I get a really good sourse of A (carrot,
pumpkin, sweet potato) every day, and eat lots of fruits and vegetables,
I seem to do OK.  Certainly better than being wired all the time.

8.  Just eating properly (lots of fruit and vegetables, calcium rich
foods, red meat, rice, and safe grains) seemed to level things out in
about a year.

9.  You may want to read the book "coping with celiac"

10. All you have to do is try and if you don't notice a change what have
you got to lose..

11. I would highly recommend going to see a homeopath who focuses on
nutrition - if you were just diganosed, you are likely imbalanced and
most likely missing something -

12. No.  You will never absorb nutrients like people that aren't celiac,
you might the fat but not the vitamins and the trace elements.

13. Depends on the state of your gut....celiacs suffer from leaky gut
which leads to malabsorption.  My nuttrionist told me to take one
LGlutamine capsule and one acidophilus capsule with each meal.  This
will heal the gut, but you will need to take it on a regular basis

14. Yes, you need an external source of vitamins.  That's the short
version.  The longer version is that you will probably never again
absorb vitamins at the same level you did before becoming CD.

15. People with cd will always have problems with malabsorption of
vitamin and minerals. That is why it is important that we supplement.

16. The symptoms of niacin (B3) deficiency are similar to those of CD,
which could further complicate matters.

17. Vitamin replacement, primarily through pills/supplements is as
vital as remaining on a GF diet.  Whether the individual's microvilli
are nonexistent, stunted, trying to grow back, the normal absorptive
power is never restored fully. ... Also if you read what top young
athletes are eating and taking for natural development, this is not
enough and they have a normal/perfect stomach.

18. I now use  vitamins that are in a powder form mixed with water.
These become the same consistancy as our body fluids, so they are
processed right away.  They don't sit in our stomachs and the
absorption  rate is 90-95% virsus the pills/capsules rate of 8-40%.

18 responses:
    11 in favor
    4 against
    1 recommended reading

Thank you for your thoughtful responses.  I now, however, know more AND
less than I did before.
[  :^D