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Ingrid Bauer <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 24 Sep 1999 00:49:04 -0700
text/plain (65 lines)
>My take on the Western Medical model is that it is not about HEALTH CARE
>rather "DISEASE CARE/TREATMENT".  They mistake early detection

.... I just don't put a lot of
>stock in most of their "tests" for health or "cures."
>Maybe some others on this list agree???

I agree with the fact that doctors are very much into care of the sicks and
have all interest at keeping you there.
I am dealing with hospitals and doctors for 19 years.
After 3 hospitalisations of 3 weeks each in one year interval , they came
with a diagnosis: adrenal failure
In some way they save my life ( could not live without appropriate secretion
of cortisone) The proof is in the fact that i rediscover a level of energy
that was lost for many years.
In an other way they made me dependant on a pill to just be alive that it
might have been possible to avoid if they would have been interested in
preventing the failure. ( the proof is that i survived years with very weak
adrenal function and at least one year without any medication to complement
my almost unfunctionning adrenal cortex- the 3 addisonian  crises are there
to witness that)
So they had plenty of time to get at least interested by the goal of
bringing back health.
Instead they spend the whole time trying to figure out which part of my body
had failed or waiting for the total breakdown of the organ ( they didn't
even get very good at that- the first hospitalisation , they thought i had
appendicitis - the 2 they let me go out without any diagnostic and very weak
shape- the 3 they had the miracle pill that will happily bring me back on my
When i ask them if they will be interested to do tests to figure out WHY mu
immune system is not able to recognise my own cells , their answer has
allways been. something like : we have the  (lifelong) TREATMENT for addison
disease it is cortisone plus fludrocortisone (mineralcorticoid).
What they never told me is that a long term supplementation of cortisone
might bring osteoporosis( that i got diagnosed recently) and other hidden
side effects of the miracle drug
What they didn't tell me is that the adrenal cortex is secreting some other
hormones beside cortisone ( they are not too sure but i read between 20 and
50 other compond. ) most of which they consider negligeable. (i told you
they are not concerned with what makes healthy ,they are concerned with the
only  hormone that is absolutly vital to SURVIVE)
after 5 years of being TREATED an other gland collapse from the same
autoimmune process, at that point they told me that the next one will be
becoming diabetic... ( a woman in an addisonian list is cumulating15
different autoimmune diseases).
When i awakened from the belief ,( need ) that they can be of any help to
maintain my health i started to took it in charge. I started to eat
instinctively, removed my mercury filling ( suspected to mess up with the
endocrine system) and more recently got more paleo and started to take DHEA
hormone (  precursor molecule of all steroid hormones that my endocrino is
not allowed to prescribe in Canada...) and thinking about taking pregnolone
( precursor of DHEA, illegal too)
To be short if you can't take of yourself , and break down you might have a
chance to survive the intervention of doctors, but if you want to LIVE a
healthy life better not expect anything from that profession ( that is not
the job they are paid for)
The biggest lesson that i got is : THEY don't exist apart from  my mind . I
wanted to be a victim , it is what i got and  just used doctors  to fulfill
that role.