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Justin Hasselman <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 18 Jan 2000 16:30:29 CST
text/plain (110 lines)
Mr. Intensity, is that really you??  I can't believe that someone from the
HIT digest is also a member of the paleo mailing list (Don and Rachel Matesz
are also members of both).  I am no longer a member of the HIT digest
mailing list.  Rob O kicked me off b/c I couldn't provide enough 'evidence'
for my 'claims.'  Basically, in one post, I blamed the FDA for
overregulating supplements and accused the FDA of launching armed raids on
healers performing anything 'unorthodox.'  (And by the way, the FDA *does*
do this.)  A few years ago, *armed* US Marshall busted in the Life Ext Found
Headquarters and actually pointed large pistols at employees.  According to
the FDA, this was acceptable because nutrition (both whole foods and
vitamins) do *not* prevent degenerative disease -- what a load of crap.
Appearantly, Rob O (who is not very bright) thinks I was making all of this
up for kicks.  Rob O's job should be to censor posts that consitute attacks
of a personal nature, and not to censor posts that he personally disagrees
with.  Mr. Intensity, the next time you see Rob O, please tell him that I
said he's an idiot who knows next to nothing of what goes on in the real
world.  Nice to hear from you, Mr Intensity -- I still can't believe that
you're on this mailing list.  That is so cool.

>From: "Raymond, Charles E. x1280" <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: [P-F] Exercise Protocols for health
>Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 16:05:14 -0500
>Date:   Tue, 18 Jan 2000 11:08:27 CST
>From:   Justin Hasselman <[log in to unmask]
><mailto:[log in to unmask]> >
>Subject:        Exercise Protocols for Health
>Here r my thoughts and they're tentative at this point so feel free to
>comment or offer suggestions.  I believe that cardio is a complete waste of
>time.  Genetically, I believe our bodies our *not* well adapted to cardio
>(similar principle to the paleo diet-we're not programmed to eat grains
>and dairy).  In nature, creatures *usually* exert themselves for short
>amounts of time, and then they rest.  So, if this is true, y not use
>anaerobic bursts of strength (e.g. weight training) for health and skip the
>cardio entirely.
>Yes, you can do this. I can outlast many aerobic instructors in various
>activities. I do not run or train my cardiovascular system by any means
>other than High Intensity weight Training.
>What type of exercises should I do for health.  Here's what I'm doing now.
>As far as exercise, I'm definitely improving, but I'm for sure if it's
>Monday-Upper Body
>Hammer Strength Incline Press (2 work sets)
>Nautilus Machine Pullover (2 work sets)
>Curl-Grip Pulldown (2 work sets)
>Dumbbell Lat Raise (1 work set)
>Dumbbell Shoulder Press (1 work set)
>Your shoulders are getting blasted with this routine. Your body does not
>require that you work it from every angle in order to develop. Only perform
>exercises that work the greatest amounts of muscle mass at one time, such
>Squats and Deadlifts. I use Mike Mentzer's consolidation routine for the
>most part and I have no trouble packing on muscle and strength. Drop the
>Lateral Raises and Shoulder presses from your above routine and you'll have
>a good upper body workout. You may want to alternate chin-ups with your
>close grip pulldown.
>Thursday-Lower Body
>Full Squats (2 works sets)
>Leg Extension (2 work sets)
>1-legged calf raises w/ dumbbell (2 works sets for each calf)
>Drop the leg extensions. Squats will more than work the entire leg.
>Alternate Squats with Deadlifts to ensure that you hit everything. As with
>all advice, you have to make your own mind up about whether or not to
>it. I normally do not give advice on routines. As long as you are
>able to perform Squats and Deadlifts IN PROPER FORM, they are no more
>harmful for you than any other exercise. Always move slowly and under
>complete control. NEVER jerk or heave a weight. I terminate the set after I
>reach momentary muscular failure. Which means that I can no longer get one
>more rep no matter how hard I try. I only perform one set of each exercise,
>so my whole routine usually takes me no more than 20 minutes to finish. I
>rest for about 4-5 days between workouts. You make great demands on your
>body's system when you train in a High Intensity fashion. So you need to
>give it time to heal and grow. Exercise is in itself a science, people take
>it too far and it can have negative ramifications if not done properly.
>Exercise should not be, how much can I do, but how much do I need. More is
>not better, Less is not better, Precise is best. It takes a while for you
>tune into your specific needs. It's better to take the time to learn and
>listen to your body than to take the alternatives. Steroids  are a loosing
>proposition, these so called miracle powders and potions are no better than
>eating candy. They will not work! Eat right, train properly, rest
>and you will grow.  If you haven't already, check out these links:
> <>
> <>
>These will explain proper exercise to you or anyone else interested. And
>those who may be on the HIT Digest, you'll recognize my alias.
>Mr. Intensity

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