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Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 21:06:07 EST
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Been on the list about a year and have learned alot and can relate to many.
From St. Paul, MN. Age:41, expecting baby #5 in June. Suspect that a milk
sensitivity/intolerance/allergy has been 4 generations deep, correlating to
glandular diseases such as diabetes and thyroid. Was a colicky baby on cow's
milk formula.  Had many ear and tonsil infections as a kid, tonsils out at 5,
many sinus infections, rounds of antibiotics resulting in candida, resulting
in many food sensitivities, and eventually in hyperthyroid. Daughter #1 was
hyper as a baby and toddler from milk. Fresh milk especially, canned not as
much. Nursling daughter #2 stopped breathing at 6 months due to enlarged
adnoid obstruction (had them removed) which I later realized came from the
milk in my diet. Nursling son (#3) started the same pattern until I removed
dairy from my diet and then he stopped his funny breathing. Son (#4) has
never even been challenged with milk. Why bother? Recovered from hyperthyroid
by removing milk and other sensitivities from my diet and doing a thorough,
natural cleanse. Went on a more raw natural diet for several years. After 7
years have been able to reintroduce most of the eliminated foods except
mushrooms and dairy, and recently oats had to go. Can get away with corn very

And Kath, I think it is plausible that the body could forget an allergy if
totally abstinant from it. That's why they do boosters for immunizations, I
think. Also, doesn't the entire body renew every 7 years? Haven't been able
to get 7 whole years away from all exposures to test the theory, however. Of
course I'm no doctor, just a hopeful theorist.

And by the way, Don, we in Southern Minnesota got a light dusting of snow
about a month ago which didn't stay, and are still waiting for the real stuff!

Lisa, my son also has a discolored patchy tongue. The doctor said it is
called geographical tongue and they don't know what causes it, suspect a
virus or something. He doesn't get dairy except butter. It showed up about 6
months ago, moves around, but hasn't gone away. May not be dairy related in
your child, but coincidental?

This roll call has been fun! I had no idea we were so international! Carrie