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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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Tony Abdo <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Fri, 22 Dec 2000 19:21:54 -0600
Text/Plain (35 lines)
Issodhos,  I've been down in Laredo, Texas PASSING meds, not taking
them.      It's wonderful to be down here in the Eye of the
Hurricane.... Laredo.... center of 'Free Trade' and NAFTA, and all the
American things that you hold so dear.      Too bad you can't be down
here with me to enjoy the beauty!

There's lots of Migra down here, Izzy.     Just doing their job.     I'm
sandwiched in a little bend of the Rio Bravo, and they definitely make
their presence known in my barrio.     Just yesterday they were
surrounded by a group of neighborhood kids around their vehicles.
Got one of the ones without paper, they did!

I asked one of the Tejano Migra why he did what he did.     He told me
that he likes to work outdoors!    What a big kid, himself!     But the
city is kinda of dusty, except where the river flows.....     If you
want green, go work by the river....     Makes sense, in a way.

Would you like me to send you a mariachi or torta, Isso?       Do you
get to work outdoors, too?      Protecting borders is something to
consider doing for a living.    -BONUS-  Drinking caguamas in the
shade......       Send me your address, and I'll send you a postcard of
the Gateway City!


<Why, Yabba dabba, you're back! Have you gone off your medication
To those who may be new to this list, neither Yabba nor anyone else on
this list can produce any posting that would indicate that I am a
racist. For Yabba dabba, the charge of racism is often directed at
anyone that fails to agree with him. And, though I can understand the
position of those who support the death penalty, I am on record as not
supporting it for both philosophical and practical grounds.>