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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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William Meecham <[log in to unmask]>
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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 08:39:43 -0800
text/plain (158 lines)
Bush of course lost the vote (by about half million). And in fact
he got about 16% of the vote: 2/3 of the people are registered
half of those vote, and Bush got less that half of those.
> (415)868 1600 FAX (415) 868 0502
> P.O. Box 31
> Bolinas CA 94924
> email: [log in to unmask]
> January, 2001
> 2001: A Race Odyssey?
>  by Frank Scott
> The new year  begins with a relatively unpopular president, and a need
> to rethink our  economic dictatorship and its fake democracy, rather
> than  grumble about one or another corporate flunky in the white house .
> The new American CEO  represents less than 25% of the electorate. More
> than 100 million citizens didn’t bother with a charade of democracy that
> offered them a no-choice set of corporadoes. That majority seems to
> understand what a  confused  minority still needs to learn.
> Because consciousness controllers convinced them that Bush would  change
> america to a 19th century nation, and that he stole the election to do
> so,  some near hysterics have missed an unescapable fact:  there has
> been no change at all. Corporate wealth is still in control of
> everything .
> The Constitution  some see as  holy scripture defiled by an evil court
> is in reality a legal tool, for use within a political  structure
> organized around private control of a political economy. The court did
> exactly what the constitution - and the electoral college - enables it
> to do: it maintained that control.
> Now, a new intellectual lightweight will  preside over an executive
> committee of crooks who support affirmative action for corporate
> conservatives, instead of for corporate liberals. And the  opposition
> will  approve most of his  appointees, displaying  the unity of
> capital’s hired hands.
> Mass murderer Colin Powell, a supporter of affirmative action, will
> replace mass murderer Madeline Albright,  a supporter of affirmative
> action. A  feminist cheering section will be replaced by a  civil
> rights  cheering section. White America’s favorite black man will be
> treated even more heroically than in the past, as spineless and
> brainless Democrats join in his praises.
> And Condaleeza Rice will fill Bush’s  mental echo-chamber  with national
> in-security advice , and please those women and african americans who
> suffer from a moral dementia that transcends sex or race.
> Identity politics and the diversity buzzword  are clarified in their
> corporate  meaning:  minority tokens on the  executive board , to show
> that there is  equality in America.  Sure.
> All who accept the system of war, pollution and poverty, can be seated
> near power, no matter what their race , sex , religious or sexual
> persuasion. This administration has a gay in the family, and
> multi-racial killers and thieves in its extended family. One cheer for
> “diversity”.
> And two hollow cheers for the  xmas season of disappointed sellers ,
> though happy consumers found bargains for things they didn't really need
> . Sales were off during the  shopping orgy on which thousands depend for
> their profits, and in which millions incur more debt . Not this year, as
> on Wall Street, where the  dot-com fabric has begun to unravel. The new
> president  will see  an over-inflated economic balloon that may not be
> bursting, but is rapidly losing air .
> Hysteria over allegedly stolen elections, and unawareness of the theft
> that happened long before any vote was cast, is an example of our
> bewildered state of mind . Kept rich in fiction but poor in information
> , our  mental shortcomings  were never more clear to a global population
> we dominate with our weapons, while believing it is  our system of
> democracy that makes us strong. The world giggles, but this no laughing
> matter for us.
> Even with our problems, we  begin the year with more social action for
> change than before, even if some  of it may seem misguided . We need to
> read the signs of reality with a clear focus, unclouded by mind
> managers, and gain control of our senses, if we would ever control our
> country.
> Here are figures from  the Federal Reserve that tell us more about our
> nation than any alleged electoral irregularity:
> Between 1977 and 1999, the after-tax income of the top fifth of
> americans increased 43 percent, while that of the top 1 percent
> increased 115 percent. At the same time, the majority of all households
> lost  economic ground or struggled to maintain the same level.
> Between 1983 and 1998, the wealth of the top 1 percent grew by 42
> percent, while the bottom 40 percent saw their net worth fall by 76
> percent.
> The top 1% now own 34% of total national wealth, up from 30% in 1992.
> That is more than is owned by the bottom 90%.
> During the 1990s , If the minimum wage had risen as fast as  top CEO pay
> , it would now be $24.13  an hour instead of $5.15.
> And personal  debt  keeps rising , as  Americans  spend more than they
> make.  Millions of consumers are buying "on credit", which is why
> millions of other Americans are working to make the goods and perform
> the services being purchased. As a result, the economy seems healthy ,
> but it is getting sicker every day.
> Consumer credit is growing at a staggering 9% annual rate . In 1994,
> 780,000 Americans filed for bankruptcy. By 1999, the number  had soared
> to 1,281,000.  Solution? Corporate congress is working to make it harder
> for ordinary citizens to file for bankruptcy.
> And hunger in america grows, as millions of families needed charity to
> feed themselves in the midst of the  excess of gluttony we call a
> holiday season.
> These  intimations of inequality should make clear  what is happening to
> our political economic system , controlled by a corporate mafia with two
> sets of mobsters,  two standards of morality, but one  ruling set of
> capitalist values.
> It is time to rethink the state of our nation, and those controlling
> values which thrive on pollution, waste, unequal wealth and human
> misery. We don’t need grumbling over personalities, or which  corporate
> gang is in charge. We need  social actions  that  move us away from
> continued loss and despair for so many, and toward material and
> spiritual progress  for all.  Far more important than a president or a
> party, we need substantial change in our  political economic system.
> Happy New Year.
> Copyright (c) 2001 by Frank Scott. All rights reserved.
>              This text may be used and shared in accordance with the
>              fair-use provisions of U.S. copyright law, and it may be
>            archived and redistributed in electronic form, provided that
>             the author is notified and no fee is charged for access.
>            Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on
>           other terms, in any medium, requires the consent of the author
> .
> frank scott
> email: [log in to unmask]
> 225 laurel place, san rafael ca. 94901
> (415)457 2415   fax(415)457 4791