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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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William Meecham <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 14:28:57 -0800
text/plain (47 lines)
AND 2/3 of the people see no reason to vote (not the corp. media'half')
only 2/3 are registered and only half of those vote, this 2/3
no vote.
> Come off it, Jeff.     There has been no 'coup', just as there has been
> no democratic election in the United States.      The Democratic Party
> was complicit TOTALLY, in turning over the White House to Bush and Gang.
> So how do you get off in blaming non- voters, so turned off by this
> entire pile of phony electoral baloney fostered on us by the corporate
> media?
> And what is voting improperly?       Is it a little like driving while
> Black or Brown?      Dumb voters!     It's their fault that the junk
> machines were put in their communities where their votes would get
> chucked!      Assholes!      Get some money and go live in a better off,
> more Republican community.
> And Issodhos.... with his usual bizzarre idiocies!     Yes, Issodhos,
> that Dick Cheney is toooo liberal for me.     An 'Dub' doesn't push the
> death penaty for Blacks as much as you, the great Issodhos would like.
> No wonder you coudn't vote for them, Izzy.
> Michael P.?     You find Issodhos more intellectually stimulating than
> William Meecham?!       Yes???    Then I prefer Jela over your babble,
> too.        You need a political re-education camp to straighten up your
> limp brand of 'socialism'.       Let me talk to Jela about openings.....
> and then get back to you.
> How you can take a preference to Issodhos and his constant racism on
> this list is hard to understand?     But then again, you preferred Blair
> and Clinton over the satanic SM.      Go figure?
> Sincerely, Tony
> _________________________________
> <And my guy did not even place. I leave it to the party hacks of both
> sides and the moronic undecideds to squabble over which liberal becomes
> figurehead to their "true believers". Yours,
> Issodhos>
> ________________________________
> Jeff.....
> <Everyone know that if all US citizens voted (instead of a pitiful
> 40-some percent) the Democrats would win every time. The blame for
> allowing this 'coup' to occur, rests with those who did not vote, and
> those who voted improperly.>