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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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Tony Abdo <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Wed, 21 Jun 2000 01:54:11 -0500
Text/Plain (66 lines)
To Issodhos-

Your repetitive announcement that there is no evidence that innocent
people have gotten the death penalty is unmitigated racism and
dishonesty.      The record shows that the US judicial system supported
legalized slavery and/or government enforced segregation for centuries.
This evidently is not evidence enough of racial bias for you to accept.

The fact that primarily White law enforcement personnel continuously
murder minorities in the street is also not a factor in your statistical
methods, neither.    In your statistics, these death penalty victims
were all without evidence of being innocent people put to death.
There is also no accounting in your death penalty 'fairness'
measurements of all those lynchings in US history, neither?

You choose to ride one, out of place single statistic to buttess your
racism- that slightly over 50% put to death are Black, while that
somewhat approximates the number of those that are convicted of murder
who are also Black.     This is evidence enough for a fair judicial
system's application of law?    Never mind history or anythng else?

Why stop here with your racist statistical analysis?     Explain why
slightly over 50% of murders are committed by Blacks?
I don't want to wreck your statistics too much, but could one factor be
that when police murder suspects in the street, it doesn't even  get
included in the murder statistics you use?

Or how about some other ways to add statistics together.     Let's add
in all the children that die of abuse, manslaughter cases,  etc.
Could the bias be in the very definition of what legally constitutes
murder?     Kind of like the difference between how  powder cocaine and
crack abuse is racially structured into the law as 2 separate offenses,
instead of 1?

The percentage of wrongful deaths attributed to Blacks as compared to
White then begins to fall in percentage.     It won't fall to being an
equal correlation to the Black percentage of the population.     Because
crimes of violence are correlated to poverty, and not skin color.

Blacks, living in much worse poverty, are still going to be committing
violent crimes in a greater percent than the White population, which
doesn't suffer the same low levels of income.    Plus,  the racist
application of laws for non violent crimes, exposes a much larger
percentage of Blacks to the violence of the penal system, schools for

Here's another statistic you should plug into your phony statistical
erasure of racism from within the judicial system.      Try calculating
murder committed by a White run penal and judicial system that promotes
HIV and  rape within prison walls.     Juggle that around in your
calculator for a while.    Now, what percentage of Blacks get the death
        To put things in perspective, Liebman is an
anti- capital punishment activist, so his conclusions would
automatically be suspect when viewed by a disinterested observer, and
the fact that there have been so many reversals with absolutely no
evidence of an innocent person being executed would indicate that the
system is actually working. As to the claim that non-whites are being
"targeted" for the death penalty because they represent a significant
percentage of those person on death row, may have something to do with
the fact that they commit murder out of all proportion to their
percentage of the general population.