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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Thu, 10 Feb 2000 06:56:20 -0500
text/plain (98 lines)
By the way, for people who have a problem with Andrej's English - it's
probably appropriate for this discussion of who, and what, Serb's are, to
have the discussion in Serbian, or at least a Slavic language. I mean, if
we know all about the place and its people and history and culture, etc.,
we must speak a little of the language, no?
[log in to unmask]

> From: Andrej Grubacic <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [CHOMSKY] FW: United States/Kosovo
> Date: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 7:52 PM
> Yes, that was exactly what I have asked for. My english is imperfect, of
> course, but  think that I'have been clear in my message, or kind request
> that lumping "Serbs" into one category, demonized and labeled as
> "genocidal", is something that is in sociology text books described as
> RACISM; I asked that certain person(s) seize using insulting  references
>  racist ones) , without any intention to supress anyone's right to speak.
>  Tracy and Iss-bla-bla what his name, have understood this quite well.
> please, leave Balkans and Balkan people the fuck alone! Direct your
> arrogance on some other list, more in accord with your political beliefs.
> White Storm Front, for instance.
>                                @g
> "Nothing is more dangerous for man's private morality than the
> habit of command. The best man, the most intelligent,
> disinterested, generous, pure, will infallibly & always be
> spoiled at this trade. Two sentiments inherent in power never
> fail to produce this demoralization; they are: contempt for the
> masses & the overestimation of one's own merits."
>                     Bakunin
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: frank scott <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 12:38 AM
> Subject: Re: [CHOMSKY] FW: United States/Kosovo
> > What we have here is a failure to the accusations back
> > and forth on racism and suppression of freedom...take a deep breath,
> > kids!
> >
> > Andre speaks very clearly, though he is obviously using a language that
> > is at least his second. he doesn't seem - to this less than humble
> > observer - to be  for suppressing anyone's right to speak, but rather
> > speaks against  the use of insulting terms and references to a specific
> > people who are fair game for bigots who never think of themselves as
> > bigots...
> >
> > lumping "serbs" together as vicious, murdering, genocidal types is even
> > dumber than lumping germans into that category...ease up, please...this
> > is america, and we take a back seat to no
> > people...when it comes to going about our business ( shopping, driving,
> > working, eating, etc) while "we" bomb, shoot, kill, maim , etc, via our
> > geopolitical and separate entities called government, military and so
> > forth and so on...
> >
> > at least the bloody bastards who killed and are being killed (yet!
> > still!) in kosovo have a passionate involvement in their bloody
> > deeds...before we indulge ourselves in superior, snooty and really
> > aggravating crap - labeling others from our high position as
> > shoppers-while-others-slaughter-for-us enlightened types - we might
> > consider the facts, the death tolls and face reality.
> >
> > the "serbs" are no better or worse than the "kosovo albanians", but
> > might...just morally superior to a group that does nothing
> > but argue , debate and name call, while others use its tax dollars to
> > kill...who dat?????
> >
> > Life becomes cheaper, much cheaper, when an entire people are invisible
> > (Iraq) or demonized (Serbs)...and by the way, I also think the stuff
> > about the right-winger in austria is none of our damned business...if
> > they voted for the shmuck ( if he is a shmuck), it is their
> > problem...all this allegedly high toned protest against him comes from
> > some very low-class apologists for mass murder and rape, as long as
> > murder and rape is conducted under liberal, corporate capital rules of
> > "civility"....screw them, too...
> >
> > and if we don't create a reasonable, respectful voice for radical
> > politics, we will face greater right wing expression here in the
> > USA...when the left-liberal-progressive wing indulges in the kind of
> > stuff that we do here, it is no wonder that "masses", that legendary
> > entity spoken of in the abstract but rarely dealt with except with
> > disrespect, will move to the right...check history, but don't deny it,
> > please...
> >
> > fs